JUNE 10 Check In for Tuesday the 8TH


Good morning, Girls!

My alarm went off at 3:43a, I was up at 3:45a! :eek: Oddly , I felt awake! Maybe I should do this more often.

Actually I'm starting to feel a little tired now, now that I'm sitting.

I'll have my iTouch with me, but will probably only be able to do Facebook, if I ever have time at the hotel when we get back at night.

I hope you girls have a great week of fun workouts , I'll miss you all!!
Pray for no headaches and no stomach aches on the bus for me, k?

Almost time to go!

(won't BBL :p)
Chris: If you happen to check in, Hope you have a great and safe trip. We will miss you!!!

Today will be kick, punch & crunch. The kids and I are also going to go over and do our power walk with the weights at the track...I am experiencing some DOMS from yesterday.

Chris' team lost last night. They were not playing well at all. They have one more shot though since they have to loose twice. We play again next Monday night...

Ok, time to get the day started....
Good morning...... is it my imagination, or is Joanne MIA?! Hope everything is ok! I think because of a teacher retirement party yesterday I may have missed later posts.

Good job on getting up so very very early, Chris!! (not that you'll see this! The Cathe forums do not work on small screens!). I'll post on fb for you.

Kathy, how's Chris with the baseball loss? It's so hard sometimes!!

I did the new Stephanie Vitarino today -- Joanne, you've got it, right? ;) It was pretty good -- interesting weight moves. It was a cardio weight combo for 30 minutes, and then you can add on 10 minute each sections for arms, butt, core. I only did the arm add on because I slept a little late.

I made the best dish for that party and then got NONE of it! Not many people brought food, so mine was one of the very few substantial dishes and I waited too long to get food. Turns out six of the 5th graders were caught making out at recess at some point last week, so they are most likely not allowed to go to the graduation party, so some of us were abuzz with that. Crazy!!! With a class size of just about 40, and these six kids being sort of the "movers and shaker", we are really going to feel their absence if they're not there. Also, my friend organized all the parents to bring food and she is in a panic that there won't be enough food! Kind of funny. But one of the boys has a sister in 7th or 8th grade, and she also got caught last week in the Christmas tree farm behind the school, doing something that middle school girls should just not be doing. Can you imagine being those parents at this point?! Holey moley!!!! Oh my. Maybe we finally know why Kathy home schools! :D

On other news..... my mom is not doing well. I'm really trying not to panic here. Travis was desperate to go see her last weekend, because he wanted to be able to give her a hug before he couldn't, because when Larry's dad died, we weren't allowed in to see him, we had to look at him through giant windows. Well, he was sick and it was just a quick weekend and we're planning to head down this Friday, so I said no we couldn't go. Now I'm just freaked that the kid has some freakish intuition. I hope not!!! But, I do have a feeling she's going to be back in the hospital today. :(

Hottie, way to go with STS!!! You rock! I did a crazy thing yesterday..... ordered Supersets/Push Pull. I don't know why I never wanted those -- they look pretty good.

Hope everyone has a good day!!!
ugh guys...I screwed up and I screwed up big. I had put off my registration for summer and then there was a delay in processing my clearance and then I had problems with the website (my error) and then when my aunt died I Went home and never got it taken care of before the deadline and I realized this at 530a. I am so screwed. Honestly, I don't care too much if I can continue to receive my stipend but I'm afraid I won't even get that. Trying to get ready with the rest of my day...
Beth: Ha...That is part of the reason that homeschooling appealed to us...They have plenty of time for getting into that trouble when they are older. Hopefully by then they will know better..Chris likes to win. But, he likes to play more. So, as long as he gets to play he is ok. He was more upset that there is no pizza after tournament games then loosing the game. UGH!! Poor Travis. I hope everything is ok with your mom. I continue to pray for her...

Hottie:Oh, I hope you clear up your problem. Is this for your grant for work?

Ok, getting ready to head down to do my workout...My stomach still needs to finish digesting breakfast though...
Oh Beth: I just saw where you bought SS/PP.. Supersets is what I did yesterday. I am feeling it today!! Good choice!
Ok, done with KPC. Now, lunch and then the kids and I are going to go to the pool...

Talk to you later..
Hi ladies!!

