June 10 Check in Tuesday 29th**********


Hi ladies....

Getting us started this morning...I got most of my packing done yesterday. I want to get the house clean before I go. Lauren has drawing lessons today too. My workout is going to be something with weights. I have been thinking about taking Travel fit with me. I can easily bring a resistance band with me to get this video done a few times...

Ok, time to get the kids up for our walk...Talk to you later..
Good Morning!


Hi Kathy!: So you leave tomorrow? Will you have internet access to check in with us or no? I'll have Kathy withdrawal for sure if you don't!!! ... I think bringing Travel Fit with you is a good idea. At least you'll have it if you can squeeze it in somehow. I know you've said it before, but where in FL is it you're going?

Beth: I know about that patient at work, right? It is a total miracle, actually, that he is still alive. It's all so hard to even think about. He's someone that has stuck with me even when I'm not at work. Sorry to hear about your mom. The poor woman. :( I think it's so hard to regulate pain sometimes. You're stuck between pain relief and being too sedated. Maybe your mom is trying to exert just a little bit of her own control in choosing not to wear the brace. Since she has so little left. And I'm sure she hates it! .... Oh! Punch Kick and Jam is one of my favorites!! there is some sculpting stuff at the end that is so-so, but I love the cardio! Once you get Chalene's basic moves, you can do any of her TJ's. Or TK's! And they're mostly some form of kickboxing. Can't wait to hear how you like it!

*WAVES* to Joanne and Hottie!!! Check in ASAP! We want updates!!!

Today I'm doing TURBO FIRE's 55 EZ workout. Sounds like a longer cardio, ... Chalene says that the description of "EZ" is misleading , so we'll see! I want to do one of the 4DS Weight stuff too. Probably Chest & Back!

My boys slept LATE today! Alex and Jake just got up (at 9:15!!). Zach is still sleeping. His schedule has been so crazy since school's out. He stays up until 2am-3am and sleeps in until 12noon!! Plus his blood sugars have been HORRIBLY high. Not sure if it's a growth spurt or his new schedule/eating/sleeping is screwing things up.
Good morning! Yes, Kathy, we are going to miss you!! I hope you have a great time. Definitely take Travel Fit and a band with you -- you just never know what you can work in.

Well, I did that Kick Punch and Jam! I think it's hilarious that I've never done it, because that seems pretty signature Turbo Jam, doesn't it? I liked it -- it was easy to follow and did get my heart rate up decently. Yeah, the stuff at the end was kind of silly, but whatever. Still not sure I want TF though! Chris, it seems like EZ are meant to be more steady state, right? Except I read that there is a turbo or whatever she calls them in there -- I guess it surprised the person who's post I was reading.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling just how awful it must be for my mom. I don't think she has really any kind of "quality" of life right now -- she is stuck in a bed that's not even her own, is in pain, and a little bit out of it from the meds. Really made me wonder if we'd put a dog or cat through this "treatment". And of course, then I couldn't get back to sleep. I suppose in the light of day here there really is supposed to be relief for her at some point, but right now I wonder if she thinks it's ever going to come. Oh, and I don't mean death.... I do think they are putting her through this because theoretically she might have a little bit of time with less pain, but.... I just don't know. The dr. told me we'd know week by week. So far the weeks aren't doing much.

I have to say.... every time I see someone smoking now I am really completely disgusted like I never have been. There were a couple of women smoking at the party the other night and I was just floored.

Ug, enough of that depressing talk! Are we going to hear from our party animal today?! I hope so!!

Oh, Larry and I started watching Sherlock Holmes last night -- Dylan didn't want to watch it at all, which was fine, and Travis sort of did want to see it, but it's sure a good thing we watched without him. There was some creepy stuff. But..... we didn't finish it!! At some point we looked at each other and agreed it was pretty boring, so we gave up. Did you guys see it? I think someone here did.... did you like it?

We are off to see Toy Story with friends today, followed by a picnic on the beach, though I'm wondering about the wisdom of that because it got pretty cold last night and it's thick with fog this morning, so I think the beach will be back to freezing. Tomorrow I have a hair appt., which takes forever, and Thursday I have to go to San Francisco to see my dermatologist, and so far I have no help lined up for the kids!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I haven't heard back from the babysitter. Worst case on Thursday I can take them with me, though I'd rather not. Tomorrow I can't really take them -- no where for them to wait really and besides it so stinks in a hair salon, doesn't it?! I may have to beg a favor from a friend.....

Waves to Hottie! How's Joe?

