June 10 Check in Weekend 5th/6th*******


Good morning ladies...

Yes, we had a great time at the pool. I read my book and took in some rays while the kids splashed and played in the water..It was nice. Then, we came home and I made pizza and we watched The Tooth Fairy as a family. Even Buddy was there. BUt, he was there to beg for the popcorn the kids were eating!! HAHA Today is a busy day too. We have an ice cream party for Lauren's choir then choir practice. After practice, they are singing at mass. Chris has a baseball game at 7pm. So, after 5:30 mass we have to hightail it over to the field to watch the game....

I am planning on getting that workout done this morning though. I am doing Muscle Max today...Tomorrow is resting. Lauren and I may do a nice walk or something. Vic and Chris are going to the Washington Nationals baseball game in DC with his baseball team..So, it will be just the girls at home and buddy!!

Ok, time to get some breakfast. I am starving!!

Hottie: So sorry to read about your Aunt passing. Prayers and hugs go out to you!!
Good Morning Kathy and everyone!

It's Saturday. Ugh. Just not my favorite day.

Hottie: I'm so sorry about your aunt :(. She must have been young. I don't deal well with death either. I usually put myself into a state of denial and don't want to deal with it at all. Funny, since I've dealt with death a lot in my 25 yrs of nursing! Anyways, just want you to know I'm thinking of you. ((hugs))

Kathy: Nice pool day yesterday. SOunds very relaxing. What book are you reading? I did end up getting Firefly Lane and can not stop thinking about it, and want to read it all the time!... Your day sounds super busy!!! But fun stuff. I know you'll get in your workout!!!

Slept kind of crappy last night here. I woke up around 11:30 and it was SOOOO humid and muggy. I tossed and turned and finally decided to close up the house and put on the A/C. I got up to go in the bathroom, and ZACH was STANDING in the CORNER, trying to HIDE! I about jumped out of my skin! He apparently stayed up late, and didn't want me to know. So he was hiding. I could have killed him! (For scaring me!). Closed up the house, put the A/C on JUST in time. We ended up getting some wicked thunderstorms and then the power went out, for about an hour. Alex and Jake came and slept with me. I don't think I really fell into a good sleep again until 2:30, and then I was up at 4:00 for Zach's sugar check. :confused:

I'm thinking if I get a workout in today I'm going to do Turbo Sculpt from Turbo Jam. Haven't done it in a long time and I think it would be good for a change. For some reason my triceps were KILLING me yesterday and last night. The only thing I can think of, from doing the roll backs for abs from B&G.

Hey and Hi to Beth and Joanne!!!!

Better get going, got to get the newspapers delivered and light a fre under Zach!!!!
Good morning.... happy Saturday (sorry, Chris). Kathy, sounds like a great day yesterday!! Funny, my kids have Tooth Fairy from the library right now, and they have watched it, but they want us to watch it as a family movie, too. Enjoy the ice cream party today!

Chris, that is so crazy about your scary experience last night! Kids do such crazy things sometimes. Sorry you had a bad night -- especially on a night where you really need good sleep!

So funny..... the other day in the bookstore I found myself once again needing you on speed dial! I wanted to get Firefly Lane for my sister for her birthday, but I completely blanked on the name. A clerk finally helped me locate it. And of course her bday is Wednesday and I still haven't gotten it in the mail. :(

I'm very sorry about Hottie's Aunt -- sent her a private message -- that's what I thought, too, Chris, that she must have been young and this must have been such an unexpected shock. Very tough.

