|:|:|:|:|:|:| keepin'-it-sqeaky wednesday |:|:|:|:|:|:|

Oh man, was I ever close to skipping my WO!!! (Iactually fell asleep rocking Julia and woke up drooling on her head....again.:eek::p) But I kicked butt on HiLo Med Ball. yay!!!!!!

Robin, WTG on not giving in to cheats! You did awesome!!

Anne, Tentative congrats on the house! Glad things are moving forward. Does this mean Jim is keeping the house?

Patti, OOOOOH! Have fun!!!! Hope your flights are cooperative!

Colleen, Good for you for listening to your body. Get some good sleep!

Lisa, Great WO! And no cheats! Your busy bod needs healthy food to fuel it!

Katie, You doin' okay??????
Wow Kate, I get purple font?!? I am fabulous, thankyouverymuch!

I made chicken fajitas for dinner -tried a new marinade recipe and it was SALTY and NOT GOOD. I have been sucking down the water like you wouldn't believe. Might should leave the scale alone tomorrow....
Fajitas sounds good, Katie! Sorry they were sucky.
And you ARE fabulous!:D:D:D
And is it weird that I semi-like that "I'm so thristy I need water now" feeling?????

I want to go in the kitchen and eat my way into oblivion!!!! Feelin' snacky.... staying in the bedroom!!
Surfing Food Network's website. Not a good idea. Really want to bake something....

Kate - Good idea on staying in the bedroom. I need to stay away from the grocery store right now. I would buy everything and anything I think.

Anne - Fingers crossed for the condo!!

Colleen - Hope that cold goes away quick.

Patti - Enjoy your time with DH!


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