Just starting out with Cathe. Which tapes? And do I need a special step?



Hello Cathe.
I heard such incredible things about you over in the FIRM forum that I am interested in adding your fitness regimen into my rotation. I am intermediate level. I have heard incredible things about Body Max, Interval Max, Mega Step Blast and Step Heat. I am NOT extremely coordinated but I do catch on after a while.
Would you recommend the above tapes for someone such as myself. Also, I see from your pictures that you use a long step. Do I need a step that long? I do not own the FIRM Box which tends to be very square as opposed to rectangular. I own a regular (rectangular) aerobic step that I got from Target and my husband, being so talented, created a stilt for me to do my 14" leg press. Would that do?
One last note. I think it is absolutely incredible that you respond to your email like you do. I can see from your responses that you genuinely do care about people's health and fitness. You are, in my opinion, a true credit to your line of work. (And this coming from someone who hasn't even done your workouts yet. I might be changing my tune when I do one of your tapes and..., how does the fitness magazine article go... find that you leave no prisoners. I have been known to curse at my television during a workout(LOL).) Nevertheless, thanks in advance for any help you could give in getting started.
I'm not Cathe but.....

I can offer you some suggestions until Cathe does answer your questions. First, I had to laugh at the part in your post about cursing at the t.v.
I do the exact same thing but, don't worry, Cathe's never held a grudge for the things that I say

I started out doing Cathe with a shorter Step that I got at Target. It'll work for you although I think that you'll find that once you to get into her workouts, you'll want the full size Step.

Also, I think that for anybody just starting out with Cathe, the wedding tape is great. It has both step and "light" weight work. My favorites of her tapes are Step Fit, PowerMax, and Step Works. I'm sure you'll get better input from others here as well.

I agree with everything you said about Cathe. I adore her so much, I just can't workout with anybody else. Everytime I do I think of how Cathe would have cued it better or wouldn't have done a particular move the way it was shown.

Enjoy the wonderful world of Cathe

I am not Cathe either but...

I can offer some input on the step and beginning tapes. I actually started backwards, my first tapes were MIS and Interval Max, but I would not suggest you start that way. Fitmom suggested the Wedding Tape which is a great to start with. I also think that Mega Step Blast is good intermediate tape. Cathe breaks down her moves more in these two tapes and you will catch on in no time. I too, and choreograpy challenged, but doing these tapes will help so much. I can do the choreogrphy in her tapes with no problems now.

It will help with the future tapes that you order, and trust me you will want more tapes :)

As far as the step is concerned, I started out using the Jane Fonda step, and later I purchased The Step. I enjoy the tapes so much more becasue I didn't have to worry about missing the step and twisting an ankle. I have not regreted my purchase.

You will love Cathe's tapes, and she will give you a great workout. Oh, and you will say things to you TV set :)

I hope this helps,


I'll jump in here, also

Ali's suggestion of TWV is exactly what I was going to say. I also think Step Heat is a good first also. As for your step, I have a smaller version of the regular step and it fits me to a tee
! My living room is SMALL!! So I'm quite content with it. Anyway, this forum and Cathe are terrific
! You will love it! I check in here at least once a day. Just to see what's up. Oh, a word of caution, Cathe's tapes are addictive
! Once you experience her tapes, nothing else compares IMHO! Well, I'm going to jump off here, but first I want to tell you, Welcome and please, let us know what you choose. We love to here how newbies love their first tapes
Just wanted to bring this back up to the top for Cathe

Hoping that she will respond.

I know they are all planning on working through the weekend to get all the orders out so if you don't hear from her during the weekend, don't take it personally
You can just give it another "bump" at the begining of the week.


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