JUNE: Give PEAS a Chance


I hope this is Stacy and Linda from March 2010 thread.

Remember me? Between computer crashes and life - I disappeared. :confused:

Can I come back in...miss you both! ;)

I haven't stopped working out and am doing fine...would love to keep up with you both.

If you have the room - would love to click in! :cool:

Donna in GA
********WELCOME BACK DONNA!!!!*******

We missed you! Glad you're back!

We've taken to having themes for the monthly non-checkin. This month's theme is eating more veggies! Of course, keeping in line with the "non-checkin" feel free not to, hehe! We also have a new member, Kelly!

I'm starting my last week of Meso 2. I'm going to take next week and do whatever I feel like as far as workouts go which works out well b/c I'm working wacky hours and also have to go out of town next weekend. I'm leaning towards repeating Meso 2, starting Meso 3 or doing lighter weight/high rep stuff for awhile. I'm really seeing some strength gains so I almost hate to stop the Meso's at this point. I've also acquired the Insanity workouts and have yet to try those. I might dabble with those a bit next week.

I'm going to try to jog 3 miles again on the treadmill today for the 2nd time ever! I'm trying not to get discouraged if it doesnt happen as we all know we have some days where we have better workouts than others.

I did my grocery shopping today and stocked up on a few veggies and fresh fruits! So far have only eaten a bagel though, go figure!

I'll report back later after my run...or jog rather. I dont feel like I jog fast enough or long enough to be considered a "runner".
Hi y'all!

Welcome Back Donna! Glad to hear from YOU! I'm still plugging away at workouts and working up to those intermediate ones, :rolleyes: oh, yeah, I picked up the Kick, Punch, Crunch last week so did the whole thing, & Step-Jump-Pump yesterday, that was a marathon but in the spirit of your original transition from int. to adv. I did 'em! Yea!

Now there's a whole bunch of people beginning like we did...I think they're some real go getters! I check their thread sometimes for ideas. Stacy's been keepin' me honest, BTW Stace, that's the funniest thread starter yet, I'm still giggling...:) Keep Jogging! Keep Going!

Shout out to Kelly, hope your holiday was great!

Thanks for the "hellos!" Great to see everyone plugging along so well - so very well (as CATHE says)! :eek:

I am going full force within the Intermediate Rotation. I have completed Low Impact Circuit; Kick, Punch, Crunch; and Pyramid Lower Body so far this week. I still continue to do abs almost everyday as well as yoga and stretches.

Had a tough month of April - got down because the weight would not come off and the fatigue of working out was downright killing me. I took a week off and kind of started over...

I started reading BFFM (remember that Linda!) and the weight started falling off. I have joined their 98 Day Summer Challenge - should be interesting...

Anyway - all is well on the homefront - schooling my girls through the summer with a couple of beach trips here and there. Gardening as well (got enough lettuce for all of us :D)!

Talk with all of you soon!
Hi everyone! checking in after the long holiday weekend. was at the lake this weekend with my family and we don't have internet there yet. was so BAD on my eating - ate way too many processed foods, and drank too much wine. ...and then little to no exercising. I feel like a total fatty today!

Speaking of today, it's JUNE 1st....I am officially SICK of looking and feeling bad. gonna eat clean (avoid processed foods), more protein, veggies and fresh fruit. Drink water water water, and gonna exercise 4- 5 times per week.

I may start that intermediate rotation too - donna do you use the workout manager?

hope everyone has a great day! Kelly
Hi Kelly...sounds like you had a fun weekend! Looks like everyone is tacking advantage of the end of holiday/June 1st calendar day to hallmark a getting-back-into-it revamp, me included!

I did 3 miles on the treadmill again, knee's feeling a bit sore but overall not too bad. Since I'm not a runner, don't know when/how to advance from here. I may just stay here for awhile and not worry too much about it right now. It took me years to get to this point!

Tonight eating on the run, have a sporting event to attend. I'll try my best with dinner even if that's just to watch portions.

Talk at ya later!

