just had my ultrasound......

Cathe Friedrich

and we are having another BOY! We are very excited. The baby is now weighing 11 ounces and is 19 "tummy weeks" old. Everything is looking good and is right on track. As of now, no names have been decided upon yet. Eric is now 23 months old and will soon have a little brother to bond with. Can't wait:)!
How exciting!

Little boys are the best! Of course, if you had said you were having a girl, I would have said the same about little girls! ;-)
Such wonderful news--I'm so excited for you!

Congratulations Cathe!! That is so exciting! Can't wait to hear the name you pick!
We have 3 boys and it is so much fun watching them grow and play together - the bond they have is incredible. We always said that the best gift we ever gave our oldest was his two brothers.
Take care!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have 4 BOYS and 1 girl and boys are sooo much fun!! I really thought my last one was going to be a girl and I had her really check to make sure. On the ultrasound picture I have she put an arrow pointing to his booper and typed in it's a boy because I was so shocked. Sons love their moms because they give them FOOD!!! (So easy to please!) Maybe the next time it will be a girl!?!
That is wonderful news, Cathe. Either way, it's wonderful, but it's exciting to know ahead of time, I'm sure. I wonder what name you'll pick...
Cathe, I think it is so wonderful that you have a healthy little boy and having yet another. It's just a blessing being able to have children, isn't it. Well I am going to be 30 and you have given me hope that I have more years yet to keep trying.

Keep us posted, it is so wonderful to share in all of your pregnancies ladies. My prayers go out to you all for a quick, delivery of healthy babies.

blessings to all,
Very cool! Congratulations... you and your family have a lot to celebrate! :)

I have my u/s on the 26th of this month, so I'm right behind you... I'm sort of indifferent on the girl-boy thing, but 8 years of teaching teenagers makes me think that another boy might be a lot easier in the long run LOL :)

What an exciting time for you!
Congratulations Cathe!! That is such wonderful news :) I have a 31/2 year old little boy and am due with my second child in the beginning of June. I also think it would be great to have another boy to give my son a brother so I think your news is so good! Let us know when you pick the name! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this Christmas season.

How wonderful!

Congratulations Cathe! You must be excited...it makes it so "real" once you know the sex. My husband has a brother and they are best friends. It must be nice to know that you are giving little Eric a baby brother to bond with. You are going to be one busy lady!!!! (Not that you aren't already, huh!?)
RE: How wonderful!

Congratulations, Cathe! We have two boys and a baby girl and I am always so grateful that we had the two boys first. I always am amazed at the bond between them. They share a room and every night when we peek in on them they are sleeping side by side, it's so sweet. We always ask each other why we bother having two beds in there! Best wishes and thank you for sharing.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-01 AT 06:01PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cathe and HUGE congratulations -- I've been offline for a couple of weeks busy with the new job and just saw your post. You KNOW how I feel about having two boys since I'm always posting something very braggadocious about my baby boys (now 12 and almost 15 -- holy cow!) I thought I would miss having a girl, but I can truly say I haven't, and that being the chicken in a house full of roosters (even the dog) has been wonderful. If I were having another one today, I'd hope for a boy. As you well know, there's NOTHING that can top a little boy hug!

I have an Alex (Alexander) and an Evan (middle names, respectively, are Joseph and Harrison). We also loved the name Andrew but it had already been "used" in the family. So those are my hugely biased suggestions to add to your Names list. It's tough, isn't it, when you feel like you came up with your "favorite" gender name for baby number 1 and then along comes a same-gender sibling -- it's like starting over with the baby names book!

Hope you're feeling great and that Jon and that wild man Eric are too, and that Eric's getting excited about a baby brother. Hugs to all of you!

Kathy S.
Oh My!

Thanks so much for sharing with us! I am so excited for you, Jon & Eric! I bet there will be a few "BOY" things under your tree this year. Keep us posted on your name choice. I LOVE Jonathan. (Have one myself, but I know your hubby's name is Jon!) Ethan goes well with Eric! ;-) Have fun choosing!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe,
Just wanted to say "CONGRATULATIONS" on your latest news about another baby boy on the way! Thanks again for all you do to help us stay in shape. God bless.
Lisa Seymour
I just had my ultrasound today, and we're having a boy too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edd: May 9. We're considering the name Ian, with my maiden name as the middle name.
Great news!!

How exciting! Congratulations!! 2 boys, wow, you'll have your hands full! ;) Seriously, I bet they'll be the best of friends, with that "perfect" age difference you'll have between them.

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