I came so close to starting P90X this morning..... I was looking at the book on it and all, and figured I could do the first week before I leave for SoCal, but then decided it was crazy to start a week and stop. Then in bed this morning, I almost didn't want to get up and workout, but working out is the ONLY thing I have been somewhat motivated to do lately, so I just couldn't let that slip. I decided I needed me some Cathe, but I still wanted to combine with a bodyrock type thing, so.... I did the MMA Kickbox Bodyrock premix. Do you guys have that on your dvd? :) Here's what I did..... first, the KB warm up, then:

1. 20 kettlebell swings
2. 30 squats
3. 20 swings
4. 15 burpees (no pushups)
5. 20 swings
6. 12 reptile pushups
7. 20 swings
8. 20 lunge jumps
9. 20 swings
10. 10 hanging knee raises

Then I did combo 1/blast with that 10 step blast insert, and then combo 2/blast with another 10 step blast insert. It was quite a workout -- HRM said 528 calories gone. It was good to work out so hard and good to be done. Now, I have to, just HAVE TO!, do clean up max today. I think part of why I'm so down is the house is sooooo out of control and I just can't stand it, but being unmotivated to fix it is just helping it all spiral down even more. I just have to make some progress and feel better, so that's what I'm setting out to do.

It's 8:36 and the kids have already been outside skating a while. They're trying to get some in before it gets too hot. Have a great day, all.
I'm hanging in there. We're supposed to get severe weather later (probably on my ride in to work :eek:) and that's making me anxious. *They* say Tornado warnings. Lovely.

I ended up doing Turbo Jam's Turbo Sculpt. It was kind of easy . :eek: Compound moves, repetitive light weights. LOTS of shoulders and legs. I'll be surprised if I get DOMS tomorrow, but, since I'm not used to this kind of work, maybe I will. Considering the roll backs made my triceps so sore!!!

Beth: And you balanced ME out with that CRAZY mish mosh workout today!! Go, Beth!!!! I'm sure I don't have that premix on MY DVD ;). ... OMG, Beth. read that book before you send it!!! It keeps calling my name, and I just want to "read read read"!!! One of the lead characters names is Tully, and reminds me of Joanne's dog every time I read it! LOL!. ..... OH my house is crazy too. there are piles of crap everywhere. I get quite psycho on Saturdays with the piles, or if I don't have a lot of sleep, the clutter annoys me!! I knowwhy the piles accumulate. I just keep up with DAY TO DAY housework, and can't get to the bigger de-cluttering. Ugh. Good luck today!!!

P90X is sounding really intriguing now, since you keep bringing it up! ;) I really do want to try it.

going to go read my book for a bit, before my nappie poo!!
When I read the back of the book, I thought of Joanne with that Tully, too! :D

Let's do P90X together.... that'd be fun, wouldn't it? And realistically, I won't be able to start it for at least two more weeks, maybe more, so you can keep going with your FF rotation. Joanne, you're in! (no, that's not a question!)

I hope the ride to work is ok! No tornadoes, please!

Oh, the clutter.... yes, it drives us nuts, doesn't it? I'm already in a better mood, because to me it looks a lot better, though any stranger walking in would still call it a disaster! I realized that it got really out of control when I was away, and I just haven't been able to get my brain around getting it back in order. Today's a start. The only problem is, in a couple of weeks I'll be gone and it'll get crazy out of control again. :confused: At least I'll be expecting it.

Off to read to the boys. We're now in the midst of a Dave Barry for kids -- Peter and the Star Catchers, I think it's called, and we're all really enjoying it!
Good morning. Well, I got a lot of cleaning done yesterday -- picking up, really, but that's what it needed -- so that felt good. Then we went to town to get new skate wheels and bubbles (Dylan wanted to blow bubbles -- go figure) and we had pizza while we were there. Finally got home, skated a while, it was really hot in the house, so we stayed outside until late-ish (for us), so Larry was cutting watermelon for everyone and cut his hand pretty badly. He didn't want to go to the ER so we put it back together as best we could. By then it's 9:30 and we're just ready to go to bed, and he picks that time to tell me we are about to be sued by someone. I don't want to talk about it here except to say it has nothing to do with work. Anyway, that was just too much for me. I guess he didn't want to tell me during the day yesterday because I was finally a little happy, and getting a lot done, and he didn't want to take the wind out of my sails, but boy, right before bed is not a good time to give anyone bad news.

Ok, and then this morning..... I'm working out -- Jillian's NMTZ -- and Travis gets up because the cats woke him up because.... they are chasing a mouse. Ug! And, I just got a call that the power is out at work, so we have to get that dealt with. It just gets better, doesn't it?

