Karen Voight facelift??


Karen Voight used to be my exercise guru before I found Cathe. Every 6 months or so I check out her website to see if there is anything new. Her latest transformation is rather astounding IMHO. www.karenvoight.com
It looks as if Karen has had some major face work done. When she acquired the big chest a few years ago I was a bit put off. She is the same age as me and I always found her to be an inspiration. I guess her message is that you will never look that good after 45 unless you go under the knife. In the picture on her website she looks like an entirely different person, very attractive. Maybe I need her plastic surgeon!!
It looks like her skin is pulled back. Very cat like. It's not attractive to me. The skin looking pulled back like that creeps me out.

I think women look beautiful naturally as they age. It just doesn't look right when they mess with nature.
Well, as another 45 yr old, I can see it both ways. There is a very very big difference between "looking good" and "looking good for your age". I find it difficult to accept how I am thin and fit but my facial skin and hair grayness are making me look old and "ugly" by our cultural standards. I think women look "beautiful" as they age, assuming they are fit and healthy, but they never look as good as when they were 25. I find arguments to the contrary to be delusional. Not to say that some people may actually think that people are equally beautiful at 25, 45 and 85 if they have that inner beauty thang going on, but I don't think I will ever agree.

Karen Voight looked much younger, yet her face had changed a lot. She looked almost like a different person. But, maybe it's worth it. It's such a personal decision. I feel guilty wasting money I dont really have to spend on something like plastic surgery when so many good humanitarian causes could alleviate so much injustice and suffering with the 10 grand I could donate instead. Or maybe I should use the money to pay for my daughter's education, or my next car. Then I look at a picture of myself 20 years ago and I just want to run out and look like that again no matter what the cost! Sigh.

Getting old s*cks.
I don't even think it looks like her! She looks softer somehow, and more round in the cheeks or something. I always thought she was very angular, and beautiful in that way, but that picture makes her look like someone totally different.
She does look different - I can hardly recognize her. I'm in the opinion of to each her own. However, when someone is more high profile like her, it seems a little bit odd to me that they would take such drastic measures - everyone notices something is different. I always thought she looked fine before. I wonder what she had done - assuming she did have something done...
I don't agree with purchasing fitness videos of leads who have been 'enhanced'.

I quit buying their tapes a few years ago. I know, I know, that leaves me with little tapes (Cathe rocks) but I don't think it's wise for women to feel inadequate if they age and that commercials/Hollywood are telling us to do plastic surgery to become/stay a real woman.

All those doctors want is OUR MONEY.
The eyes definitely look more slanty (eye job?) and her cheeks look puffy (what would that be from? Looks almost like she's taking steroids, but not the ones that make your muscles grow. Maybe she is on meds?)

I must say I was really turned off when KV got her new "green genies" installed;-) a few years ago. It just seems to me so contradictory for someone to promote health and fitness and then have silicone/saline bags inserted into her body. Especially ones that look a bit large for her. I didn't buy her videos for several years, then I caved in and bought some of the pilates/yoga ones that I like (though I smirk whenever she talks about "pushing your chest forward" or "holding your chest up."

Somehow, the almost ubiquitous big fake boobs in the Firm videos don't seem as annoying. Though it is in general annoying to me that women feel they have to have a C cup or bigger (I swear most of the Firm instructors are going for D!), even if they have to go through major surgery to get them, to be attractive, or to feel better about themselves.
mogambo, you are so right on! LOL!

I beg to differ with everyone here, but to me Karen just looks like she is smiling! Usually she is so sober-faced-- but in this picture she really looks happy! Could it just be a big smile and nothing else?

But I do notice a lil' something, and I think whatever it is, it looks GREAT! Go Karen!
I think she's just put on a few years and a few pounds. I know my face really shows it when I gain a little weight. I think she just looks a little softer.

And if she's had a little work done, so what? Let's be honest - if we all didn't want to look a little better, we wouldn't work out so much.

I'm with mogambo!

I agree so SAD to see folks having to do this. That's what turned me off from the Firm when so many got implants etc.

Yes it seems so fake the pulled back cat eye. Who was it on American Idol this year - Lionell Richie I think who had such an extreme face job it was scary.
Wow. I have to admit, she looks great. Maybe it's because she's actually smiling and usually, she's so somber. I'm not an advocate of plastic surgery, but maybe she feels she must have a young face to compete with the younger instructors? Or perhaps it just makes her happier, like getting the "Green Genies" installed in her chest. It's her body, her business. My personal decision is that I won't tighten/lift/alter my body through surgery, despite my many imperfections. I do color my grey and have since I was in my 20s, but that's pretty much as far as I will take it. Let's face it: our society is youth oriented/obsessed with physical perfection. No one appreciates alternative forms of beauty---i.e., "zaftig" females, aging faces, etc. Until people refuse to buy into it, celebrities and others will feel as if they must starve themselves/go under the knife to make a living/be perceived as attractive.
That reminds me---if you haven't seen it, rent "Real Women Have Curves." What an excellent movie!!!
Sorry to pontificate. I believe that it's what's inside that counts. At your funeral, no one is going to talk about how thin your thighs were or how unlined your face---instead, they will talk about how you treated others and touched other folks' lives. That's what's important, not the superficial stuff.
<<<The eyes definitely look more slanty (eye job?) and her cheeks look puffy (what would that be from? Looks almost like she's taking steroids, but not the ones that make your muscles grow. Maybe she is on meds?)>>>

If she did have surgery, she could still be a bit swollen. I hope that is the case, because if she was going for that look I hate to say she may have wasted her money.