Beth, yes, I guess I was sort of MIA!! Crazy weekend - more on that later...and yesterday the kids were home and it was just a mad house. How many weeks till school starts?? ;) JK - sort of! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear your mom is not doing well. It was so tough with my dad - and he was just five minutes away - I just can't imagine going through this and not being able to be there when you want to. ((())) Keeping all of you in my prayers. It's so hard on kids, too. What???? Making out in 5th grade?? Wow. I don't even want to know what that middle schooler was doing. I guess I need to face reality, huh? ;) Jameson is almost 14. He's been going out with his friends on his own quite a bit lately. They have a group of kids - boys and girls. As far as I know Jameson is only friends with the girls. But, it's not like he would tell me differently! But DH will make comments about how they're all probably making out in someone's basement! Don't tell me that! He's still my little boy. At least that's how I like to think about him. Oh, and DH tells me that a mom of a girl in Colin's class told me they were going out. Huh? He's 10. But, I have my doubts about that one. Ian has a lot of friends that are girls, too. It's going to be a fun next 10 years, huh? ;) We're just going to keep Caitlyn wrapped in a cocoon! At least she has older brothers to watch out for her. No, smarty pants, I don't have that new Stephanie Vittorino!! ;) But, yes, I definitlely thought about it! I have one of her other ones and didn't like it too much - but I think I was just in a bad mood. Now you have me thinking about it!

Kathy, sorry to hear about Chris's team. Good luck in the next game. Yes, definite advantage to homeschooling!!

Hottie, ugh! Hope you can get your registration and stipend straightened out? Would they be reasonable about an extension if you talked with someone about what's been happening?

Chris, hope your trip is starting smoothly!! I know, these forums don't work too well on an ipod Touch - I've tried!!

OK - my weekend. Ugh!! Good and bad. Let's see, the good first, even though it happened last. I did the 5K for the children's hospital and came in fifth in my age group. I ran it in 29:53!! :) woo - hoo! My first time under 30 minutes! The weather was almost perfect, not so humid. Now the bad - someone sideswiped my car at 10:00 Saturday morning. Yes, in broad daylight and they took off. Oh, I was furious. It was only Caitlyn and I at home - DH and the boys were chopping down weeds for my nephew's Eagle Scout project. I was in the attic and heard a loud boom. Peeked outside, but figured we've been having such weird weather with massive thunder and lightning it was probably a storm coming since it was raining. Then my phone rings and my neighbor across the street tells me someone hit my car. He tried to chase the car, but couldn't find his keys and it was gone. They knocked the rearview mirror off, scraped up the side and bent the rim of the tire. It looks like there might be some damage to the axle cause the tires were bent funny. What the heck? How can you live with the guilt? So, we're stuck with the deductible. Stinks. So, now it's in the body shop and I have a rental. Thank god for rental insurance. Oh, the other bad thing. Sunday night after the 5K my foot starting hurting. It's really sore on the top and hurts when I walk. Haven't worked out since then since I don't know what's wrong with it and it's too painful. I waiting a few days and if it doesn't improve I'll go to the doctor. I'll probably do some weights tomorrow - I think any impact would not be good. Ugh - again!!

Have to go to a meeting....BBL

Ok, it seems that my registration problem can be fixed with a form an $100 and possibly having my tail between my legs when I ask my boss to sign a letter again (he doesn't like dealing with this stuff so it's usually point and sign but I still feel phenomenally dumb). Upset over the $100 but its better than losing $2300/mo for the next three months. I felt a lot better after that but it seems that there is no form to download so I'm going to have to trek across campus. Not so bad but i'm in my fancy shoes today.

But I have to say, freaking out helped me get through Hiit: 30/30 @ 630a! Now I have no more excuses to not do workouts that early. I needed it. I needed something to get my mind from spiraling out of control. I cheated 2 intervals in the beginning by 5 seconds (so 25/45) and I didn't do the fast feet shuffle on 8 inches. I realize now I probably could have but in the moment I was like, nope, not dealing with it. And then I did the mat ab work from pick your level pilates from ellen barret since I don't have Ab circuits. Bleh. I coulda done something else. But glad I'm still on the rotation. I swear, I think this rotation is going to save my mind through the summer.

