just started working ft.....


Hi all,
I haven't been on this site for over a week, missed reading everyone's posts. I started working ft and now am wondering how people have the energy to work out after work. I can't do it before, I just can't! Way too early. I am going down now at 8pm for a workout. It's good to be back. This forum is way different, trying to get use to it. I think I like it....I hate change.
Well, just wanted to say hi.
Hi Faythe :)

I've found with me, that I have to "slot" my exercise time, and make it non-negotiable. I start work at 7 a.m., far too early to be an AM exerciser. So for me, when I walk in the door at 4:20pm, I immediately put on my workout clothes and go for it. I don't open the mail, make any calls, or answer the phone until I'm done. This is the only thing that works for me.

Hello Faythe!
I work 4 days / wk and work out @ 5 a.m. I start work about 7:30 (leave the house at 7:20). One way is to take your rest day on Wed, or whatever your middle day is. It feels like sleeping in!

That is if you "convert" to a. m. workouts. There is an "a.m. converts check-in" at Videofitness.com. Tami Skelton is the ringleader of it and she does a lot of Cathe.

I took a few months to convert to a.m. and now I'm so glad. But I have little to no advice for p.m. exercisers- I have been out of that loop for a year or more.

I am an a.m. exerciser for the simple reason that no matter what happens after work - my husband makes plans for us, someone invites me out, whatever, I already have my workout in for the day. It just works for me. I workout 5:30 - 6:45 usually, shower, dress, leave for work at 7:30 eat breakfast, lunch, and two snacks at work, leave for home at 5:00, come home and make dinner, and then the rest of the evening is free (usually for me to sleep!) Whatever works for you, just do it! Glad to see you back!
I too am an a.m. exerciser... when I was working full-time I started work at 0630 so I worked out at about 0430 or 0500. Now that I am a stay at home mom who never stays home... I leave the house at about 0730 so I workout at 0600. It is so much easier for me than fighting my rebellious (and lazy!!!!) nature. ;)

We don't like that word "can't." I really believe that you just strongly don't WANT to get up early to exercise. Chicky Pie, y'all can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it, don't ya know.

I have been exercising exclusively in the morning for months now, and I never miss workouts. If you work out at night, too much can get in the way - work, kids, too tired, don't feel like it, etc.

If you must work out after work, do not pass "Go," and head for your workout room as soon as you get in the door.

I like to say that I "can't" give up sweets, but I KNOW that if I really wanted to, I could. I CHOOSE not to at this time.

Enough of a sermon.

So go out there and JUST DO IT! :+
Faythe - I get up super-early on weekends--just before 4am---so I can tend to the dogs before doing my workout. Like others have posted, it's non-negotiable for me. I've been doing it like this for several years and now it isn't a big deal since I've adapted. Sure, there are times I want to sleep in, but it isn't an option. Friday is my rest day, so I really have only four days to get up extremely early. Suzanne
Hey Faythe...you can do it!! It starts the day off right and then you no longer have to worry about being to tired at night to work out...no more guilt for skipping the workout!! I have to be at work at 8 during the week, so that means a 4:30 get up time for me! And the weekends....I have to be at the store by 3...yes that is am, so needless to say I have to do an afternoon workout which I find oh so much more difficult. Just hit the hay a tad more early and get those feet on the floor when the alarm rings! Take care, Donna.:)
Hi! I have been an afternoon exerciser for the past 3 years. I work 6am-3:30pm. The first thing I do when I get home is work out. My kids know that is my time. After I am done I cook dinner and help the kids with there homework or go out if we have plans. I do enjoy my morning workouts on the weekends.
Hi Faythe!
I am an AM exerciser...my alarm goes off at 4:15am (that took my body some getting used to). I feel that exercising in the morning gives me the ability to start off the day or else i would feel sluggish.
My weekend exercising starts usually between 7-8am (i now consider getting up at 7am sleeping in UGH!)
I would say whenever you feel you can fit in exercise, that's when you should do it. The main point is to fit it in.
Have fun!:p
Thanks guys for all the encouragement! Perhaps I will rethink the am workout, and if it absolutley doens't work, I will do it the minute I get in. I do get in over an hour and a half before dinner time, so I can fit it in. I always cook ahead on weekends so I just have to heat up dinner and make a salad. I really really really appreciate all you guys. Thanks!
Hi Faythe,

