Just got IMAX3 & Bodymax


I just ordered IMAX3 and Bodymax2 ( I was missing those two from the HardCore Series ) I just got done with Intensity/BodyBlast rotation,so,once I get my IMAX and Body Max, I'll start my Hardcore Rotation.

Just inquiring about the intensity on both of those videos. I have heard IMAX 3 is a super challenge . I've watched the sample videos online, but something tells me I'm in for a huge -HUGE challenge with both. The Coreography looks like it can be difficult from the start too. Anyone have an opinion on those ??

(I can't WAIT until they come in !! )


I don't have IMAX3, but I have Body Max and I love love love it! If you do the entire workout, it's about 90 minutes and you'll work your body head to toe. There are so many premixes, though, that you can use it for many different purposes. I didn't find the choreography on Body Max to be too difficult, especially since you're familiar with so many of her other step workouts.

I'm afraid of IMAX3 not in terms of choreography but regarding difficulty. It's on my list to buy, but everyone says it's harder than IMAX2 and it's still hard for me to do IMAX2 all the way through.

Good luck!
IMAX3 is HARDER than IMAX2 ???? Dear Lord I'm in trouble :p

I've had IMAX2 for quite a while and CAN get all the way through, but boy do I struggle ( that second to the last blast is a major tuffy !!) Looks like i'm in for exactly what I asked for,,,,more challenge !!

I really like Cathe's cardio/weight type dvd's so I knew I would like Bodymax. Really excited to get both. Thanks for the post !

Imax 3 is def harder than 2. Two is fun, three is work! But still fun. The choreo is a little trippy at first - I'd recommend the step only premix a time or two to get the footwork down for step portions. The blasts are straight forward choreo wise, lots of jumping. The blasts are tough, most notably 4 and 5. 10 is also tough b/c its the last one, and it is all jumping. My fave is the jacks on the step - I think its #7 and the 1st one. I do have to say, Imax 3 is my very most favorite Cathe ever :)

I have BM2 as well, and the choreo tripped me up a bit at 1st (maybe I'm just slow) but by the 2nd or 3rd time, it was pretty straight forward for me. It is a fun step section - I like the music, too. I've only done the whole thing once or twice - it is a long one! I normally just do the all cardio mix, which is the 3 step combos, the 3 combos combined, and then 4 Imax like blasts. That comes in at right about an hour. I still sometimes get a little confuzzled on the choreo in the step section of the blasts - I get left/right difficulties in that section. Dunno why.

Both are fun, both are great workouts. Enjoy!

Just did Body Max 2 last night and WOW ! You were all right. TOTAL body work out ! I Loved it ! What surprized me even more is that I really did not have that hard of time with the step moves. I didn't do the entire work out, BUT, I DID do Step Segments 1 & 2, then Circuits 1,2,3, Upper Body weights and then stretch ( did abs the night before so I skipped that ) I think that came out to be an hour and like 10 minutes. I can definately feel it in my arms and back !

LOVED this one. Thanks for the details on IMAX 3 as well. I should be getting that one in the mail today. I've got a lot on my wish list though as I am VERY excited for Cathe's new Intensity. So many awesome work outs,,,,so hard to choose which one to get next !

Have a good day everyone

Body Max 2 is one of my favorite workouts. I did the step portion and circuits this morning followed by Slow and Heavy Biceps and Triceps......I could barely put away the weights when I was finished...:D

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