We have the fireman's bbq later today -- that is always a fun event. I should do a little more cleaning if I can wrap my brain around that.....
HI everyone...

Just got back from walking at the track with Lauren. We are starting a walking regimen for her. I used by walking kit that I ordered from the fit by Cathe line. I loved it. I am going to let Lauren use some weights too when we walk. I am hoping to get her into running for the cardio. But, if she will do the walking that is good too. She doesn't like to run and I told her she may walk as long as it is a fast walk and she uses the ankle and wrist weights to help in the calorie burn...So, that is what we will do...

Now, we are going to get some lunch and then maybe the pool. Vic and Chris went to the Washington Nationals game today in DC. She it is just the girls home today!!
OH Beth..Forgot to mention. We got The Tooth Fairy on loan from the library too. We get lots of movies there...Love it!!
Chris: I love Nora Roberts stuff. And anything in the romance genre. Right now I am reading some Harelquin Romance stuff. Really good fantasy reading!!
Kathy, good going on the walk!! Fun to have a girl's day, I'll bet -- enjoy!! Have I asked you if you know the author Karen Sandler? That's my niece's MIL. She writes similar kinds of romance novels, I guess, though I've never read one. One of her more recent ones includes character names of all my nieces' (both of them) crowd for fun.
Hi guys! Hope you guys have been having a good weekend...I've been moping around eating my sorrows in the sweltering heat. I talked to my mom who isn't doing so great either but she's not going to go to India for the funeral. She doesn't like funerals and avoids them at all costs. Though I'm worried she won't get the closure she wants. Thanks for your thoughts. She wasn't super young, but she wasn't old either. But just a really nice person. She went to take a nap and when my uncle called her for tea she was gone. It's a little jarring to just even think about it.

But today I got up and caught up on my rotation doing Step Moves and STS Legs (minus the optional leg blast). I only didn't do one exercise in STS because well, I fell on the floor. Damn those wall squats. But it felt good...I'm fearful of what my legs will feel like tomorrow because though I didn't have the energy to do the bonus leg workout...it doesn't feel too bad. And I remember being terrified. Maybe I'm stronger? Maybe I'm just amnesiac?

We got our furniture...everything looks great except that the chairs intimidate me! They look like throne chairs. But I need chairs so just will deal with it. Joe is loving his bar and I admit, it was nice to pull stuff out of boxes from when we moved and put them in a decent storage space. We're tutoring the MCAT student today and going out to dinner in Old Pas since its restaurant week there. We're going to some wine and blues/jazz joint that's supposed to be swanky. I'm not sure if I do swanky well. But I'll try. I screwed science this weekend but I need to pick up the ball tomorrow. Boss is back.

Kathy -- I used to go on walks with my mom in the summer with our dog. Before the heat got out that is. I liked it a lot. That's cool that the walking kit works well! I have to figure out how to get the stink out of my 10lb Cathe vest. Any ideas?

Chris -- thought of you this morning as my paper was at the end of my driveway again. I do wish your boy delivered my papers. how was last night?

Beth -- oh that is a bad time to talk about bad news. And what crappy news too...always so stressful. I would like to say I hope it resolves itself quickly but they rarely do. Is Larry's hand ok though? In better news, I may be coming up through NoCal soon (but not while you're down here of course). ;)

Ok, I should figure out lunch soon...
Beth: That is so cool. I will look her up and checkout her books. I am always looking for a good book...I am just starting one today by Diana Palmer...
Hottie: Have you tried spraying it with Frebreeze? That seems to work for so many other things. I haven't used my vest too many times. So, it is not at the smelly stage yet. Great job catching up with the rotation and Yeah!! on getting the furniture. We need some new things. But, we keep getting stuck in that place where we can't see spending money on things that still work...I guess since I stay home and we live on Vic's income. I get nervous about charging up cards or spending money when we don't have to. I fear that we would need it after it was spent. So, what works stays and when we need to we replace it...I am so sorry for your mom and Uncle. I am glad your Aunt didn't suffer. Hugs and prayers for your family..

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