Chris -- WE WILL MISS YOU! I let you have the cupcake last night. ;)

Kathy -- I still don't have KPC. I have leg doms from Sunday...I was surprised that I could do the HiiT workout. I did a walk with the vest last night with Evee. I meant to try the Febreeze but got sidetracked. i'll let you know if it worked. Not to scare you Kathy, but every single homeschooled student I met became a wildchild of some sort in college (that said, my roommate was a born again Christian that never let me forget it but her wildchildesness was not submitting homework and exams or going to class when she had an IQ of 180+ and easily coulda aced it all). But then she roomed with me and I essentially became her second mother who made sure she did all her assignments and graduated. :)

Beth -- why is ordering Cathe DVDs crazy? Does. not. compute. I keep on wanting to get Drill Max even though I'm set for the next 3.5 months. (despite my burgeoning waistline.) Oh they were making out! I thought they were smoking pot. Sorry, I feel a little embarrassed. I'km so sorry about your mom. You're coming this weekend right? You know the hottiechauffer service is still up in you're flying in. Let me know if there is anything I can do since I'm down here. Don't think too much Travis. Do you have a therapist up there? Mine really helped me a lot today about my aunt...

Joanne -- Where the *hell* were you yesterday, Joanne? Hmmm? ;) Well, you're just going to have to TRIPLE post until Chris comes back now. Awesome time on the 5K, bummer about the car. That happened once -- this guy was drunk was ran into a car parked on the street and took off. A lot of neighbors tried to follow but I called the cops and wrote down everything I could remember about the car (make, model, color, point of impact, which way he turned at the light) and I think they were actually able to nab him. This was at 2a. But the weird thing was the person who OWNED the car didn't realize what had happened till 7a the next morning and oh boy he cursed so loud it woke me up! (I think it woke up a lot of people.) I always tell people to do the rental insurance but they don't listen to me until their car in the shop. I'm sorry about your foot -- I sympathize completely given my own feet problems. When you say the top you mean like near the toes where your laces tie up?

Ok, going to set up one thing for my experiment and then go across campus to petition for my late registration....
Joanne, what a bummer about your car!!! I'll bet it was someone impaired and/or young! How maddening. But, I would be happy none of my kids hadn't been out playing in the street!!

Great time on the run, woman! I think I haven't broken 30 since I was in my 30s!!! :) It is easier when the weather cooperates, isn't it?

Yes, crazy about those kids, and no, you probably don't want to know what she was doing. I remember that she is in 8th grade this year, so it does really hit close to home for you and Chris!!

I like this Stephanie better than her other one, but I'm not sure I would recommend it strongly. I always think I'm going to like those combined cardio/weights thing, but in the end I just don't really.... the weight work always seems a bit lacking, though this was better than most. Sure wish we live near each other and could trade back & forth more easily!!

Hottie, way to go on the early HIIT!! Did you get them to waive the penalty?!

I'm off to pick the boys up from school a little early, so we can get Travis to a dr. appt. He's still got a sore throat and my friend said I really needed to get him checked before exposing him to my mom.

Oh, my mom.... the pet scan happened and she made it home ok, so I guess it's a better day today! Whew! If I had to put money on it, I would have said she'd be in the hospital this afternoon, so that's good news. Yes, I'm going down Friday -- we're all four driving down. Larry's really looking forward to that drive. Not. But, we decided it was crazy to spend $1200 on airline tix for that, which is the best we could do.
Hottie, hope your trek was/is successful. Yes, much better to spend $100 than lose over $2,000 a month. Awesome job on Hiit!!! I'm always dragging when I get up and think there's no way I can workout. But, once I start I'm fine and it's so nice to have it over and one with before you start your day. Let's see...yesterday helped Jameson finish his confirmation journal, dropped it off (last minute, of course!), drove Jameson and friends around to three different places, went to deliver dry clothes to him at a friends house where he was swimming (cause why would you think to bring a change of clothes??)), picked up a friend of Colin's, went to the rental car place, made lots of phone calls about the stupid car thing, waited for phone calls back, waited for the tow truck to get my car, dealt with Ian's moaning about being bored cause he's grounded, mediated arguments between the 12 kids that seemed to congregrate on our new patio, picked up juice boxes, empty peanut bags, plastic cups, etc. left behind by said kids, made food for everyone like 10 different times, tried to actually do some work since I was supposed to be working at home!! Boring, but crazy day!! Oh, and the kids computer broke, so they are using mine. I finally relented to Colin getting a FB page and he kept bugging me to get on the computer cause he had to harvest his crops in Farmville. Nice quiet day at work today! ;) The cop seemed very uninterested in trying to find whatever imbecile hit my car. Very annoyed. Yeah, my foot is sore on the top, kind of in the middle. It only hurts when I walk. I'm thinking the cheapie Walmart shoes I bought the other day may have aggravated something. Or I hurt it during the run. Or a combination of both.

