Katrina timeline

My mom follows all this stuff real close, and she explained to me today that Fema isn't what everyone thinks it is, Fema doesn't come in and clean up the mess, Fema is an organizer, they call other organizations and tell them where they are needed.

She also told me that yes Bush declared the state of emergency 2 whole days before hand, AFTER THAT, it was strickly up to the GOVERNOR of La, and the Mayor of New Orleans to follow thru, they did not.

She also told me that some time ago the leader of the city of new orleans I believe it was sent around a procedure that would be put in place when and if a hurricane ever struck, and they didn't follow thru with that procedure.

My understanding is alot of the blame is placed at the feet of the Governor of La and the Mayor of New Orleans.

The Mayor of New Orleans sent the policemen on an ALL expense paid trip to Las Vegas, so they weren't even there. Whats up with that?

Just sharing what I found out today..... Rhonda
OMG people, maybe we should just leave the discussion alone. It is obvious there are a lot of varying opinions here & I don't think anyone means to outright offend. Let's just leave enough alone, shall we??? :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

>And lastly, I have nothing more to add to this discussion but I would encourage you to apply some critical thinking of your own instead of relying on someone's bias, even if it is in line with your own. No story is one-sided.

I completely agree with you on thinking critically.
Actually the variety and flavors of timelines are quite amazing. At the end of the first link provided by Carol, it sums it up pretty well, across the board there were major problems, and let's hope across the board the government cleans up their act before the next disaster be it manmade of natural.
I just wanted to say that if I did offend anyone, I am very sorry. That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to share the info that I found out.......... Rhonda:)
I think a lot of people read these websites that are slanted either way, or read a newspaper article or watch a show, and don't realize there is a slant on it. Each side is desparately trying to spin, and what good does it do the people in New Orleansor Gulf Coast? An investigation afterwards is warrented, with the intent to FIX not blame, impeach, ruin someone. Unfortunately, it will be done in the wrong flavor and I have my doubts whether anything will be fixed.

Meanwhile, SOMEONE better be ready as there are more storms.
Look, I'm not stupid; of course I know that was a liberal website with all this additional commentary in it. In fact, I didn't even read most of that stuff about Bush. All I was trying to point out was that the Louisiana governor did in fact declare a state of emergency and asked for federal help (because many people are claiming she didn't), Bush declared a federal emergency, and FEMA didn't even get a task force out there until days later, in fact didn't even request a task force until after the hurricane hit NO.

That's ALL I'm trying to point out. Even the CNN timeline concurs with that. The rest of the timeline you can believe/disbelieve.

Yes, I'm sure it gets your goat when you hear people quote you liberal spin, just as much as it gets my goat when I hear people quoting from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh: SPIN!
Oh--You guys--give it a rest already!!! Just do whatever you can to make a difference and stop all this bickering.

Look at preventative measures that could have been done - If I'm wrong then please correct me but the Mayor of NO could have forced the evactuation of those who didn't leave - he had at least 500 city buses he could have used to get people out before the storm hit (and those are the poorer people who got left behind) plus - if he told people to go to the dome - why not ensure there was security and someone in charge etc? as far as I'm concerned, when he called for 500 greyhound buses after the fact - he was a few days late - use your city buses or callfor greyhound buses beforehand to get those out who didn't have the means on thier own to get out!
I often wondered why the mayor didn't ensure that there was security and help set in place at the dome to keep order and ensure safety myself. He sent people there and then left them with nothing, no supplies, no water, not even someone to protect them, even if it was from themselves. I don't see how that could be the federal governments fault. This is just one huge ugly mess.

Isn't the train station 1 block from the dome? Why didn't the plan train the people out? There is so much that was done before that does not make sense.

Elaine, if you want us to look at the facts, don't post an obviously slanted website, post something that is a little less biased. There is a lot of information out there if you look that tells a little bit more about the story. Watch some live news conferences, they are also very telling as the media has not had a chance to edit it and slant it.

And slam Fox if you want, but even O'Reilly is saying that all levels of Government are at fault, and if you watched their coverage, they were definately asking why the Feds were not there, along with everyone else. Not as biased coverage as you may think.
I agree - first of all its a big ugly mess as Missy says and - if there was a train - then why not get people on the train and just ship 'em out? Wouldn't that be a mandatory evacuation? And, there should have been some law and order in that superdome - that to me, is crazy! I'm not saying that FEMA should't escape blame - but lets look at what could have been done before the storm hit and then look at the response to it - there were mistakes made all the way!!
Yes, ok, you make a valid point. I shouldn't have posted that website b/c it is obviously slanted. And I do agree that governments at all levels are at fault. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I have to admit that it's unfortunate that conservatives and liberals are so divided on practically everything. If the president happened to be a Democrat, the roles would be reversed: Republicans would blame the federal government, and Democrats would defend them.

I will try to be more open-minded, how 'bout that?
>I have to admit that it's unfortunate that conservatives and
>liberals are so divided on practically everything. If the
>president happened to be a Democrat, the roles would be
>reversed: Republicans would blame the federal government, and
>Democrats would defend them.

I am sorry to say that I agree with you. Had Kerry been our president and everything was happening EXACTLY the same, all of the liberals would be defending him and the republicans would be blaming him, no matter who is right or wrong. I think that is very sad. I really believe, especially after all of this, that what will ultimately lead to America's destruction is America itself (look at Rome). We pulled together after 9/11 and stood as one. We pulled together during tsunami to help those abroad. But when something happens within our borders that was not caused by an ouside party, we fall apart and everything turns into a political debate over who gets the glory and who takes the fall. We are all frickin' Americans, or better yet, we are all one human race around the world. We really need to get over our arrogance and pride. JMO.

Yes, Elaine, I most certainly agree with you there, this bipartisan "you know what" needs to stop and we need to help these people. And yes, the right will lay in wait and pounce when the shoe is turned, and it is ridiculous.

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