Just realized...


That I do cardio and weight work everyday I workout. If I do PS L/A in the a.m., I feel guilty for not doing cardio and do some in the p.m. If I do MIS or BodyMax, I always split it so I can incorporate cardio during the day. I eat a lot and always feel the need to do lots of cardio. Perhaps if I cut down on my cardio, I wouldn't feel the need to eat so much. Anyone else do cardio and weights 6 days a week? Thanks!
YEP! And doing cardio 6x/week + weights (working each body part either 2 or 3x/week depending on the series) allows me to eat well and continue to lose weight. :)
I love to eat~so it's a bargain for me! Plus, I really enjoy cardio workouts, so 6x/week is no problem.
And it keeps me from really feeling guilty when I do "fall off the wagon" as well as keeps me from gaining at those times too! :)
I think as long as your body can handle it, go for it! But if you feel like it's taking too much out of you, lighten up! Always listen to your body!
Hi, I was wondering how many minutes a day do you do cardio? & weights? What is your favorite weight workout?
Didn't know if your question was for me or Donna, but I personally love the cardio portions of CTX so I do those the most. They very form 21 min. to 28 min. so it isn't that much cardio. I have been doing a PS rotation and one thing I love is doing PS C/S/T with the MIC Step and then MIC Hi/Lo with PS B/B/A the next day. Try it!
Hi, Jillybean! As long as you feel good, doing exercise daily is wonderful! But do be careful about equating exercise with eating ! We get to eat whether we exercise or not! I sometimes equate eating a cookie or a treat with two miles of a run. After, thinking about that though, I have decided it is better to knock the 200 calories off my resting metabolic rate! I get about 1300 calories per day just to breath, move, pump the blood through my body, etc. I get another few hundred picking up after my messy family, cooking and all that jazz. Exercise is like the icing on that cookie. When I start thinking about my activity in terms of my food intake, I start to get compulsive about it and it takes the pleasure out of both eating and exercising. Pooh on that! I want to have my cake and love my cardio too! LOL! Just some thoughts on the subject! Have a beautiful day!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Count me in....I work out 6-7 days a week.I find that if I take a day off, the next day I am lazy so if I don't tkae a break I can keep on going.
I usually take a couple of days off where I don't do weights just cardio.But i see what your talkin about...if I have already worked outin the a.m and then I feel as thought I ate something that I shouldn't of...or to much of something.Then when I get off of work at 9:00p.m I will go for a little jog.Although I probablt already worked once already.Sometimes I wonder if I work out to much..or if sometimes I am to hard on myself.And then there are days I think that I am not hard enough on myself.Oh...my I think we need to be fixed...Lori
I hear ya! I go through waves of feeling like I need to discipline myself and be stricter, then I go through times where I need to just lighten up on myself. It all comes down to balance I think - work harder somedays, easier others. And I need to learn how to listen to my body. I love working out! But if I lace up my shoes, put on my workout clothes, put in my DVD and I just don't feel like it, maybe my body is trying to tell me something. That happened last Saturday and I really beat myself up for it later. I should just trust myself. Missing one workout won't kill me. Will it? Just kidding.
If you feel the need to rest a day, then don't feel guilty. We all need a rest periodically. I personally workout 6 days per week: cardio 4-5 days and weights 3 days.One day is a combo like circuit max, where I get both in one workout.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)

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