Just entering the world of STS and I'm scared!


The sale price was the clincher, and now it's arrived I'm wondering, what do you do if you're not able to do all the reps? I am in the process now of calculating all the 1 rep max. Is that the number you divide to come up with 60-70% in the first meso round? Sorry for my ignorance. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it right and in the proper spirit!
Not ignorance, I just recv'd mine yesterday but not sure when I'll start it because there arem many other of Cathe's workouts I want to do first. I'm in the sameboat as you, I've seen all the chatter but had no idea what people were talking about so I'm on a learning curve.

I would like to know the answer to these questions as well. We aren't the first and probably not the last to ask questions :)

I think if we use the 1rm calculator it does the work for us... I just got mine last week and I some apprehension too!...
Yes, the 1RM calculator does the work. You just have to plug in the weight you use and the amount of reps you do! :)
1 RM Test

I'll be doing my 1 RM tests today and tomorrow. I'm planning to start the program on Monday. I'm going to do the 3 month STS strength/cardio rotation.
If you can't do all the reps, you've gone too heavy and should lower your weight. If you've done your 1RM test correctly, this shouldn't really be a problem. The last few reps should be pretty challenging.

Seriously... don't be "scared". You will be surprised at how well you do. When you get to Meso 3, you will be ready. That's the thing I love the most about STS - it makes you challenge yourself a little bit and that's the only way you get better. Can't wait to see your success story!

If you enter all your 1RM results into the Workout Manager, it will calculate all of your weights for the workouts. You use that to let you know what weights you will use for your workout that day. It's SO easy!! I take my laptop into my workout room with me, so I have it all in front of my face when I'm choosing my weights. Then I enter my data into the fields while I'm on a rest between exercises... depending on how much time I have. You can recalculate your 1RM while you're in the Workout Manager too, if you've determined that the weight you're using isn't quite right. You enter the weight that felt right for the set, and your 1RM is recalculated for the next time.

If you don't have a laptop to carry around your house with you, you can print off the workout cards to have with you. Use the Workout Manager, it's there to make things easier for you.
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Today is my first day of STS, I'm excited but a bit scared as well! I definitely agree with above advice -- use the Workout Manager. I did my 1RM over the course of several days during the past few weeks, entering the info into the Workout Manager as I went. It does all the calculating for you. I printed out my workout card for today, and it lists what weights to use for each exercise, I don't have to guess or estimate, I'll just follow orders and see what happens!

The sale was the clincher for me, too. I think there are a lot of STS noobs because of that sale! :eek:
Sounds like you did it the right way. It's good to spread the 1RM over a couple of days, otherwise you get tired out and the weights may be too light when you start. Unfortunately, we're all impatient to start when we get it. Just takes a little time and it's well worth it:eek:

Don't be trimester (Meso 1) is a little rough, getting used to it... second trimester (Meso 2) you're cruising through feeling great, 3rd trimester (Meso 3) you're getting "heavy" and I usually go in feeling strong and are ready for it to be over by the end of the 3rd Meso!

I'm a freaking genius LOL. Have Fun!
When you are doing STS, don't worry if you can't get all the reps. You should be approaching failure, that way you know you are using heavy enough weight. You make a note for your next workout, use a slightly lighter weight next time, but it should not be easy!

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