Kate Sommerville Products?



I purchased a Hydrating Serum from Kate Sommerville. I read rave
reviews on this product line. I wanted a product to hydrate unlike
some of the mosisturers I have. Since I had my second child
my skin is dry. The product line is expensive!!!! I paid $66.00 for
1oz. My husband will not be too happy. I will have to use sparingly.
Has anyone tried??
I have--of course!;) I used her whole line when we stayed at the Wilshire in Beverly Hills, they had them in the bathrooms. I loved them. But of course I grew bored and wanted a more aggressive skincare line, so I am using Obagi right now. The only thing I have stuck with besides Strivectin for almost a year now.
I started out with the NUDERM line of Obagi. It is aggressive and great for ridding your face of pigmentation/wrinkles/acne.. It is a 6 month program, all the products cost about 400 dollars. I originally bought them from a derm, but then started getting them on skinstore.com after I knew which products I needed-cheaper .

They last forever, and are so worth the investment you guys, at a certain age you need to treat your problems, not just moisturize. I get compliments on my skin all the time and do not even wear foundation.The only important product they do not sell online is the retinol, that you have to get from a med spa or derm.

I now use the Obagi RX line, its more vitamin C based and uses fewer products. I love, love, love it.
Oh, the name of the products? You start with the cleanser, then use the Clear, then the Exodermforte then the sunscreen in the AM.

In the PM, you use the cleanser, the Clear and then the Blender, you mix it with the retinol, avoiding the eye area of course. You start off using the retinol/blender twice a week, gradually working up to more as your skin tolerates. You will peel, you will feel "flushed" sometimes, its agressive and not for the faint of heart.
Thanks for all the information!!! I don't mind agressive if it works.
Great Information. I will go one line. I wish I had emailed
before I purchased from Kate Sommerville but now I know. Sounds
like your alot like me with taking care of your skin!! I see
fine lines around my eyes that were not there before. I will
be 35 so its to be expected. I hate to sound superficial but
hey we all have to take care of ourselves right?!
Tneah, I too have been doing the Obagi system - same products as you used for the first six months. I am waiting for my derm to return my call... did you switch to the RX line after the six month period? Is that what your doctor recommended? How would you say it compares to the other line? Just curious.

By the way, I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to commit to the system! It is truly the only thing I've seen results with. My skin was not too bad to begin with (i'm 42) but still I saw great results.

Tneah & Krista,

I went to skin care.com and purchased some of the Obagi products you
recommended. I said I wasn't going to buy anything else since I
treated myself to the Kate Sommervile hydrating fluid. I am 34
and starting to notice fine lines that were not there just a few
years ago. I agree with Tneah as far as treating the skin instead
of using products that may not do the trick. So many people
neglect their skin. I will let you know what I think. I am
hoping the Obagi is something I will love and stick with.
Thanks for the information.

Actually I thought it was 6 weeks, instead of 6 months, so thats what I did, then I switched for the past few months, the RX is vitamin C based, I like it, seems a little harsher than the Nuderm on my particular skin though.
I am starting the Nuderm program again, more the maintenance one though. My skin is awesome and I am happy with the products.
Thank you Tneah for your response... ironically, I just got my call back from my Dr. (only been a week...LOL) anyway, I go in Wed to find out what they are going to do.

Jennifersmom, keep in mind buying Obagi over the internet and not a dermatologist ... your face does go through some harsh changes at first, so don't get freaked out... it will peel, or flake, look flushed.... it will have a mind of its own for a while... AND WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN! i've been on it for 6 months and woke up all flaky... but it is so worth it, your skin will look wonderful!


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