Just wanted to pat myself on the back


I saw a co-worker today that I haven't seen in ages. He looked at me and said "wow, you lost weight and you look great!" Now, that could be considered harassment if done by the wrong person in the wrong tone, but I was very flattered. It was a sincere compliment.

I have lost 12 pounds over the summer thanks to eating very healthfully and exercise (treadmill and Cathe videos!). I wasn't horribly overweight, but finally those BMI calculators don't tell me I'm fat anymore. And obviously, I'm toning up. I've gotten lots of compliments over the last month or so from various friends and a couple co-workers.

The 10 pounds I lost last year (and kept off, I just took a long break from losing ;-)) went totally unnoticed by everybody, but, boy, this 12 pounds has certainly gotten people's attention.

Earlier this week I ordered a $40+ pair of jeans (including shipping and tax came to over $55!). I've NEVER had a pair of jeans that cost more than $20, so it was definitely a treat-me thing. If I can't quite get into them (they're size 8), I'll work hard to get down into them. Shouldn't take too long, I don't think, but I hope I can go ahead and wear them.

Anyway, just wanted to share. I really like this forum and the video rotations especially! It sure is motivating to have people notice my efforts! :)


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