June 10 Check in Friday 4th*************


Good morning ladies...

Looks like it should be pretty nice here today. So, we will be headed to the pool if all stays that way. Last night it rained before went to the baseball game. BUt, it stopped and we got to play the game. Chris' team won and played well. Chris was doing a nice job as pitcher..

Workout today is Imax 2. I switched the days around to keep my rest day on Sunday. Today was a scheduled rest and then it was Muscle MAx then Imax 2. But, I can't do MM after BM....Thus, today is the Imax 2...

Ok, time to get the day started with some breakfast...


Good Morning!

I guess you stole my cupcake last night, Hottie ;) . AND the Lakers beat up my Celtics last night. :( . Does your post last night mean you're rooting for the Celtics???

Today is crazy. Again. Oh well. I have to squeeze in: Making Glumpkis (a 2 hour process), Dropping some things off at Zach's school for the DC trip, going to the grocery store (UNplanned, but I forgot something!!), Picking up Greg's cake. I really want to pick up Jake's 1st Communion Picture at the church today too. Oh, and getting this all done before 1:30p, so I can get to Jake's play for 2p. AND of course, getting in my workout !!!

Today is cardio, so depending on time, I'll either do the All Step Premix from Cardio Fusion (shorter) or the Cardio Blast Premix from BM2 (longer).

: The rain/storms cleared before Zach's game last night too! Except he wasn't so lucky. His team lost :(. He's in such a crabby mood when his team loses. Have fun with IM2!!! I'm not quite ready for it yet, still dread. LOL!

*waves* to Beth and Joanne!!!

Happy Friday!! Boy, you guys were chatty yesterday!! And so funny. I was not around at all! And then last night I was so grumpy and Larry had taken the mouse off my computer and so I couldn't even look to see if you had been chatty and I got grumpier!!

That ice cream sounds great! Hottie, my mom is a big Lakers fan, funny enough. But on being Celtics or Lakers fan..... that reminds me about the hockey stuff.... so it's the Blackhawks and the Fliers playing for the cup, right? Well, a bunch of Sharks fans feel we ought to root for the Blackhawks because then at least we will feel sort of justified that the sharks didn't make it to the finals, but we have friends who are HUGE Fliers fans, and so there's this funny sort of rivalry going on in a big email thread lately. It cracks me up. People can get so funny. Joanne, are you watching the games?

On Dylan's sewing..... Hottie, you would not want him to do any alterations for you just yet. There's a little problem with going straight!!! :D

Chris, so funny you mentioned P90X!! I had just pulled mine out yesterday and was looking at the book and getting kind of psyched about doing some of it. I've never done a rotation -- not even a hint of one -- but have done a few of the workouts here and there. I honestly don't think I could stick with 90 days of just that, but I may try some modified thing. I think we are headed down to my mom's in a week and I'm not sure how long we'll be there. I'm not sure I'll even have time/ability to workout when I'm there, so it's kind of crazy for me to be thinking of it. I started reading the meal plan book, which I had never even put my nose in, and it looked really interesting. And get this.... after dinner I was looking for it since I couldn't get on the computer and.... I can't find it! We all looked and looked and we just cannot find the darn thing. I was so mad and grumpy and in a bad space. It's got to be here somewhere, but boy I drove myself crazy trying to find it (and drove everyone else crazy, too!).

I did a fun workout this morning.... the new Amy Dixon - Superfit Bod. I liked it -- it sort of felt like an IMAX done with weights. That is, it alternated weight sections with IMAX blasts. And the weight sections were done in a way to keep your heart rate up -- in fact, it wasn't much of a weight workout. I think you could do it with pretty light weights and count it as a cardio workout even. Anyway, it was fun, different.

Another sort of crazy day for me, so not sure I'll be back for quite a while. Maybe not as crazy as the day Chris faces though. ;) Have a good one, you guys!!
hey guys! Yep, Chris, I'm rooting for the Celtics...or usually whatever team is against the Lakers. Sorry about the score last night...actually, last night was sorta bad. We got home earlyish (woulda have been earlier if it weren't for the lakers) and got a lot done. Dining room is now ready for furniture, everything has been moved out, cleaned, and waxed. But we had one of our students last night come by because he's taking SAT Subject exams on saturday. He didn't bother to tell me that he was taking them until last Tuesday at the END of our session. Well, he didn't take his studying very seriously until we started poking him and he's so bad off in one exam we have to think of ways to make sure he doesn't take it or cancel the scores. Ugh! Like, he does fine with calculus but somewhere along the line he learned NO trig and this exam is heavy on trig but he didn't realize that when he signed up because he never bothered to LOOK IT UP. This is coupled with the other exam I'm helping him with which he had no idea what the format was like. How can you study for something if all you know is the title of the exam?!? Argh. Now I have to call his mother today after I get into work to update her on this who's really a nice woman but I can't imagine how frustrated SHE'S going to be given how frustrated *I* am about it.