Kelly - I did use workout manager when I was designing a transition rotation from Beginner to Intermediate. I really like it -

Stacy - I have a goal to complete the Couch-2-5K program by end of summer. I am NOT a runner at all - so, this gradual program should be okay for me. Hope to jog someday! :D

Linda - haven't done Step, Jump, Pump - but, it is coming soon! :confused:

Had a pretty good day of eating (shrimp/feta and salmon patties) - trying to move toward 5 mini-meals...don't know if a glass of wine tonight counts! ;)

Have on tap tomorrow Low Impact Step, CoreMax :eek:, Yoga, and C25K (at night)!

Talk with everyone soon!
Morning! Stace, Kelly, Donna!

Well, Kelly, the holiday eating was not very good, and felt bad about it at the time, knowing I could have made it better, we ate junk anyway. I think the fourth will be different. Enjoyed the weekend anyway!

Can't use the workout manager, it loads too slowly for me, & I track everything in a log book throughout the day. I don't use any portable internet devices, so it probably would just add too much time to record keeping. Still tracking inches Donna, and still losing them!

Did try the elliptical last week again, we have a treadmill, our $25 garage sale find! works great, I think I may just do elliptical one to two days a week, for 20-30 minutes though, with the rotation that should be okay, for now. I need the cardio for sure. Push & Pull today, may do the all Push premix followed by the all Pull premix.

Have a great day!
Good Morning!:D:D

Kelly - I am like Linda - I use a log book - more like a calendar printed out from the computer and I pencil in my planned workouts. I try to cycle through circuit, step intervals, kickboxing, elliptical and weights. Since I am trying to achieve weight loss - I have to do some cardio 5-6 times a week. After I work out - I have a daily spreadsheet that I keep my times, heart rate, and calories burned. Seems easy for me this way. Oh - once a week - I do weigh, measure, do a body fat test, take blood pressure and blood sugar and place those numbers into the master 6 week spreadsheet. If you would like any of these - just let me know.

Completed Low Impact Step, CoreMax, and Yoga today. Have C25K on tap tonight - just 20 minutes - but the running is a killer. Partner with my husband on this goal - so, it is a nice couple activity. :D

BTW - any advice on a "step up DVD" from Low Impact Step? Would like another type of interval DVD - would you guys recommend LowMax - or, is there something in between?

On the topic of veggies - when you have a bad veggie/fruit day - do you ever take a greens type drink? If so, which one? I cycle between Perfect Food, ABC Cleanse, Perfect Food Berry, and one other I can't remember...

Linda - are you tracking body fat as well? I have found a caliper that seems to work well - I track BF once a week with the caliper and my formula using measurements from hip, thigh, etc.


Wish all the best today - talk to you later...
Hi girls,

no workout today, push & pull tomorrow, Have to get the menu planning back on track, and more good stuff around to eat. Too many snacks I think this weekend, & last month. I like your spreadsheet idea Donna, when I track stuff it always seems to help, and I like seeing patterns over time. Not just weight & calories.

I should probably get the caliper. I liked your transition from beg. to intermediate Donna, the classics were something I want to try at some point, step jam & step heat, step blast, Kelly I think Cathe's Official Intermediate Rotation would be great, it's a great mix.

don't know anything about running, I've read the occaisional article on 6 or 8 week plans to start Stace, can't help you there, never really did anything but jog, and not much of that. Lots of runners here though!

Have a great day, all

Just got back from dress rehearsals for a ballet performance this weekend with my girls. They grow up WAY too fast! :(

Yes - Linda - I love spreadsheets. I learned how to create them WAAAYY back when you had to write your own formulas to make them work. Kind of tells my age there. ;) Anyway - I input my food into My Fitness Pal and take the daily numbers and place them into my own spreadsheet so I can see everything at once. For this BFFM 98 Day Challenge - you have to track calories related to your TDEE and all the macro-nutrients (carb, etc.). I have learned alot about where to improve by just doing that.

Completed Pyramid Upper Body and Yoga this morning. Have on tap tonight some elliptical and T-Tapp BWO+. Decided to begin Couch25k next week - partly because I have been too tired to run in the evening and it is hard to puddle jump the afternoon thunderstorms we have had all week. :p

Stacy and Kelly - how are you doing!

