Kathy Smiths Pilates For Abs


Hi there, Anna here (again),

Just wondering if anyone owns this vid ? If so, is it worth spending hard earned money on it ? Just wondering because I think Pilates work on the abs is fantastic ? Almost miracle like ? :D

Many thanks

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-02 AT 08:29AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-02 AT 08:29 AM (Est)[/font]

Hi Anna, I have that tape and was not that impressed with it. I do not think that it was worth the money. Just my opinion. I have only used it a few time. Mary
Thanks Mary,

I shall bear that in mind, I really thought it might be a good tape ? Maybe I should stick to Cathe's Ab hits !

I have that tape, and I like it. I like the way it is organized, I like that it is less than half and hour, and I like Kathy smith's demeanor. She is more serous and teacherly in this workout. The think I don't like is the set and I think her outfit is a little harsh on the eyes, but those are minor annoyances. I used to do the tape often, but haven't done it in awhile. This is not because I've 'grown out of it', just because I haven't been concentrating on pilates.
Hi Anna,

I'm not familiar with Kathy Smith's tape but did want to comment about Pilates. Results can be terrific but it's not a miracle. It's hard work. It's like resistance training, you can make it just as hard as you need.

Moira Stott & Jennifer Kries tapes are very good but many find them too dry. But now there are so many that have jumped on the Pilates bandwagon that it's tough to chose. Karen Voight has a few Pilates inspired tapes, these are much lighter & you still get a good workout. FYI she's quite relaxed & bubbly in her newer tapes. You might check at Video Fitness (in the Reader Forum) to see who's hot & who's not. I think quite a few are into Winsor tapes.


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