But I'm eating a big breakfast so I can psych myself up for STS Legs in an hour. yay?

Kathy -- I couldn't do MM after BM2 either. Have fun with IM2 -- you know you will!

Chris -- the All Step Premix is shorter than the Cardio Blast? Oh that makes sense...I'm thinking of the Cardio Timesaver. Sounds like a busy day -- but those Glumpkis will be worth it.

BBL, time for breakfast nomming.
Beth -- I'm too pooped to drink right now. ;) You made me laugh about taking the mouse off the computer. I think I have a box in our back room with about 8 different kinds of mice. You never know when you need an extra one! Oh, but I hate the Fliers as well. Being in South Jersey it was all Fliers and Eagles and Phillies...and I was more of a Rangers/Devils and Giants fan.

Ok, how did eating breakfast make me sleepier!!??
Wow, everyone is so chatty already! :) But, sounds like you're all super busy today, so I may be alone for the rest of the day!

Hottie, that's so funny that you hate the Lakers! I can't imagine the traffic when they are in town. Ick. It's usually a nightmare anyway, isn't it? Don't you need to know trig to do calculus?? I used to love all that math stuff, but would be so lost now. You're doing STS Legs now, right? ;)

Beth, isn't it amazing how stuff disappears? I, too, have P90X and have never done it. All the pull-ups and push-ups turned me off, I think. Maybe someday. I'd say I'd do a rotation with you, but probably wouldn't stick with it! YES, we've been watching the Hawks games!! They really are fun to watch - don't know why we never watched before. Except looking at the players makes me feel old - they are all so young!! Root for the Blackhawks - Chicago could use a winning team. I have that Amy Dixon too (surprise!) and I remember liking it.

Chris, yes, I even have kids' workouts! What are glumpkis?? I should google it!

Kathy, I"m sure you'll have fun with IM2!

Strange workout this morning. Actually turned out fine, but DH took off last night and was sleeping in my workout space. Annoying!! Throws off my whole routine. Anyway, I was going to do another Discount Workouts weight DVD, started it and realized I would need my barbell, which was downstairs and I would have woken up DH dragging it out. So, I futzed around figuring out what else to do. I wound up do Results 10 Days to a Better Body, the upper body workout. It's intervals of cardio with weights. Pretty good. Then I did BBL Bum Bum Live.

This weekend is a bit crazy. Tomorrow we are helping my nephew earn his Eagle Scout badge by cleaning up a park. I guess it entails chopping down weeds and such. They requested we bring DH's chainsaw. Actually Caitlyn and I probably won't go. It's the hospital's annual picnic for the heart kids and I want to bring her. I think as she gets older it's good for her to meet kids who have gone through what she has. It's always fun, too. Then we have a soccer party for Colin's old team and then Colin has a soccer game about an hour away. He has another soccer game Sunday.

BBL...have a good day!

Um...I skipped STS Legs. I went to bed and took a nap. I think I needed it. Waking up so early to do these workouts has been great on discipline and all but my body just wanted some rest. I have no idea how I'm going to get the Leg workout in today but I'm going to try before the day is over. Now, I have to get ready to go to work when Joe is done with his drs appt.

And I've decided Evee is a ninja dog. I didn't even realize she jumped on the bed twice to snuggle next to me. NINJA. DOG.

Joanne -- I will ALWAYS make time for you (unless Joe and work are spiraling my life out of control). You know what's weird -- it seems at these fancy private schools they want to show how cool they are so they teach math in this "integrated" way which basically means that while the rest of the (poor) schools are on a similar track for learning, they are off doing their own thing and they may miss key stuff. I am ALL about having innovating ways of teaching -- I really am -- but I am getting sick of instructors at grade school and college level of being innovative for the sake of being different.