Hope all is well for everyone!
Hi everyone. Just getting back from dinner with a friend I hadnt seen since Xmas. We had a nice chat and a nice dinner, was nice to reconnect.

I skipped my workout yesterday b/c I simply just felt too tired, didnt sleep well the night before. I did motivate myself to workout this morning before work. I think I have an all-time new favorite workout.....week 4's Chest/Shoulder/Tricep workout from Meso 2. I LOVED it!! Cathe put a twist on a few oldies but goodies. I havent done the Back/Biceps from week 4 yet but I'm hoping it's the same concept and if so I think I'm going to do just this particular week's workouts for the next month. I definitely see potential for strength gains from this week's. I did up the weight for barbell chest presses, overhead shoulder presses and lying tricep extensions today! I was pumped up!! I never imagined I'd be using 15lb dumbells for lying tricep extensions. (I started years ago only using 5's).

Donna....I did my own version of C25K...and it works! I have jogged 3 miles on my treadmill twice now! My version of C25K was breaking it down into 2 workouts per week instead of 3 and doing that for 2 weeks in a row before moving on. With my knee issues slower was definitely better for me! As far as a step-up from LIC, I think Low Max would be a good choice. If you want something non-Cathe-non-step I think Jillian's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism is really good.

Kelly....how are you doing today?? How's the workouts!!??

Linda....you and Donna amaze me with your tracking/spreadsheets! I have NO clue how to design a spreadsheet! Tracking too much for me is counter-productive. My bare minimum is recording that day's workout on a calendar I have on the front of my frig. That location seems to work well ;)

Tomorrow is a planned rest day!
Hi Stace, Donna, Kelly

Wow, Stace way to work it! Glad you enjoyed that too! Push & Pull from Wednesday snuck up on me yesterday, right in the butt dimples...:eek: you know what I'm talkin' 'bout. I've got that on tap for today too, woo hoo!

I've been tracking some things, I'll have to let the HRM go for awhile, gave me a nasty rash were the buckle is, cheap metal, or my sensitive skin, or both, I get the most calories burned with SJP circuit & KPC, don't really need to track everything, nutrition though, I need to pay more attention to see how far off my estimates for protein, fat, & carbs is. Weighing in everyday though has given me a better look at overall patterns over time. That's what's cool about the spreadsheets, all the other ways you can graph the numbers. It's good too to put some notes along with the workouts, hard, easy, just right, smokin' !

Love to hear about the BFFM challenge Donna, & C25K, I miss doing the pyramids, may have to go back to that soon, still think they're tops, so hard to pick favorites, everyday's a favorite :D intensity series is clearly a contender! How's it going Kelly, remember this has been and is always a non-check-in kind of check-in, no pressure, just wanted to say hi & see how you are!

Well - one ballet performance down - two to go!

My seven year old has got the case of "nerves" for her performance tomorrow. Keep her in your thoughts - if you can! The thirteen year old has been doing this a long time - she loves theatre - so, she just enjoys it very much.

As a newcomer to the fitness world (since October 2009) - I have to say that ballet would be a tough workout. I watched this recital through the spectacles of fitness - and, I gained alot of respect for those girls and boys! Those leg lifts, jumps, back bends, etc. - that takes alot of strength. :eek:

Today was my light day - Body Fusion, The Firm Abs, and Yoga. Not sure about tomorrow. I am up for a rest day; but, I usually let Sunday be the rest day. So, I might just go ahead and get a workout in to get back on schedule. I might try one of CATHE's oldies...;)

Linda - I have found tracking carbs, etc. has shown where I am off-balance nutrition wise. I try to keep a 50% carb, 30% protein, and 20% fat ratio for my eating - it is interesting to see where I can get "distracted" - particularly when I am in the "Craving Mode!" :mad: BFFM really has highlighted my "gaps" in health - so, this challenge will be helpful!

Stacy - thanks for the "heads up" on C25K - it's funny, I had made the 9 week program into an 18 week program because of my knees. I have all summer to complete this goal - so, this works out great. Also, I will try LowMax instead of LIS - I checked out Jillian's DVD - put it "on my list!" :D

Hope all is well with everyone. Keep up the good work!
Hi ladies!

