Wow, big talkers here today!

Chris, we miss you!!!!
Hottie, that's hilarious about the Togo's guy and the paninis, too. I can't imagine Togo's paninis would be very good, but who knows..... layers, check.
Joanne, sounds like a fun time with the game. It is crazy crazy that we picked the same workout today!!! Wow!
Graduation was great.... man they had those kids practiced! It was perfect, pretty much, and the best behaved I have EVER, and probably will ever, see those kids!! They sang a song called "Win" at the end -- maybe some popular song I'm clueless about? -- anyway, not a dry female eye in the house (well, except the jaded staff who goes through this every year!) and I heard that some men as well!! It was really the perfect ceremony for 5th grade -- it recognized each of them, but it was very short and to the point. Party afterward, and a lot of us were asking whether or not we might get away with running to the store for some champagne. Not a chance. Anyway, they set up a big blow-up water slide, and had lots of water toys. Problem is, Travis is not much into that stuff on a hot day, and it was on the cool side. He just wasn't playing with anyone. So, we bailed. I ended up balling into the arms of my friend as I told her we were leaving. I told her I would come back and clean, because I had signed up for that, but she knows what's going on with my mom, so she hugged me, held me, and said "just go take care of your boys and be with your family" and I lost it completely, but that's what we did. We did get it together for piano lessons, which is their last lesson until July 6. That is always a bit tough because once you're out of the groove, it's really hard to get back, but it is what it is. They both enjoyed their lesson and that's always a good thing.
So, I need to pack and we are off tomorrow. My mom got bad news again today, and she had no one there with her. I feel so bad, but my local sister had high school graduation, so that's how it worked out. She's going to be having radiation in the morning -- I guess the tumor on her spine has gotten big enough that paralysis is setting in, so they want to slow that down. She's been going to a dr. for three years about a possible hip replacement, and today they told her it's the cancer that's been hurting her. When she told me that I made a sick-to-my-stomach groan and she, in all her drugged glory, was cognizant enough to say "Beth, don't feel that way. Until May 3rd I was perfectly healthy -- working, having fun -- even though it was in my body I wasn't sick, and we should be grateful for all that time." Wow, perspective.
Ok, who knows if anyone is even going to read this..... I'm babbling..... I'll try to check in in the morning, but it may be crazy trying to get out of the house. Travis said we have to get Daddy to try to leave earlier because the drive seems so long otherwise. So, hopefully we can do that. I'll try to check in while I'm gone.......