Kari Anderson Workout?

I've tried a few of her workouts. I've owned United Steps, Great Moves 201 (?) hi-lo, Danceworks, Angles, Lines and Curves and Tone-it-Up.
Kari is a good instructor. She's very polished and professional, and has some unique choreography. She's friendly and warm.
That said, I haven't clicked with her or her workouts. I've traded 2 away, and never do the ones I have left. She is NOTHING like Cathe--much dancier choreography. I love Chrisi Taylor, but for some reason I just don't like doing Kari's workouts.
Hope that helps somewhat.
Hey there! I have to agree with Wendy on this one. Kari is warm and funny, made me smile the whole time I was trying ever so hard to figure out where on earth to put my feet! She makes almost every step look effortless.....but me, I am hopeless when it comes to even the simplest "dancy" move. I was trying to expand my cardio horizons, since I stand for 12-13 hours a day at work, my legs and knees ache almost all the time, so I was looking for some more gentle, but heart pumping cardio(which by the way, I do not think exists), but I got all lost, and she is a VERY good insructor! I was trying my dardnest, but I gave up, and put Cathe in the vcr instead. But if you like dancy....she is really quite good. Have a nice evening! Donna.
The only workouts I own by her are Hot Steps and Angles, Lines, & Curves II. I think Hot Steps is a good medium intensity step workout. I do not think it is too complex choreographically-wise, but is definitely not simple. It has some pretty fun moves. However, towards the end, when she puts everything together, she doesn't cue every move. She seems to expect you to know it and cues like every third to fourth move. That can be bothersome. I like Angles, Lines, and Curves II because it is the only workout of the kind that I own other than one other yoga tape- but it is not exactly yoga. It is a series of choreographed moves for strengthening the body and increasing flexibility. However, I must admit that I don't use it very often. I am very conditioned to not consider having worked out during a day unless I have lifted weights or done an actual cardio tape.

I like Kari Anderson, though I only own the dynaband toning one (you get a free dynaband with it :) Good for non-weight days). I do plan though on getting some moreof Kari's workouts :)

Anna :)
Kari is very dancy - like ballet dancy. I think she was a member of the Joffrey ballet. She is VERY graceful, and watching her made me feel even more klutzy - kind of like a duck (me) chasing a swan (Kari). I didn't think her choreography was too difficult, but I just couldn't get into her. I had "2-the-Max", "Great Moves 102", "IDEA Excellence" and "Sweat Express". I've traded all of them.

If you like to dance, you'll probably like Kari. I prefer more athletic styles e.g. Cathe, Gin, Tamilee and Keli - so Kari wasn't really for me. She is very popular, so I know her style does appeal to some people. Try to buy a used video from the Ya-Ya Swap or Ebay. I'm sure you can get a good price, especially on her older tapes.

Lisa :)
I have hot steps from Kari and I have to say I like it when I am in the mood to change things up. It is dancier than athletic, but it is a great step routine. I also recommend Christi Taylor step routines.
I have Angles, Lines & Curves. I haven't done it much, and now I'm not flexible enough to do it (post-accident). So I'll sell it to you if you want it on VHS--just let me know here. (I think you can preview it on Collage Video's website.)
I have a lot of Kari Anderson workouts and love them. I started with Sweat Express quite a few years ago and have bought most of her tapes ever since. When I first started out I was a complete klutz with two left feet but credit these videos to my newfound coordination. It is such a buzz to get the moves down and to actually execute them somewhat gracefully. Kari is a calm and motivating instructor (in many ways very similar to Cathe!)with interesting and exciting moves - I am never bored with her workouts.

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