Have a great day.....
Oh, forgot to tell you guys.... last night I was looking at my dvds and Larry walked over and saw all the boxes with many many dvds..... I guess he hasn't seen the collection in a while. He made a great show of shaking his head or whatever and asking how much they each go for, and then he said if you add up all I've spent on dvds it's probably not as much as.... and I thought he was going to say something about some wooodworking equipment, but he said "the four chainsaws I bought". He spent $3K on four chainsaws, so, I didn't feel so bad. Plus, then he added about how it makes me happy, I do them, (well, most of them! :p), and it keeps me in shape, so go ahead, buy more..... :D It was pretty funny, but maybe you had to be there.
HI ladies...

I ended up doing FIRM Aerobic Body Shaping today for my workout and I got my walk in with Lauren...Now, I am going to clean up the house a little and then get Lauren to drawing..Also, a friend is keeping Buddy for us while we are gone. So, I gotta bring him over there too...

Chris: Yes, we leave bright and early tomorrow morning. My sister has internet at her house. So, If I can manage a turn on the computer I will stop in and say hi for sure. I will miss you all too. I can't tell you how much I treasure getting on here and talking about my workouts and frustrations. Vic will kid me about it. Especially when the scale is down. He will tell me to get on the Cathe site and tell your friends. And then I say at least they listen and care. Nobody but workout buddies understand the workout side of what I do during the day. So, I will miss you and do my best to pop in...My family lives in northwest Florida near Panama City Beach..The town is called Chipley Florida...just south of Dothan Alabama....Have you ever heard of it?

Beth: Sorry you had a rough night trying to sleep while thinking of your mom..I hope it gets better for her. <<<HUGS>>> Sherlock Holmes...I got that one from netflix a couple of weeks ago and thought it was ok. I really like Robert Downey Jr. So, that made it ok. he is a great actor. In my opinion!! Enjoy the movie and the picninc. Vic took Lauren to see Toy Story on Friday....They really enjoyed it. By they way, Vic is always talking about the MANY DVDs I have. But, I usually get the same comment wanting to know how much they each cost and such. But, then he will always comment that he too likes the results and at least they are being used...Boy are they!! We both have our thing that we like and spend money on with reason. He knows I would purchase DVDs if it meant we couldn't pay a bill or eat. Well maybe! HAHA

Ok, I am packing the Travel fit and the band. I was also considering bring the MMA: kickbox or boxing since they don't need equipment...Don't know if I will get to do them. But, I am going to try. I am also going to try getting up in the morning and walking before everyone gets going...

Talk to you later...
just a quickie post for now because I have a million things to do in the next five minutes but I just wanted to say I did Skinny sculpt this morning because I'm trying to do this active recovery week thing right...I dunno...I just wanna go crazy with the cardio. I do hope that the chiro appt I have later today will crack my back and my neck into place. Before I had out though

Kathy -- bring TF and the MMAs and if you really want CCC as they don't need equipment really. but don't feel bad if you can't get any workouts in...I never seem to be able to when I go!

Beth --::hugs:: I wake up in the middle of the night and I think about my family too and can't fall asleep either. Joe doesn't dare make one comment about my DVDs because 1) he knows I get them on sale, 2) I don't ask for much, 3) it makes me happy, and 4) you guys make my thing look like a hobby vs. an obsession. So, thanks I guess? ;)

Will be back!
Hi ladies!!! Sorry to keep you all in party-update suspense! Long story short - everything got done and it turned out really nice. Friday was craziness - running errands, picking up the root beer keg, tables and chairs, installing air conditioners, etc. Lots of cleaning. Hounding DH to put his tools in the garage. Getting the kitchen back together. DH did finish laying the tiles, but said there wasn't enough time to grout them. It looks fine, but I want to get the grout done before it gets put off indefinitely. Saturday got up early and cleaned up the back yard and set everything up. It started at 3, but I didn't think people would really come till later. But all the kids came right around 3. About 20 of Jameson's friends came. It turned out to be a nice day, so they were outside most of the time. We had a badminton net up and a soccer goal, so they did that. They all wound up in the basement later on, and oh, was it stuffy and sweaty-smelling done there!! I have to say, though, they were really a nice bunch of kids. Hardly left any mess, really polite, just nice kids. Mostly girls - pretty funny! Then we had our families and some friends. A lot of people couldn't make it because of baseball tournaments. They were rescheduled cause of all this crazy weather we have been having. All in all it turned out well. It was over by around 10:00, but some kids stayed till 11:00. I'm so happy with the way the house looks now - I told DH we have to keep it this way! It had gotten out of control with clutter and crap!