Hope all went well with your girl's ballet Donna, nerves are a good thing! I've looked at the NYC Ballet workout thinking that might be a good one to try someday when my flexibility improves, has come along way since last year. Even the yogic stretching I do now challenges my strength, in a good way. Isn't P57 like that? I don't remember what you said about it.

Hours of yard-saling, a nap :p with a Kick, Punch, & Crunch follow-up!
Big leafy green salad with avocado, hard-boiled egg, cucumber & tomato for dinner, nothing else from the to-do list getting done, tomorrow's another day!

Veggie of the day=Avocado
Hi there. No workout for me today...had an attack of vertigo. I've had this off and on for a few years, usually brought on by a head cold or allergies. Allergies would have to be the culprit this time, sometimes it'll last a few hours, sometimes for days. It's subsiding a bit but still cant bend over or turn my head too quickly without literally feeling nauseated and like I'm going to tip over. Very frustrating.

Veggie of the day = the lettuce on my tuna melt, how sad is that?
Hi Stace, Kelly, Donna

Stretch day for me, sorry to hear about the vertigo Stace, I've encountered more people with this during the past year, outside of that, never knew anyone that had it, ever. The one person I spoke of I think suffered from fatigue as well, although she seemed very fit, she was very agitated. Unfortunately I think some occupations are not suitible for some personality types & in her case, this constant problem I think was a reaction to her profession & paricularly bad routes of study that seemed to undermine everything she did. Some major & minor courses of study don't go well together and can produce unwanted results. In science fields the sad reality is the study of science is a worthy pursuit, how people accomplish it and what they ultimately use it for is another thing altogether. Ever see the movie "Mindwalk" with Sam Waterston. A real "forest for the trees" expose.

Okay got carried away with that one. True, this in your case could be all physiological, and congestion can wreak havoc with everyday activities & exercise, hope you feel better & please don't read the above as personal, it really was just an aquaintance I observed last year. Maybe someone could help you with the colds & allergies?

Have a good day
Fruit of the day=Strawberries :)

Hey there. Donna...no offense etc with anything you wrote. Mine is definitely physiologic. I feel perfectly great as long as I dont change positions too quickly. The "treatment" is benadryl which I've taken along with Zyrtec. The end result is somewhat less vertigo and drowsiness. I did attempt to workout this morning, STS Back/Biceps....layed down on my step to do barbell pullovers....proceeded to have the room spin and I proceeded to roll right off my step!! Thank goodness I hadnt picked up the barbell yet. I layed back the way I usually would during a workout and BAM! I couldve decided to do the workout but go back slowly let my inner ear adjust but the workout probably wouldve taken me 3 hours so guess we'll have to "play it by ear" so to speak.
Hey Everyone!

Sorry to hear about the vertigo Stacy! I had that for the first time last year when the doctors decided that a "high powered blood pressure medicine" was the ticket for me. Two days later - I had to be carried into the doctors...could not walk. :eek:

Needless to say - I did not take that medicine for long.

Hope all is well with everyone. Rest day yesterday - today LIC...


Workout Schedule for Week

Goals – Try to do a couple of split days, C25K started, Yoga for 2nd week, add P57, stretches, push pull next week

Day 1: CATHE Low Impact Circuit (71m) (abs incl.), Yoga (20m)….T-Tapp BWO+ (16m)
Day 2: CATHE Kick, Punch, Crunch (68m) (abs incl.), Yoga (20m)….Couch25K 20m walk/run
Day 3: T-Tapp BWO+ (16m), CATHE Pyramid Lower Body (49m), Yoga (20m)….Elliptical (30m)
Day 4: CATHE Low Max (70m), CoreMax (20m), Yoga (20m)….Couch25K 20m walk/run
Day 5: CATHE Pyramid Upper Body (59m) (abs incl.), Yoga (20m), T-Tapp BWO+ (16m)….Elliptical (45m)
Day 6: CATHE Cardio and Weights (60m), Yoga (20m)….Couch5k 20m walk/run

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