I too can understand the pressure of trying to stay 'forever young' in this society. What was a slap in the face to me was that not only men feel that woman are only attractive if they are very young, and very thin, but a lot of women believe in that double standard too.

I remember years ago I was watching some old tapes with my mom, she had taped a bunch of 'Starkey and Hutch' shows from TBS. I had never seen the show and we were just kickin' it and watching one of the tapes and my jaw dropped when I saw Karen Voight on one of the episodes as a swim suit model.:p She looked fab, but she wasn't nearly as toned up as she became later on in her career. I rememeber thinking that she looked darn near the same some 20 years later! Even the hair! :9
Hi all:

I have to say I prefer an honest woman and would never buy videos from Ms. Voight now that she has remodelled herself. However, life is difficult enough and maybe we really need to support each other rather than critique other women because we all need support and it's still very much a man's world.

The way I see it, there may be one or two things that have lead her to make some changes:

!) her new cornering of the yoga-pilates market requires a smoother, sleeker body image with goddess type hair rather than the incredible mean and muscular physique karen had in her high impact-weight lifting days.

2) maybe she's going through some kind of female mid -life crisis and just wanted to change her image. I have a body that's quite like hers, tall, muscles show up (once you've crafted them) and if you have short hair you can sometimes look quite androgynous. That in itself is not a bad thing, but it doesn't always produce a good fit between how you look on the outside and how you feel on the inside. If karen is going through life changes, they may be making her feel less "feminine" (though I hate to use such a culturally and ideologically-loaded term), and perhaps the new body image helps make a better fit for her between the image of the woman she projects herself as being and the woman she feels herself to be on the inside.

Just a few thoughts

Clare ;-)
"I believe that it's what's inside that counts. At your funeral, no one is going to talk about how thin your thighs were or how unlined your face---instead, they will talk about how you treated others and touched other folks' lives. That's what's important, not the superficial stuff."

Well put, that's it exactly!

I look at almost everything people do from a biological perspective. What I mean by this is that the ROOT (mostly subconscious) of everything we do is based on reproduction/survival.

Ideal beauty in most, if not all, societies is at its peak during our peak reproductive years (late teens - early 30's). Because of this, and the impact the media currently has on our society, we are bombarded with images of ideal beauty (sexiness). Shiny, thick hair, toned bodies, sparkling skin and eyes usually equal stellar health and the healthier you are, the better reproductive partner you make! Not that all of us want to have children at all, or want more children than we already have, but the ROOT of everything we do is nevertheless geared toward reproduction and thus survival of the species.

Children are beautiful too, with shiny hair, skin, etc. too, but are not at reproductive age. (The root of everything they do is survival.) Thus, as we age, we don't wish we looked like children anymore. We wish we looked like we did in our 20's! Look at Katherine Hephurn or Grace Kelly or Lauren Bacall. When were they more beautiful, in their later years or when they were young?

Now that "medical" advances have allowed people to alter their bodies, millions of people are trying to hang on to the looks they had during their peak reproductive years. Or if they're still of reproductive age, they're trying to enhance features that they (consciously or subconsiously) think make them more attractive to the oppositite sex.
I took a closer look at Karen's website and this is what it says in the "About Karen" section : ( I am quoting word for word)

Karen maintains a practical approach to fitness, and promotes realistic body image. "What works for me to get in shape also works for a lot of other people " She adds, "Glamour isn't the incentive. This field is about inspiration and realistic expectations."

Realistic body image and realistic expectations? Is she crazy? I don't mind the nipping and tucking but for her to state that she is promoting a realistic body image is ludicrous!!
She looks great for her age, no questions! If that what makes her happy and she has the money, let her do it! But be honest to yourself and people around you! Don’t tell people that this is pure and real! I am not 45 yet; who what I will do! }(
I can't tell if she has had work done but I have a very big problem with those who sell their fitness videos to promote a healthy and stronger body having BODY work done. I don't care what is done to her face but I do have an initiative problem with an instructor who has had body work done. Here they are selling their videos so we can achieve results as they have (not look like them - that is). What does it say when they promote a body which has had other types of help. Perhaps if they came out and said " I had a boob job or lipo because.........." they would be a bit more credible. After all, their bodies and having the customer believe in them and trust their workouts to bring results is the essence of their business. To be clear, a persons decision to have surgery and the reasons are their business (and good luck if that's what you want) but some instructors do not inspire me as I KNOW they did not achieve their results with exercise and that is what they are selling.
By the way, I am 42.
Just my humble thoughts~!
I can't tell if she's had a facelift or not but if she had it wouldn't put me off. Neither does the boob job. After all, all of us here know that you can't get bigger boobs or a younger looking face through exercise! Now if we were talking liposuction that would be another matter altogether...

And besides, how do we know that her face in that picture wasn't airbrushed?!
- Lisa :)

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