Just did acupuncture with my PT


and I LOVED it!! Well, loved the relief it gave me- not too painful though. I was absolutely amazed at how it helped to release my muscles and make them "let go". She's determined that the hip pain I've been having is muscular more than joint so she thought we should try it. And she was RIGHT!! I gave her a great big hug!! Lots of water today and a hot shower this evening. I'll letcha know how I feel tomorrow. I'm really optimistic, though!

I used to do accupuncture for migraine relief. I loved it, too, but couldn't afford it for long... Insurance wouldn't cover it back then.
and I LOVED it!! Well, loved the relief it gave me- not too painful though. I was absolutely amazed at how it helped to release my muscles and make them "let go". She's determined that the hip pain I've been having is muscular more than joint so she thought we should try it. And she was RIGHT!! I gave her a great big hug!! Lots of water today and a hot shower this evening. I'll letcha know how I feel tomorrow. I'm really optimistic, though!


I'm very curious. What type of hip pain do you have, and how long have you had it? Do you have sciatic nerve issues? The reason I'm asking is because for the past month or so, I've been getting pain in my hips. I read that one of the many things that can cause hip pain is issues with sciatic nerve. I've had sciatic pain for the past 14 years, since my pregnancy with my son, but never really did much for it..just kind of lived with it. I did have some PT for it, but it did nothing. I have a doctors appt next week for this "new development", and will get a referral to go further with it. I would definitely love to know how you are feeling tomorrow!

Hi Linda,

The pain has been centered right near my hip-bone but has radiated at varying degrees to the rotators in the back of my hip, down to my knee, up my back, etc.. It's mostly been a very painful ache and can get worse at night when I'm trying to sleep. It is also much more pronounced just before my period.

The day after I feel quite a bit better, but far from perfect. then again, a big rain-storm came in today - the barometric pressure changes DO cause more pain in my joints. Geeeeeze, the joy of being in your 40's! :p

I go in on Friday to work on some other areas with 'the needles' and oddly enough, I am looking forward to it.

Oh BTW I did have my hip and knee x-ray'd and it did come back conclusive for Osteo-arthritis - moderate - bordering on severe in both my right knee & hip.

Hope that helps. Feel free to contact me with any other questions.

Oh Pam, that is a terrible pain! I'm so happy the accu worked for you! Thanks for the input! Good luck with the next set! I hope they go just as well!

I had hip pain, mostly after running. I started rolling my hip and side thigh area with a foam roller. I lie (lay?) on top of the roller and roll back and forth on it. When I feel a knot, I concentrate in that area until the knot lessens.

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