<small vent> So, when I was a lecturer for this private university in Ochem, I got criticized for teaching my class the "old fashioned" way., They guy was like, this is how I learned it 15 years ago and so much has changed. I explained, actually, ochem (like math) at this level hasn't changed at all, and if I thought bringing in computer modelling would help them I would, but it just was fluff that detracted from teaching core concepts. And then he slams me with the fact that higher universities wouldn't dream of just "writing reactions on the board" and then I slammed him back that the the NOBEL PRIZE WINNING professor who taught *me* did what I was doing less than five years before. Then he shut up (he went to harvard but he really couldn't compete with that). UGH! What does it matter how I teach if they learn the material well! </small vent>

Back to Joanne...I love the eagle scouts. I wish girls scouts didn't have those "girly" things until the top level because they do cool stuff like the eagle scouts as well. Well at least the two of us didn't get the workout in right today. But I got sleep. (nelson from the simpsons saying, "HAHA") Don't worry Joanne, once I get into work it's a lot of waiting around for stuff so I'll be around to chat...
Ugh ugh ugh...not to scare you but all you who are going to have boys getting ready to go to college, be prepared for them to be total dumba$$es and not even tell you about it. I just talked to the mom and my student didn't tell her ANYTHING from our session last night. I mean, not to get into everything, but I basically told the kid that he is NOT taking one of the subject exams tomorrow, and that the rules for how you cancel scores or not register is different and NOTHING. he told them NOTHING. Ugh. I mean, I understand to not involve your parents in your AVOIDABLE MONUMENTAL screwups, but damn. Seriously, I can't describe what kinda bullet I just made him dodge. If I didn't press him this week he might have some seriously crappy scores going into college applications -- and the kid is smart! UGH! Now, if that wasn't birth control I don't know what is for me...
Hottie, maybe it's not a college-aged kid thing, but a man trait?? ;) Don't let that deter you - they are adorable till they reach about age 13! Even then, they have their redeeming qualities!! Seriously, that kid should be thankful he has you on his side and you care enough to try to get him to get his act together. I'm always finding Tully on the bed (usually on DH's pillows) in the middle of the night! Our grade school was doing some "new math" thing, but they abandoned it last year to go back to basics. They do learn to do some things differently than I did, simple things like long division and multiplication. And it's so hard to help them with their homework if I can't understand the way they were taught to do it! Well, 10 weeks of not having to worry about homework - yay!!

Is it the weekend yet??? Supposed to get lots of storms again tonight and tomorrow. Hope it holds off till I get home.

Have a great weekend if I'm not back here.
Hey girls! I'm alive!

Did my workout this morning, Cardio Fusion, All Step Premix. It ended with the 4 BLASTS from BM2. Cool!!!! I was a sweaty mess!!! I did 3/4's of Stretch max (no equipemnt) afterwards. Felt GREAT!

Got all my little errands done, PLUS the boys signed up for CCD for next year (BONUS errand!). Picked up Greg's Bday Cake. And Cookies, at the Italian bakery. Oooooh myyyy. Give me will power! And that was after I played with cabbage and hamburg/rice stuffing making glumpki's this morning (Joanne , GLumpki's are basically stuffed cabbage. I make it the way my Polish grandmother did, her recipe!. But minus the lard! LOL!).

Beth: Sounds like an icky night! No mouse! How dare Larry????!!?! :eek: Frustrating about the P90X book. Crap like that happens to me ALL THE TIME. I hate it! ... So you're thinking of doing a kind of/sort of round of P90X? Maybe after your trip too. I'll join you and I bet if we BEGGED Joanne, she would too!!!!! .... That superbod workout sounds really fun!

Hottie: You definitely have to have some energy to do STS Legs. That's tough! I hope you can find some time to do it this afternoon/evening> I think it's not really long and it's got really different exercises, so I think it goes by kind of faster than most leg workouts. .... Ya, the Celtics tanked it last night. We'll do better !!!.... You did a TON last night! Evee , the Ninja, must be very confused!!.... WOW, your tutoring student sounds very irritating! And I could totally picture Zach doing something lke that. AND not telling me. THough if your parents are paying for a tutor, you'd hope they'd tell their parents whats going on. Mostly all men are of few words. That's how their brains work. Right? (except for Larry, who likes to talk ! ;)).

Joanne: Glad you recovered on your workout this morning! Hey, how long is Bum Bum Live? I've been wanting to try it, but have no idea, it doesn't say on the book. ... We're supposed to get storms tomorrow too. I'd definitely opt for the heart party with Caitlyn instead of clean up with a POWER SAW! LOL!. ...