Beth, I'm thinking it was someone distracted - texting or something. I thought about the kids. All the neighborhood kids are constantly playing out there - sometimes on the street cause it's not a busy street. And, they are always crossing the street back and forth. Scary. We are constantly yelling "look both ways" when they are crossing. Good news that your mom didn't have to go in the hospital. Airfares are crazy!

Almost time to go home! Kids are probably stir-crazy since it's been raining all day and they are cooped up inside.
OMG, I did it. I'm registered and I didn't have to pay. Did I beg and plead people for the last two hours? Yes. But I'm registered. Turns out that possibly the one thing that became useful for passing my quals and becoming a Phd Candidate (as opposed to a PhD student) is that I get to register for this fake magical course that is not beholden to the same rules as other courses and gives me full time status with zero units. Normally, we don't register for that in the summer term but in the fall and spring term and just register for 1 unit of research. Well the academic review lady said if I could get myself registered that way I wouldn't have to go through an exception petition and pay $100. And the whole exception petition is like a big deal. I even said, seriously, for grad students? I mean, its not like I'm sneaking into a class -- I've been doing the research. This is just to keep my assistantship active. And she's like, yeah you'd think it wouldn't be but its subject to Dean and Committee review. What?? Man, I miss Caltech. I miss where the students were all charity cases at the school (because man, did they not care about us or our tuition). I recalled how the ONE lady that handles (and still does) our registration emailed me the final term at Tech to tell me I had forgotten to register (she actually double checks the list -- I had intentionally not registered as I had completed all my units to graduate and had no desire to pay for an extra term so I graduated early). I only have one more thing left which is a health center charge that has been doubled for some reason but hell I'll deal with it.

Beth -- how early do you guys get up for the drive? We made some pretty insane time when we went to SF...our friends didn't expect us there so early. That said, we were going 80-90 most of the time. I hope Travis has nothing other than an itch! Flying is nice from Nocal to Socal but once you start bringing 2 or more people it becomes more worthwhile to drive. I totally wondered if that's how you felt in the morning btw when I got the workout in so early. I'm going to try and hit the same time tomorrow too. Joe and I have been groaning withe alarm earlier but if the light is coming in from outside its much easier for me to get off my butt. (and the sprinklers went off again today because joe screwed up the program.) I'm partially excited -- Could I really get all my workouts done before 730? Or what about even 7? I still need time to shower and be "done" (I've been trying to be better about not looking like a bum so makeup and hair. Makeup doesn't take me that long anymore but I'm still an idiot with a hairdryer). I even got housechores done before I went off the therapy. Evee was like, wha? You're in the kitchen but you're not feeding me scraps...maybe if I sit here and look cute you'll notice...ok, I'm going to sit on the padded mat because its more comfortable. Wait, you're still ignoring me? I'm going to rub my butt on your pillow now...Well, that's what I think Evee was like.

Joanne -- well, I guess that's a good excuse to not post. Don't let it happen again! :) Farmville -- did you read about the mom who found her kids (custody kidnapping when the kids were like 2) through Farmville? now the dad's in jail and the kids are being reacquainted with their mom. Crazy! Hurting when you walk is bad!! Does it help if you take Aleve or Advil? If so maybe its just inflammation. I saw you were "friends" with Colin on facebook and wondered if you relented btw! I'll be honest, i do text in the car but only when I'm stopped! And only then it's usually 3 chars because I'm telling Joe what street I'm at so he knows when to wrap up work when I pick him up. Anything bigger than that can wait until I pullover. I see people texting paragraphs. I have no idea why LA accidents aren't higher...

Ok, off to finish experiments...
I forgot to mention. I put my stick mat right behind the step today for my HiiT workout. the idea was that it would absorb some shock from the jumping. I *think* it may have helped because i noticed when I would jump away from it. I think it could only work for the HiiT's though...
Oh and I asked on another thread but how accurate were your HRM numbers for the HiiT workouts compared to the workout managers numbers? I don't have an HRM anymore but it used to be fairly on the nose...

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