Just watched, "Bridges of Madison County"...


Wow, forgot how sad that movie was. Maybe because my marriage is not been the greatest and I have realized how much I have missed out on. How many of you wish things were different in your marriage? Not saying that I need another man but not sure if the man I married was the one...

Laura, I think no matter how great the relationship, every marriage needs work. It's easy to just let time slip by without putting much effort into each other like we did back when we were first courting. I think that's the point where two people look at each other and wonder, "Why did I marry this person again?"

The good news is that this can be changed. :) It's not easy, and it doesn't happen overnight, but you can inject new life into your relationship.

Marriage counseling is a good way to start, but I know many guys balk at this. If you don't mind, I'd also like to suggest going to the library and looking for books on the subject of marriage and the improvement of the relationship. I wish I had a few titles to recommend, but I only have one:

All You Need Is Love...

I'm certain there are other great books out there ~ I just never found them at the time I was looking. I went through counseling, which is probably why I wasn't hunting down more titles in my library (a favorite past time of mine...ha).

she should have got out of the car!!

This movie speaks volumes to me....always has

My marriage is ending, and I feel RELIEF!! During the last several years, I have experienced sadness, depression, anger, disbelief, denial....the list could go on and on, but after being honest with myself and husband, and making this decision, I feel like a new person. Not to say, that it is easy going through the process as we have a nine year old, but I know in my mind, my heart, and my gut that I am making one of the best decisions for myself as well as my son.

Everyone's situation is unique, thats for sure. PM me if you want to talk sometime. Take care

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