We had a lot of food left over, so Sunday we planned to just hang out with the neighbors, sit outside and eat leftovers. Well, we get a call early that morning that our neighbors are getting water in their basement and could DH come over and help. He was able to control it and nothing got ruined. Then they decided to put in a drainage pipe on the side of their house, so all the guys helped in the pouring rain and mud and dug this ditch and put a pipe in. Then we heated up the food and fed everyone lunch. The rain was insane. There were about six inches on the street. The kids all ran outside in their bare feet and ran around in it. Even Tully got in on it. Kind of a weird, but fun, day. It turned out to be nice day when the rain finally stopped. I did get a bit annoyed, though. I was wiped out - it was a long week and I just wanted to relax in my basement and watch TV. Well, there were some neighbor kids in the house, which was fine. But I go downstairs and they are watching Sponge Bob. OK, I'll use the computer instead. OK, one is on my computer. OK, where's my Ipod? I'll check my email. One is using my ipod!! I was like, OK, it's time for you to all go home! Caitlyn was the only one of my own kids home, these others were just hanging around. Colin had a friend sleep over the night of the party and Ian had one sleep over Sunday night. I just wanted the house to myself for a bit!

The kids' computer is dead, and they've been off and on mine so it's even harder to check in with all of you when I'm at home!

I felt so old yesterday. I took Jameson to open his own checking account! He was so funny. The teller was explaining how to use his register and make out the deposit slip. He told her he knew how to do it - he learning in school. Wow, something practical they can actually use in the real world! Also, he is going with a friends family and a couple other kids to their lake house this Thursday-Sunday. I'm sure he'll be fine and he will have a great time, but it feels like he's slipping away. Growing up so fast!

Let's see - what else is new? ;) DH and the kids are going camping the weekend after next for a full week. I'm starting to freak out a bit. I'm really going to miss them. But, the "me" time will be nice.

Took Ian and Caitlyn to the zoo yesterday. Jameson had plans with friends and Colin didn't want to go - said it was "boring". It was a beautiful day - sunny, but not too hot or humid. We had fun - I told them we are going to do something together every Monday afternoon since I'm off work. Ease some of that working mom guilt! ;)

Chris, Ian is on the same schedule as Zach. He's up until 2:00 and wakes up around noon, 1:00. His friend that slept over is an early bird. He goes to sleep around 9:00 and is up at 6:00. He managed to stay awake till midnight when he slept over, but Ian was up till 2:00. He had to wake Ian up around 9:00, cause he was bored! Oh, I am LOVING Turbo Fire!! I'm doing the rotation on the fold out sheet. Glad I started that one. I just started week 2 today. The only workout I didn't do last week was the Stretch 40. I loved Turbo EZ 55 and Fire 45. I did Fire 45 today. It's really like being in a live class. It could just be all the running around, but I actually lost a couple pounds last week. And, my eating has been horrible.

Beth, I'm so sorry about your mom being so uncomfortable. I hope the pain eases for her and she can some relief soon. I know it's so hard for you and not being able to do anything. DH has marveled at my DVD collection many times! He doesn't say too much - except "still haven't found that magic bullet, yet, huh?" ;) I don't think he minds - I don't spend much money on other stuff for myself.

Kathy, have a wonderful trip!! I always try to clean the house before we go away too. Feels so nice to come home to a clean house. Hope you can pop in and say hi. I love coming here and talking to you all too.

Hottie, how's Joe today? Oh, men are the worst sick people! Hope he feels better though. So are you moving onto Meso 2 now?

Wanted to post more, but have a meeting shortly. I'll be back, I'm sure!!

Hey again!

OMG, I LOVED FIRE 55 EZ Class!! Loved it! It's my favorite so far! The music was sooooooo fun and I ended up getting SO into it! More than even Turbo Kicks!! LOVED it, and I was DRENCHED (could have wrung out my workout pants , I think!) at the end!! I added on 4 DS Chest & Back. ... Alex was trying to make plans with his friend DURING my workout. I could not even HEAR him I was so into the workout! LOL!. (Rule #1: Do NOT talk to mom during workout unless it's an emergency!!). . So now I want to get that song Dazzey Duks and put it on my iPod for running!

Beth: YAY for Kick Punch and Jam!!! It is kind of fun, isn't it? FUNky! .. Sorry you woke up thinking about your mom. I hate "thinking" in the middle of the night. It's such a desperate feeling at that time of the night.. Is your mom depressed, ya think? I think about putting animals down and people ALL the time. I felt that way about my dad , when he died. It f'n sucks. But we can only make the best of what we have. I'm sure your mom is not ready to give up. I do think cancer wears people down, though. Maybe that's good. Because maybe it helps us to accept the inevitible. ........ I haven't seen Sherlock Holmes. But I too, am a Robert Downey Jr. lover! ;). so maybe I do just to watch the scenery. ... I really WANT to go see Toy Story. But these boys end up making plans with friends , and we can't go. We will go one of these days!.... Good thinking on Larry's party about the DVDs. It makes us happy, and we are doing something HEALTHY, a good investment, if you ask me! And if we joined a gym, we'd be paying probably even MORE in dues and fees to belong. Greg has only made comments about me needing a new storage system. Oh, and he also made a comment after I got Turbo Fire asking me if I did the LAST set of DVDs yet (BBL). "Of COURSE I did , honey!!" They've gotten a bit out of control on our computer desk in the basement. How/where do you all store your workout DVDs?

