Keep hard earned muscle-- lose body fat?

Hi Cathe, question that has probably been asked of you a million times. Here we go anyway, what is the best way to burn off that bodyfat and get it down to a nice percentage, say upper teens without losing muscle? I know aerobics is part of it, but how often should you do those aerobics, 3 or 4 or 5 times a week and what type? Thanks Cathe. Maybe I'm thinking about it more with the holidays here and all.
I looked up some previous threads and boy did I get some information about this, it was conflicting but I guess unless Cathe were to answer it would seem you have to try what's right for your body. On one thread people went on and on about this for quite a while, pretty interesting.
Sorry Mic, you really haven't had any replies. I can suggest you read Lean Bodies by Cliff Sheets. You'd be surprised what you'd learn. It worked for me. Maybe it will work for you.

Thanks for the book suggestion. I'm going to get it from the library today. While I searched for the book I noticed Sheets is actually Sheats -- just wanted to pass that on in case anyone is searching by author.

Looking forward to reading the book!

Thanks again!
(different Marla:7 )
>Hey Marla, Don't we have a cool name? I used to hate it as a
>kid. LOL. I know- off topic. :p

Yes -- I do love it now, but hated it as a kid, too. I actually tried to convince my mom to change my name to Tracy. LOL!

>Let me know what you think of the book,

Hi Cathy,

I got the book from the library today and it looks very good. A couple of chapters include:
* Lean Protein: A Metabolic Activator
* Accelerating Bodyfat Loss
* Fat-Burning/Health-Building Exercise
* Nutritional Needs of Exercisers and Athletes

I'm very interested in the nutrional needs of exercisers (along with all the rest of the book). I know I need to eat smarter so I can workout better and achieve my goals. I feel like this is a major issue for me.

Marla (in Michigan)
as many times as you want. keep the cardio short and intense. the hour and a half long cardio sessions do nothing but eat at hard earned muscle. your cardio sessions should be followed by a meal containing a good amount of carbohydrate and a quick digesting protein source such as whey.
Thanks Marla,
(I have only known one other Marla in my life ...when I was in highschool). This question has plagued me at times too. Losing body fat and gaining muscle simultaneously seem also mutually exclusive. You need to be ingesting less calories than you need to burn body fat, but other tissues are also burned to supply the needed energy, including muscle. In order to build muscle, you need some extra claories and protein in your diet. Unless all of those extra calories are only going to support new muscle growth than yopu will also be adding fat. Go figure. I have been wondering as another poster suggested if it is best to focus on cardio first,( with some moderate strength training only) till you lose the fat that you want to lose and then focus on strength training with some moderate cardio. With that being said, over the past year almost two years, I have lost 16 lbs and gained 4lbs muscle by doing both cardio and strength simultaneously. Perhaps I could be more efficient at gaining muscle bt following another rotation.

I am now into chapter 3 of "Lean Bodies." Very interesting. I do recommend reading it. A couple of general tidbits from the book:

"Without enough carbohydrates to use for energy, your body draws on protein in the muscle for energy. Muscle tissue is lost as a result."

"Protein combined with carbohydrates slows the digestion for a steady, even release of energy. Also, protein drives the metabolism. Without enough protein, your body is less able to burn fat."

I borrowed my copy from the library, but I just ordered one on I bought a hardcover for about a dollar. I know I want to highlight a lot of things and have this book to refer to in the future. There is a lot of good information in this book.

Marla G.
This sounds like a book worth buying, it's interesting that no matter how long you've been working out you always seem to learn something new that might work better for you than the way you'be been doing things.
I remember when I was following this 1oo%, my body would feel so warm at night, like I was on fire. I was NOT uncomfortable but my DH noticed it saying I was like a furnace. That's the state Cliff Sheats tries to get you in. Constantly burning fuel, revving up your metabolism. I haven't felt like that in a while because I'm not consistent about my meals.

Hey - thanks for the info. on the book. I found a used hardcover on Amazon for $1.00. I'm getting the cookbook too, mostly because it has a TON of recipes for fish and I don't have any in my current library. There's only so many times I can have basic broiled fish before I'm ready to scream!
I know what you mean about the fish!!! I bought the Lean Bodies cookbook, too. :9

I also bought the Lean Bodies Total Fitness book, which focuses more on exercise, efficient fat burning, weight training, feeding a fit body, etc. I was able to find all these books used (sometimes new) for very little cost at either, and eBay.

Best wishes,

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