Just want to Rant, Feeling Nervous of SSI

You quit your job to qualify for Medicaid? Have you seen an attorney who specializes in Medicaid in your state? If not, I would highly recommend it.

Kassia, has your daughter's speech therapist evaluated her for the use of an augmentative communication device? Have you heard of these? It's a small digital device that uses symbols and a touch screen. These can be so helpful for children with autism--they can focus on the visual cue and are able to communicate... THis may not work for your child, but I just wondered if you were aware of these devices (Dynavox, PRC, etc.)

Good luck with the SSI.
yeah in order to qualify a family of 3 had to make under $30,000. thats why i went for SSI. But i am working with some specialist who are putting me in contact with advocates who will help me learn the lingo of the system and even go to appointments with you to make sure i don't sign myself into anything that is not proper. as for attorneies i didn't know they had such things.other then the guys on tv LOL.


>You quit your job to qualify for Medicaid? Have you seen an
>attorney who specializes in Medicaid in your state? If not, I
>would highly recommend it.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
hi wendy,

i have seen something like this. some use keypads as well. she is a very visual learner for sure. right now i use alot of books and picture cards but i will be sure to ask about these devices b/c i think once we get through the DD waiver we can get those for little to no cost.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
>you receive a government handout on the taxpayers backs,
>spend money on eating out and dvds and you think its unfair
>that they might decide that you have enough disposable income
>to pay for your own daughter? and you think that would be
>unjust in some way?

Oh my! :( I think that before you judge you should take a walk in her shoes.

Elder Law attorneys specialize in Medicaid and SSI law. All you probably need is a single consultation. Members of the National Association of Elder Law attorneys are the best elder law attorneys in the country. You can search for such an attorney in your area on the NAELA website:

A consultation may cost you a few hundred dollars, but could potentially save you thousands.

thanks nancy i was just reading some articles on supplemental needs trust. i will defiently ask our advocates about this b/c this might be what we could use for her expenses. i just can't imagine not being able to take viola out. she has growned so much with contact from other ppl, yes it takes some prompting to show her how to properly act, but i mean there are no meltdown tantrums. her books and movies are like her obession. she doesn't have to watch/read them she just carries the case, like a comfort of something familiar to help her focus. i have seen some kids carry spoons,magazines, the girl next door likes to look through catalogs(i usually give her my old collagevideo ones)when she is to overwhelmed. i guess we all have a little something like that. i know like to play with my house keys when i am anxious.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
You are doing absolutely nothing wrong so you shouldn't have any problem. It just seems like such a shame that you have to be put through so much worry. I'm sure you would much rather be putting all that energy into helping Viola instead of worrying about SSI. I really hope those attorneys can help you!

The government can't stop your SSI based on what you spend the money on. They are only reviewing your bank statements to make sure you aren't depositing more income there than what you have claimed you make. So you don't have to worry about WHAT you spent as long as you accurately reported your income.
I completely agree w/ what Beth said above. Maybe (just to feel better) you can open a seperate account just for her SSI? You would still have to show ALL paperwork at such meetings, but at least everything would be seperate. I file EVERYTHING. My son Isaac is 7 and is autisic and I am on my second folder for him. SSI told me my husband made too much, but when Isaac is 18 he can collect w/out them including Darryl's income. Isaac is non verbal accept for saying Mom when he is upset. I have been buying him the leap frog stuff at wal-mart in hopes that he will hear how the letters/words sound and pick them up faster. The speech therapist is pretty good that he has. He is really starting to pick up on the sign language. Let us kow what happens.:)
Thanks Heather and Beth,

i knew every year they have to do this but i though it was to make sure i wasn't buying lavious things with her money. believe family vacations with viola are not in the near future LOL but with her books and vids. i see she has the verbal skills its just how to organize those. thanks so much for the input i am starting to feel much better with everybody's help and kind words. you guys are really great.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
We have a daughter with Down Syndrome and we get SSI, as long as we claim what we make, we use it along with the income we bring in and when she needs something we get it. I don't say ok this is her money and the rest is ours. We pool it and we all use it as a family. They have never asked in the 14 years about how we spent the SSI money. You'll be fine. Good job for keeping her home and teaching her. I homeschool my daughter too. What a blessing to be able to spend time and teach your own children. God bless.
well viola is going to a great school now, and we are involved with that. i do work at home as well as some therapy stuff b/c after the summer we couldn't get into the center b/c medicaid is funny about paying twice for therapies. she also gets it at school, but the therapist that worked with her all summer have no problem in answering questions and helping me out with some teach methods. these ppl are really in the business for the kids and bless them for that. and thanks for easing my mind. i guess i just didn't get what they were saying in their letter. when going over the expenses i really don't spend that much on the luxuries. even most of what i get is along the educational lines.every game book and some of the dvds. i just feel when she does well with school and home she deserves a night out.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Kassia, I don't see that they would take the money away as long as you are providing Viola with a decent place to live, schooling, clothing, etc..... They know how much it costs to feed and clothe a child, and $500 a month is not unreasonable IMO. They won't expect that you never have any fun!

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