<---kabooki theater

<---waves hello to everyone
<---wishes everyone in Canada a Happy Thanksgiving
<---is enjoying the snow in Denver today :)
<---is happy to see Jess here<---is sorry about her tummy ache though:(
<---says IS ITT FRIDAY YET....
<---tells bobbi to try the lite pumpkin spice frappacino from starbucks!

<---tells Angie yeppers
<---had one on saturday!
<---thinks Angie should run not walk to the nearest starbucks

<---waves hi everyone!
<---Kabooki??? Was that in Star Wars?
<---wants Bobbi to know there are rattlesnakes here....so far not on my property!!
<---wonders if I could sub tofu for chicken in the Parmesan recipe?
<---hope boybie doesn't get a cold
<---lucky as the weather was nice here...89!
<---has not read Memoirs of a Geisha
<---hates the side effects of cheap authentic mexican food
<---happy to see Mama Deb!
<---tells Pinky and Deb snickers are my favorite but rarely eat them
<---my hamstrings seem to be talking to me from GS floor legs on Sat
<---hopes Robins asthma gets better...
<---wonders if butt glue is contagious?
<---thinks Jes should get a DVD/VCR combo player
<---would just die to have a Carmel Frappacino from Starbucks
<---hopes Pinky feels better
<---wondering how sore Dani is?
<---did the KPC/L&G long premix...yeow!
<---off to make DH some dinner
<--- waves hello to everybody in CatheLand
<--- is feeling fantastic after a 6-mile run this evening
<--- wants nothing to do with rattlesnacks, cooperheads are enough of a nuisance around here
<--- loves any kind of Mexican food, <--- had it Saturday and always OD's on chips.:9
<--- needs to get off here and get something done
<--- says goodnight
<---just came home from the Texas State Fair
<---now smells like livestock, cotton candy and ferris wheel grease
<---doesn't know how many miles she walked today
<---guesses that's today's workout
<---hopes Robin feels better
<---says hi to Autumn
<---tells Mama Deb that sweet tamarind is tropical fruit usually eaten as is, or used in ethnic cooking, and is really good:)
<---misses Jes:(
<---wants to try that lite pumpkin frappuccino, too
<---tells Carole she hasn't had a Snickers in almost a week
<---is having detox blues:p
<---thinks all the walking she did today burned all that Snickers-induced flab
<---is putting up her legs AFTER dinner, bath time and bed time with the boy

<---feels so excited that Jane did a great 6 mile run!
<---tells Pinky sorry about the detox blues
<---should quit eating those darn Kettlechips herself
<---thinks the butt glue virus has gotten her...:)
<--- tells Carole butt glue isn't such a bad thing
<--- is excited too about the 6-miler.. now <--- may not fall on her face at the 5K this Saturday:p
<--- hates Pinky is having detox blues, chocolate ones, the worse kind
<--- says that if there had been chocolate in this house last night, well... it wouldn't have been pretty
<--- wonders what takes over her brain at times like that???
<--waves hello to all my wonderful biatches in catheland!!
<--was so swamped at work today couldn't post until now, bummer:-(
<--happy to see everyone!
<--did KPC premix tonight and actually finished it, not totally hopeless after all
<--hopes Boybie isn't catching a cold!!
<--wonders if Jane lives anywhere near the carolinas because <--did basic training in south carolina and always had to watch out for those pesky copperheads, ughhhx(
<--starving and going to eat dinner now
<---waves good evening to fellow biatches in CatheLand
<---feels Pinky's Snickers detox blues:-( ...but <--- tells Pinky we're in this together;-)
<---is sending congrats to Jane on her 6 mile run...^5 girl!!!!:7
<---is glad to see Carole on this post
<---is afraid of snakes and spiders:eek:
<---has read Memoirs of a Geisha and loved it
<---wonders what the difference is between a pumpkin spice latte and a pumpkin spice frappacino?
<---still doesn't know who Keith Urban is:eek:

<--wonders if Jane lives anywhere near the carolinas because <--did basic training in south carolina and always had to watch out for those pesky copperheads, ughhh



<--- tells Sandy <-- is in North Carolina and has seen more than one copperhead
<--- missed stepping on a copperhead year before last by about one foot... DH grabbed <---- before she stepped on it
<---is happy she's with Tammy on detox blues:)
<---misses Sandy:(
<---wishes Jane good luck on her 5K
<---is also scared of snakes:eek:
<---just had some slow-cooking oatmeal
<---is contemplating getting a workout in before midnight
<---'s day tomorrow will be a long one, thanks to the long weekendx(
<---hates it when routine is changed or shifted by long weekends, it pushes everything back one or two days
<---wishes she can clone herself so she can fulfill her obligations AND have a life
<---is going to lift weights before bed
<---rest will be pushed back after midnight

<---thanks Jane for the link
<---is now in lust w/Keith Urban
<---Keith Urban is coming to my hometown November 10th
<---may go to the concert just to stare at Keith Urban:eek: :+ :+

<---is amazed at Pinky's energy level at this time of day and that she is actually going to lift weights:eek:
<---also wishes she could clone herself
<---thinks there are never enough hours in the day to get things donex(
<---wants another roadtrip so I can have a weekend of my own:)

<--waves hello to Jane,Tammy Carole and Pinky!
<--misses Pinky too:-( but sends super big ((((HUGS)))))....you can be sure they are BURNING hugs}( :p :7
<--tells Jane <--just LOVES the Carolinas; will always have a special place in <--heart:7 ...it's like another universe..in a very good way!!! Good luck on your 5k!!!
<--also tells Jane <--has family friends in Fayetteville!
<--ooooh, liking that Keith Urban more and more}( :9 :7

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