Just wondering....


I'm finally recovered (after 3 days) from doing Leaner Legs & I didn't even do every rep (COULDN'T!!!). So, what I'm wondering is this....

Is there anyone out there that truly (BESIDES CATHE!) who can do every rep, every exercise of LL? And if you can, what "poundage" do you use? I know everyone is different & dedication is a major player, but how long did it take for you to achieve this awesome goal?
Well, I can! I use a 35# barbell, and the hand weights are 10 & 8 lbs, I think, whih is what Cathe uses. It's been a while since I did it.

Keep in mind, however, that when I use cybex machines at the Y, I use weights heavier than most men, and certainly all of the women.
Seriously, I AM IN AWE OF YOU!!!! I just want to be able to do it through one time. Maybe by the time I complete the all Cathe challenge--12 weeks.
I was unable to do them all, so I skipped reps when I had to and used a 30# barbell. I did that for 6 weeks. Then I did PS Legs for 8 weeks and S&H legs for 3 weeks. When I came back to CTX, I was able to do every rep with a 35# barbell. I love it! Just keep going and you will improve. Also, I still quiver and swear during the low-ends. I have to! Have fun!!!
I can too :) I use a 45#bb now when I do it, and like honeybunch, I use 8 and 10#db.

When I first attempted the video, I believe I used 30# for the first few times, and I could do everything except for the 3rd set of leg presses, I use to watch and sweat while Cathe and the crew did theirs :) and I use to quit on static lunges just at the point after the low ends before the "down slow 4 and down slow 3 sets." But after a few weeks I was able to complete the video and from there I've just increased weight whenever it gets too easy.
I just did it this morning after a long stint away and boy did the memory come rushing back quickly! :)

Keep at it, it will get easier :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-02 AT 08:51PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. I don't do all of the low ends on ANYTHING & I only use a 17.5 lb bar (I found some really cute little 1.25 lb plates!)! I do all of the leg presses--but I used to do the Firm semi-newer tapes with the tall box & they all use those. So, for me those are almost cake. But those darned low ends kill me! I'll keep it up & will definitely post when I can finally say I did it!
how 'bout me!

I DID IT! I DID IT! I went really light--3lb dumbbells for some exercises, but I did it! Every rep, every stinging, burning exercise! I thought my legs would be screaming today. They're not! Why? Ok, next week, I go up a few pounds in my weights.

I wanted to tell you. Thank you for the inspiration!
RE: how 'bout me!

GREAT Job!!!!! That tape is a killer. I can do it also, but it is tough. Since we started the Cathe Challenge, I have been going pretty heavy in the weights. I have 50 lbs. on my barbell, and use 10-15 lbs. for the rest. After Sunday's workout, my legs weren't too sore, they were pleasantly sore, and that was nice. What an accomplishment, I am proud of you!!!!
Lucky I found this thread!!!

Just did LL for the first time this morning. I watched it all the way through for the first time last night and had nightmares about it lol ! Anyway, my dilemma was do I only do SOME sets of exercises with weight, or do I try the whole thing with no weight, for my first time through (lower body exercises I don't need a lot of weight on-I think a combination of carrying more weight there-I'm a pear-shape-and having fibromyalgia). I decided to give myself permission to use no weights this time, since I always want to make it through the whole tape, and this way I can work my way up instead of doing it piecemeal. Well I DID end up using weights, but very, very light weights. I used 9 bar for squats and lunges. I used 18 bar for deadlifts, and 3 dumbbells for the step ups. Felt so good after the tape (and yes! I completed all of the reps-a great thing, even with light weights, IMHO :) ) I did PS floor work with my 9 bar. So I think it's a matter of taking it slow and listening to your own body and it's capabilities and limitations. I will work my way up in poundage eventually (but I don't think I'll *ever* be using a 35 bar like Cathe and the amazing Amazon Crew :) ) but as long as I keep challenging myself, that is what is important.

Congrats on YOUR Mission Accomplished!!!
One thing I always wonder about those "low ends" is, why do they always have to come into play after your legs are already FRIED. Hey, I think I could eek them out in the beginning, but by the time Cathe says "low ends!!", I am always screaming, "ARE YOU KIDDING!!". I am shamed to admit it, but I have actually cussed at Cathe before!! Usually during this tape, PH and IMAX. She just makes me so mad in those videos!!

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