Kathy: I have no idea what that Firm workout is! LOL!. But it's total body weights? Nice you got to walk with Lauren!... i'm not familiar with that part of FL. Not that I know a LOT of FL, just my sister goes to Miami every year (her DH's family lives there) and I've been to Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale before.

Joanne: The party sounds like it went well! Yes, I know that "smell" of a bunch of kids in a closed in space. Ick. Esp. boys! I like most of Zach's friends too. He actually decided to DEfriend Joe, the troublemaker/ding dong ditcher! Yay! ... I can see how you'd be irritated with all those kids using all your stuff!!! Little poops!!! .... I understand the feeling of having to let go, too. I've been feeling that a LOT with Zach lately. ... NICE that you got to go to the zoo! Mondays will be a nice day for you guys!.... Yep, I'm still on the first week of TF. I switched it up a little so my rest day would be on Sunday. Tomorrow is FIRE 30 Class! I'm totally in LOVE with these workouts so far! I didn't end up getting the Deluxe Set, but I do believe I will be ordering them at some point. . Did you see my post about the 2 different schedules? .. I'm following the one on the fold-out sheet too. And I am down a few pounds as well! My eating hasn't been much different than usual, so I'm soooo psyched, and I definitely think it's the TF workouts! That's the only thing I changed!!

Hottie: You're still sticking to every day workouts. Probably a good idea even during recovery, to keep you on a schedule. Hope your back is better after the chiro! Mine was kind of sore today, my low back. it was tough doing the bar bell rows!

I was going to try to do something fun with the boys, but they all decided and wanted to go to friends' houses instead. Whatever. I'm all alone! I should be happy! Yet, I feel a little like I got ditched!:eek:
Hey Chris!! I am totally loving these TF workouts too! Don't know if I mention I did the Core 20 one? That was great. She uses a band and it really gets you. I did it yesterday and I'm feeling it now. So you lost a couple pounds, too? Wow - I wonder if these really are the "magic bullet"? ;) You will love the Fire 45 workout. The last combo is a blast. There are three turbos. Tomorrow is Hiit 20 and I think I'll do the 40 minute stretch. Good for Zach for defriending that kid. Did you find something to do after the boys ditched you? ;) I'd probably be napping! DH took all the kids swimming (ours and some extras) Sunday afternoon and I had the most delicious nap. Felt so good.

Oh, I forgot - the other reason I felt old yesterday was that I went to the eye doctor last week and he prescribed reading glasses for me. I do need them and I knew it was inevitable. Reading isn't enjoyable anymore cause I can't see! I refuse the get the chain to hang around my neck, though. ;)

Time to get ready to go home....see you all tomorrow! Safe travels, Kathy!

Joanne! So good to hear from you finally. Sounds like the party was a definite hit -- bravo! And everything came together.... yeah, just make sure that grout gets done. That's something that just would never ever get done at our house if it worked out that way. Did I tell you guys about our SF house? We kept debating about fixing up our house or moving -- for months this went on -- and finally one Father's Day Larry made the choice to fix up the house so he took a saws-all to the kitchen wall. We lived with that hole in the wall for at least a few years before we finally moved -- electrical exposed, and all!! That's how it goes in OUR house! :)

Crazy about the kids -- I love hearing the stories of your weekends and all the kids using your house as "base". I'm sure they love it there. Bummer about them using your electronics though!!

So you guys, on the TF..... are the EZ ones sort of steady state? I'm starting to get tempted (well, of course.... they ARE the "magic bullet" ;)).

Kathy, you are so funny about the groceries vs. dvds comment! I hope you got your packing and last minute cleaning done!! Bon voyage!!

Oh, where do I store my dvds? It's pathetic.... they are in shipping boxes on the side of and behind the tv. Really classy here....

Ok, so I'm exhausted. Met my friend and her twins at Toy Story -- loved it -- and then we picked up sandwiches (Togo's, Hottie!) and went to the beach for the afternoon. Very nice! The kids played in the water a little bit, even though mine were totally unprepared. They were freezing by the end of it, and of course it was just starting to warm up finally. We are just home and it's time to get dinner rolling, but it was a really fun afternoon!
HI again ladies...

I just wanted to check back in again and say bye....I will try to get on some. I think I got everything packed. I have a few bathroom things to put in after my shower in the morning. But, I think I got the rest. I hope anyway...

Talk to you soon. Early to bed tonight. We gotta get up a 3am to leave at 4. We have a 8:20 flight in Baltimore....YIKES!!

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