I wanted to chime in even though so many other people did, because I'm like you -no way can I work out before work. SHUDDER. And I am usually tired when I get home but if you jsut force yourself to do it you will be surprised. I have had times where I thought, ok I'll just do 30 minutes of IMAX and I'll modify the intervals and I ended up doing the whole thing full force. Sometimes when you think ou are too tired you end up doing your best workouts! Especially if it is stress induced fatigue. Also what helps is just turn on the Cathe tape or DVD usually once I hear the music I want to jump up and work out anyway. :7

Your right. Today, I wasn't into it at all, and said I'd do an easy tape. By the time I went downstairs, Idid a CAthe tape that was challenging and did great! I felt so much better afterward. I remember my best workout was 9/11 because I came home so upset, that I had to release that negative energy and ran on my treadmill for the longest time. It helped! So if I could on that day, I most
certainly could on a stressful day. I get home no later than 4pm, so if I hit the snoose this Monday, I will do a 4pm workout this wk.

I know what you mean about working and working out. I work full time now and it takes me 1 1/2 to get to work and back. At first I thought 'Yikes, I won't have any time to myself to exercise and I can't live without it'. However, the fitter you are the more energy you will have and you won't find it difficult to exercise after work in the evening.

I prefer to work out in the evening because it helps to relieve the stress of the day let me sleep peacefully at night. I also have more food for energy in the evening (morning I usually don't like to eat a lot). Also, (I have read this) it is better to work out with weights in the evening and personally I find this to be true because I just cannot lift heavy stuff so soon after getting out of bed (too much of a shock to the system). I tend to have my biggest meal in the evening too, so working out in the evening gives me an appetite.

However, there is no right time and wrong time to work out, you just have to find out what is best for you. Why don't you experiment with a morning routine and see how it feels?

For me, the key is eating some protein before I leave work so that I don't feel too hungry or too tired to work out when I get in. If I come home famished, it's hopeless.

Ideally, some cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg would be best, but, realistically, I usually wind up having a Power Bar or Luna Bar about a half hour before I leave work because my drawer is always full of them. Any kind of high protein snack will do the job.

By the time I'm done with my strength training, of course, I'm ready for a big dinner!
Hi Faythe:

As soon as I get home from work (usually around 4:30-5:00) I change into my workout clothes. It's just become a habit. I love to work out when I get home on the week days and early afternoon on the weekends.
It's all what you get used to. Personally, I prefer to read the newspaper and have a leisurely breakfast in the morning! LOL!

One tip, choose which ever day is your most hectic after work as your day off. Fridays are tough for me because there's more traffic on the way home from work - so it was hard to work out. Now, Fridays are my usual day off - no more stress!

Although when the weather warms up around here, I'm going to do a little running in the early am! Well, that's my intention, anyway!!!
I actually just started working out at night, and I feel great and am able to sleep better. I just got my DVD's from Cathe and am so excited to start using them. I work at a bank, and Fridays are my late days, so Fridays I plan to take off as well.
Weekends I will do my longest and hardest workouts.
Thanks all!
Keep on rockin' with Cathe
I am NOT a morning exerciser- I've tried it and just have no energy and keep messing up. I don't even feel energetic afterwards. I also don't like having a time limit. It takes me awhile to get motivated to exercise.

As for working ft, you'll probably just need to adjust to it. It'll take a week or 2 and then you shouldn't have any excuses. There will be nights when you just don't feel like working out and that's ok. Just try to get in a few weekday workouts and maybe do a tough one on the weekend. You're eating habits will probably be better since you'll be busy and not snack as much. It'll all even out and you'll be fine.

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