June 10 Check in Monday 7th************


Good morning ladies...

Hope everyone had a great weekend...Today's scheduled workout is Supersets...I have some errands to run today too. Then tonight Chris has a baseball game. It is the first game of their tournament...

Ok, time to get everyone up!!!

Ok, I'm up! :D Good morning. Or not. I woke up at 3ish when Larry got up to use the bathroom and I never did go back to sleep. Ug. Going to be a long day.......

I did a bodyrock workout again today, but started out with the HIIT pyramid warm up, and ended up doing her last set of airjacks afterward before her cool down and stretch, so.... I got a little Cathe in, too. :)

Kind of a busy day -- there's a retirement party for one of Travis' favorite teachers tonight. It's a potluck, so I need to shop and prepare something after I pick up the kids from school. Last week!

BBL, hopefully! Happy Monday!
Hey Girls!

yes it's me. long story. won't go into it here. But I didn't make it to work last night.

I'm dreading my 4am wake up call tomorrow. (or earlier). I really REALLY need to get to bed earlier tonight. Hard to do, but I must!

But then again if Beth can get up at 3am and do an HiiT type workout, maybe I can get up at 4a and go ride a bus for hours on end!

We had crazy stormy weather over the weekend. Tornado warnings both Sat and Sunday and today is just picture perfect. 70's, low humidity and sunny. I'm thinking a run at the park (my last real workout this week. although walking in DC for 3 days could probably be considered workouts?!?!).

Kathy: Enjoy SS todays! I like that one, though it's shorter. But that is nice too. Good luck to Chris on his game tonight. Zach is going to miss his last game on Tuesday. Not sure if they'll make it to the playoffs. But they also might have 2 make up games.

Beth: That truly sucks you have a full day and have sleep issues. I read your weekend posts. Wow. What a horrid string of bad stuff! I hope things are settled a little. :( Damn Larry for telling you that before bed! Sounds messy. All of it. Try to envision it all being OVER and you looking back on it as a "speed bump" in life. Sometimes that helps me de-stress about things. And I also sing this song to myself:
And we'll all float on.
Alright already, we'll all float on.
Alright, don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy.
We'll all float on.

Hottie: I am UBER impressed with you catching up with STS yesterday! Hope your lower end is ok today! (or not, whatever you want!). . Sorry to hear how your aunt died. It does sound like there's very little closure anywhere when someone dies so suddenly. I avoid funerals/wakes too, so I understand that line of reasoning.

Hey Joanne! Hope you had a nice weekend!

better start doing something!
Chris, wow 4am to get on a long bus ride with a bunch of 8th graders? I'll take 3am with an intense workout (it wasn't really hiit) over that any day! :D

Thanks for your encouragement about the state of things -- I definitely will try to think ahead. They tell you to "live in the moment", but I think now's a time where that's not a good philosophy for me, because it is really bringing me down!

Hope you enjoy your run in the park today, and in case I miss you later, I hope the trip is a great one! I'm sure the bus ride will be fine and yes, you'll definitely get one long workout in each day in DC, I would think. Endurance is the name of the game! Enjoy.

Maybe there was another Hottie post I missed yesterday? Off to check it out.....
Hey !

Change of plans. I didn't feel the run today. Instead I did , for the first time, from The Terminator: The Gauntlet!!!! :eek: . It definitely got me over my dread of IMAX2. It's a combination of an IM2 interval + blast, and then a C&W combo weights move, and then a Bootcamp Weights move, and then a BC cardio! 7 times! 80 Minutes! So , that's my only workout of the week. a good one, huh?

Beth: On I think the 8th graders at 5am will be pretty sedate, don't you? I still am not sure how I'm going to drag Zach out of bed at 4am!. He's hard at 6:30a!! Getting things together today. Did a store trip for last minute stuff, and I'm going to go pack now....

hey just a quick post. I'm trying to be productive at lab but its hard! But I'm being good. I'm a little annoyed with one experiment. I'm just too drained to go through the days of troublehshooting but I'm stuck.

Wowee, my legs sure felt it this morning. I woke up when the sprinklers went and I coudln't move my hammies were so tight. But I eventually futzed around and got in the start of week 2 of STS. I'm proud of myself. I hope I do get stronger though. I was crying when I saw myself in the mirror today. Up 15lbs and 3 inches from when I moved into the new house. ::sigh:: I'm hoping 5lbs/1 inch is from the end of my period last week that got all screwy so I started my birth control medication earlier. But I feel crappy for it. But I'm glad I have STS to keep my discipline going.

Kathy -- Good luck to Chris on his game! Hope you had fun with Supersets as well.
Beth -- I need to get to sleep in for tomorrow's HiiT workout. I keep on reading how important sleep is to health and I'm like, easier said than done! How you doing otherwise? I know its been pretty stressful for you.
Chris -- I'm totally going to miss you this week -- Joanne pick up the slack ok? ;) I'm saving the Gauntlet for my active recovery week. I think its an awesome workout to do when you only have to do one in a week.

I'm thinking Joanne already posted since I had this window up for so long but I'll reply to her later too....
You are rocking STS, Hottie! hi-5's!!!! I'm sure the consistancy you're putting in there will pay off and those extra "things" will be gone in no time!. .. Plus I think you look great anyways. But I know we're much harder on ourselves. .... You're saving the Gauntlet for active recovery week? :eek: That's WAY more than active recovery! LOL! You are a nut!

I know! I'm going to miss you guys too! :(

What I'm not going to miss:
1. Cooking
2. Cleaning the kitty litter box, 2x a day!
3. Laundry
4. all other cleaning!

I'll try to check in tomorrow before I go. Knowing me I'll be ready BEFORE I need to be. It's just the way I am!

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