Just 4 Fun - Who were U named after?

Per Jewish tradition, I was named after my grandfather who passed away two years before I was born. His name was Lazar Baruch (born in Russia). Hi English name was Louis.I am Lois Beth and my Hebrew names begin with the L and B sound. My kids were also named in this tradition, after close relatives who had passed away. The reason is so that the name lives on from generation to generation.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
My dad loved Barbara Bain who played Cinnamon Carter on Mission Impossible in the late sixties. I have only come across a few other Cinnamon's. Some people joke and ask if my parents where flower children. I did not like my name when I was young, but now I like having a different name.
I wasn't named after anyone famous, but I was named after my father's girlfriend when he was stationed in Germany post WWII. What's strange about that is that the girlfriend wasn't my mother. Fortunately he dated the German girlfriend *before* he met my mother! My mother heard the name Trudi and liked it enough to name me.
I was named after a great aunt as well as a lady who used to babysit my older brothers, and subsequently, me. I was given the formal name Edith, but go by Edie, because I think Edith sounds like I should be someone's grandmother!!! I do like the name Edie, but if I had a dollar for every time I've been called Eddie.......:) :)
I was named after both my grandmothers: Shirley and Anna. My dad's mother (Anna) died when he was 16, so I never had the chance to meet her. My dad picked out the name for my brother (who is a year older than I) and my mom wouldn't let him name me because it was "her turn". I'm glad too because my dad wanted to name me Mitzi. I can just hear the teasing now.

I know people who named their kids Briar and Bacardi. WEIRD!

As for naming your child after celebrities...I don't get it either. When my son, Caleb, was a baby, some cashier in a store asked me about his name and if I named him after the Caleb on some soap opera. I said "No, his name comes from the Bible". A soap opera? uh..right.

This is a good thread! I was named after the Beach Boys song "Help me Rhonda". If I had a $1 everytime someone thought they were original by singing that to me......

My parents named all three of us the same way: any ol' name they liked for the first name and a family middle name. My middle name Lynne was my maternal great-grandmother's name.
No-one and I love it! I'm the only Clare in my very extensive, highly Catholic family and the only Clare I know. I am glad that my name is never in fashion like Kirsty and Jennifer, etc. I never have to be like anyone else. Just me!

Funny thing is, whenever we go to the doctors, my daughter and I, the doctor always peers down at her and asks her, "how's Clare today?" because her name is Martha, and everyone expects that to be me!

LOL!!! everyone - thanks for sharing. I've really enjoyed reading about the origins of your names.

I'm disappointed there was no "Bambies" though. I went to school with two of them...........but they weren't "cute" at all. They put that lovely deer to shame!

See! EVERYONE has a story, even if it's about their names.


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Whoa, Deb...I had no idea you were a twin! Just had to chime in here with my "whoa"...dmd:) :( :( :( :(
Hey dmd!

Hi Deb! Yep, for 52+ years! :7 Not sure how you missed that, as I have mentioned it several times here. Surprised I never mentioned it in an E-mail for some reason??? Guess THAT subject never came up! Ha! We are VERY fraternal. Completely different body types/personalities/looks/likes and so forth. My 8-year-younger sis and I are MORE alike then my twin & I. Don't be :( . No biggy!

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My dad's a huge Frank Sinatra fan so he named me after his favorite Frank song, "Laura." Also from the movie, starring Gene Tierney.

A side note--I actually told a friend of mine that I was named after a Sinatra song & she said, "really, which one?"

OK so not all my friends are rocket scientists. But they can be good for a laugh. :7
What a fun thread!

I wasn't named after anyone, but I had a great-aunt Kathryn who assumed my folks named me after her and was insanely pleased. So my parents never told her that they just liked the name Kathryn and weren't honestly thinking of her. :) Throughout her life she sent special little gifts and cards to me, always signing them "To my namesake niece". We were all so glad to keep the family secret. :)

Another factoid about my name -- my parents selected "Kathy" as my official nickname so that's what I've always called myself and was called in school and by friends. But not one single person in my family has ever called me Kathy, and now very few people do. My parents and grandparents either called me "Mary Kathryn" or "Kas" (because my little sister called me "Kassy" when she was very young) and then "Kas" somehow became "Casper" and for years that was my most common family nickname -- it still is my mom's favorite. My sister now calls me "Sister" (duh :)) or "Kath". My DH calls me "Kathryn" or "Sweetie" and always has, from our first date -- never "Kathy". And most of my friends call me Kath.

Go figure. :) Maybe I should re-think how I introduce myself!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
I wasn't really named after anyone special. When my mom was pregnant with me my parents were down in New Orleans and heard some lady call her daughter Kimbra and they liked it. My middle name was going to be Nicole but they had a neighbor with a poodle named Nicole and my dad didn't like that name. So that's how I became Kimbra Dawn. My older sister used to sing that Tanya Tucker song "Delta Dawn" but subsitute Kimbra Dawn and she changed the words to

"Kimbra Dawn how's those diapers you got on, are they dry are they wet or are they poopy?" It used to make me laugh.

My real name is Darlene and my parents, God love em', thought they made my name up. Dad wanted to call me Darla and Mom wanted Jolene so they combined the two names. There are 2 other Darlene's in my office building so I have no clue how THEY ended up with the same "original" name my parents dreamed up! I have 5 siblings, and one of them could not pronounce Darlene so I became Darli early on.

Great thread! "Kid naming" is an interesting phenomenon. (I was never crazy about my name but at least it's not Apple!) :7
"Brandy, you're a fine girl (fine girl), what a gooooood wife you would be (such a fine wife) but my life, my love, and my lady is the sea..do, do, do, do)

the 1972 song by Looking Glass:7

Marion...this guy on the phone one time thought I said my name was Bambi and called me that throughout our conversation...so that's close. I even corrected him. Oh well.

My name is Josefina and I was named after my Grandfather Jose on my Father's side. My Mom was angry because she wanted to name me Marta Patricia. Now I go by Josie or Jo at work and by Chepina at home which is a common nickname for a Josefina in Mexico.

My brother in law is building a Shelby kit car because he LOVES the Shelby Cobra! His yellow lab is also named Shelby:)

I am Dannette because my mom really wanted a boy to name Daniel. He came two kids and one marriage later. She combined Daniel with Annette Funicello from the Mickey Mouse Club to get Dannette.

I like it now but I would never name my kids something that constantly has to be pronounced or spelled or explained.

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