Morning all.
Let me tell you about last night and this morning.
Swallow some codeine because I am determined to sleep early at 8p. Start doing my things in the bed and eventually I cover up my eyes (Joe was one the notebook with the lights on), turn, and start saying, "bethbethbethebethbethbethbeth" like a freaking mantra. Joe hears my mumbling and he says, "I already took a shower. You smell." Because he thought I was saying "bath." I grumble that I was saying Beth, and then into the pillow I say, "you giant nipple." Him: "what??" Me: "damnit, it doesn't work. forget it."
Shoot to 4 something AM. Weirdest way to wake up (for me at least). I wake up with my mind sleepy but my body awake. It's usually the other way around. I start saying my beth mantra again and eventually the 450a alarm goes off and I deal with a whimpering Evee. I've been slacking about feeding her before me so I was very determine to eat first. Ate myself, fed her, took her outside just for a couple minutes so she could pee, started setting up the gym space and waking up Joe. The whole thing took an hour so I'm going to set up more stuff the night before to cut out on that time. Started Imax2 before 6a, Joe took Evee for their run, and I actually did the whole thing. I cheated from blast 8 on though Joe referred to it as "modifying HARDCORE."
It took longer to get out the door too because I tried to style my hair and its getting longer so it takes longer. And we hit pretty crappy traffic but I'm pretty pleased to the start of the day. But now...I'm already hungry and its only 9a!
Kathy -- I'm sure you got all the steps with ASC3! I keep on thinking I should rent/buy more Bento now that my feet can handle high impact again. Keep on reminding me through her workouts!
Chris -- you know, I know exactly why you want to do cardio when your head is stuffed up. Joe was worried about me doing IM2 because I still had some mucus in me and I was like, it is the best NATURAL thing I can do to break it out and finally expunge it out of my body. I was running to the bathroom to clear it all out during the first couple recovery periods and by the second half I felt sooo much clearer. It's a little gross though (for anyone watching me). I'm glad you feel better! It sucks having sinus pressure and congestion!
Beth -- are you saying I channeled you too much? Because that's what I'm hearing!

I've been thrilling to this weather lately. The highs are like 70 or 72. It's probably helping everyone's electricity bill and water bill (I know its helped our new lawn). Though I was thinking it probably would be nice if we actually had some rain too.
Today is my other anniversary day. Which is funny because we're going by the tire place to get the new tires (the tires I had wanted to buy they didn't have in stock so they sold us "more expensive" ones at the same cost but I didn't care for how it handles on wet surfaces and I didn't like some of its test results. I told Joe, I don't care if its more expensive. If the other tire is cheaper and performs better, I'll still take that). So it seems for this year, we get tires for each anniversary. Thus, I'm declaring the 4th year the tire anniversary as opposed to that paper, cotton, linen anniversary.
So hungry!