Oh! I did go to jake's play. It was really cute! I love those kids! I just realized , I 'm done with helping in their classroom.Next Tuesday was supposed to be my last day, but I'll be in DC! :eek: I told the teacher today, when I realized it, and she was upset because the kids planned to give me a gift and do a thank you thing. I'm sad I'll miss it too! :(
Stuffed cabbage? You told us that, but we forgot..... I'm sure it was a purposeful block out..... I think Joanne's idea of Paula Deane brownies as a sub is a perfectly wonderful idea! :D

Well, my busy day was hijacked! Got a call from the school -- Travis is sick and needed to be picked up. Of course Dylan's class was across the street having an end of the year party, and he didn't want to leave (even though he was passing on the ice cream they were serving when I got there!) so I have to go back and get him in a little while. Sigh. So nice that those kids were going to give you a thank you gift, Chris!! Wow. At our school there is a volunteer tea every year, but it's really from the teachers/staff. At the San Francisco school, every time I worked in the classroom (granted, it was only two different classes because we moved when Travis was partway thru first grade), they always made the whole class thank you. It was so sweet and I really appreciated it. They never do a thing where they make the kids thank us at this school. I should suggest it! Somehow it means more coming from the kids -- they are so cute! Even the 5th graders are still somewhat cute. ;)

Crazy about the tutoring student, Hottie! Did the parents seem interested when you called at least? Lucky that kids got you on his side. And yeah, you should definitely try to work in legs -- they are so fun and move thru so many different things!

Sounds like a pretty good spur of the moment workout, Joanne. Oh, Chris, I think that BB Live is something like 10 or 15 minutes. It's a good add on.... I've only done it once. And yes, maybe the three of us should do some modified P90X rotation!! I did find the book this morning, finally. Buried, of course. Chris, that reminds me -- I was so relieved to hear everything made it home the other day (was that just yesterday?!).

I am imagining Kathy heading home from the pool about now, or thinking about it, and deciding to laze by the water a little while longer!! :)

Hi girls - back again!! Oh, this day is just dragging. I finished (well, sort of) a major report I had to do and have no motivation to start anything new when it's almost time to go home.

I realized this morning that I totally blanked out on giving the teachers end of the year gifts. I seriously think I'm losing my mind/memory sometimes! I don't usually give the middle school teachers a gift, but I usually do for Colin's and Caitlyn's teachers. I feel like such a loser!! I asked Caitlyn yesterday if everyone gave the teachers gifts and she said everyone but her. Of course, she has a tendency to exaggerate. ;) Her first grade teachers had all the boys, too, and one of them is leaving our school this year.

Beth, oh, I hate that come pick up your sick kid call! Haven't received too many, though. Usually ours are the kids calling saying they forgot something that we need to drop off for them. I think it's great to have the kids thank the parent volunteers. The teachers usually give the volunteers a thank you gift, but it would be so cool coming from the kids.

Chris, Bum Bum Live is about 15-20 minutes I think. It's the "bonus" workout. Not sure on the time cause my cheapie DVD player in our room doesn't have any display on it. It was short, but my legs are feeling it now. Mmm, so it's all about the food today, huh?? Actually I googled glumpkis and they look good. Well, except for the cabbage - not a big fan!

Ugh - I was just thinking if we get all this rain they are forecasting - what a pain it will be to chop down overgrown weeds. Yea, we'll definitely go to the picnic instead! ;) Even in the rain!

I'd consider a P90X rotation (maybe), but I'm excited about TurboFire and will definitely be ordering that as soon as it is available. And, I'm kind of in the middle of this Insanity/random weight day/running rotation. Once I do this 5K Sunday, I'll do more Insanity. I want to get to the 2nd month workouts since I never tried them. I know, excuses, excuses!! ;)

Toodles all!!

Beth: Glad you finally found your book! sorry about the sickies. And that you have to drive back to get Dylan!... Jake's teacher and class are VERY sweet. For Christmas they gave me a gift too. :) And all signed a card for me. See , this is the stuff I get all sad about, missing the nice teachers and kids from Jake's class! I swear, I STILL miss Jake's Kindergarten teacher!!!! (she was THE nicest teacher, EVER!!)

Joanne: OH! I forgot about Turbo Fire! That's in June/July though. I'm thinking maybe aug or sept for P90X!?!?! Or mixing it in with TF?

Oh you girls on the cabbage. It's the combination of the tastes that makes it, it's not really cabbage-y. BUT, if you must, you can peel off the cabbage and dowse the stuffing in ketchup (like my boys do!) LOL!

I'm eating nuts now. Better than the Greg's cookies...

(or better than Greg's nuts!) oh i'm so funny, I can't help myself!
hey guys...I'll probably be offline for a while. I just found out my aunt just died, my mother's sister. I'm not very good with death so I'm just debating on whether or not I should do more science or just put it off until tomorrow.
Hottie, so sorry to hear about your aunt. ((())) I say forget science for now.

Chris, OMG - LOL. I read the line "I'm eating nuts now. Better than the Greg's cookies..." and LOL when I read your next line cause I was thinking the same thing!! However, it IS his birthday, right???? ;) OK, must get mind out of gutter and get out of here!!!

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