Kelly Ripa Workout?


I happen to see Kelly Ripa on t.v. and was amazed at how good her arms looked. I knew she was on the cover of Shape magazine last April and thought I'd take a look at her workout. I ended up at and caught a video of her workout. WOW! I loved the simple yet functional exercises that she does. Here's a link: I also read somewhere that she does 100 push-ups during her workout. Does anyone have any details about this kind of workout or have done something similar, either that you've created or a DVD?

I realize she has a small frame, but WOW she is tiny. That workout looks like so much fun though! I think I'm going to have to make one of my friends into my fitness buddy so I can try it out. I have no idea re: the details, but it seems like you'd have to sort of wing it at first anyway and figure out what works best for you.

I especially liked the "working out frustrations at work" ball bounce :D and the ab pike- pushup combo. Never thought of that. Thanks for posting Terri!

She's been working out at Physique 57 - its on youtube - and they have a program like Dove's kind of....over at VF I read they are coming out with a video this fall too.
She's been working out at Physique 57 - its on youtube - and they have a program like Dove's kind of....over at VF I read they are coming out with a video this fall too.

It does look like Dove's workouts. Ugh! I've been on the fence about purchasing them!
They are getting mixed reviews and it's hard to tell if I'll like them. I like high rep workouts.

here's the link to Dove's dvd's.
She really cracks me up!

I did like the ball stuff for abs and the Alpahbet thing. Might have to give that a shot and see how it feels. Kelly Ripa is just funny and you cannot help but feel happy watching her! :)
It does look like Dove's workouts. Ugh! I've been on the fence about purchasing them!
They are getting mixed reviews and it's hard to tell if I'll like them. I like high rep workouts.

here's the link to Dove's dvd's.

Me, too! And, they are $30 a piece - I am worried I will not like them...are there any other reviews out there that you know of?
Me, too! And, they are $30 a piece - I am worried I will not like them...are there any other reviews out there that you know of?

The reviews I've seen are on the Ya Ya board and Video Fitness forum. The reviews are mixed so it's very hard to tell. I like total body workouts.
Apparently, if you like the Slim Series, you'll like this.
Unfortunately, I don't have the Slim Series and the reviews on that program are mixed too.

The price is holding me back on the Dove's. I would pay that for a Cathe workout, but for an unknown like Rose Dove. A few e-merchants have approached Dove about carrying the workout (Collage & Total Fitness DVD's) but Dove turned them down.
I know I like Chalene Johnson, so I think I'll save my money for ChaLean extreme coming out Oct 8.

If Dove drops her prices, I'll reconsider. That's my story- and I'm sticking to it!( at least for today:p)
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I purchased the Slim Series and ended up giving them away. Nothing against Debbie, but she's just not as good as Cathe. Her cueing is off, the number of reps aren't consistent and she seems to fly by the seat of her pants for some of the routines. If the Dove series is like this, I definately won't purchase. Cathe definately sets the bar high!

I looked for some more of Kelly's workouts and I think I'll have to create something similiar. Now, if Cathe would make a video like this, I'd purchase that in a New York minute!:D

None of the complaints about Dove's workouts were about form, counting, or cueing. In fact, the reviews said she was one of the best at cueing.
Some were concerned the pace was too fast, but the initial reviews stated otherwise.

The complaints have been the music, Rose Dove's serious demeanor, set is too dark and dreary.

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