June 09 Check in Friday 19th


Good morning ladies..

Getting us started today...

My workout is going to be The Viper..Looking forward to sweating like crazy with that one...

Be back later;gotta get the kids started on their day!
Chris: That recipe you posted last night looks yummy. I am going to try it!! Thanks for sharing it.
Hey Kathy! And Everyone to follow!!!..

I feel like I'm in limbo here because I'm waiting for a call from the doctor about Zach. just wanted to ask how long he's considered "contagious" , when he can come out of "isolation" .. LOL. Plus, wondering if having a sitter over the weekend is ok too. AND, wanted to know if he came back pos. for Swine Flu strain or not.... I also offered for him to go outside for a bit today (even though it's cloudy, damp and muggy out). Just to sit and get some fresh air. Of course, HE asks if he can shoot a couple hoops and move around. ...?????

My plan is to do High Step Training... I'm thinking I can do better with it since I'm not fatigued and it's not a Monday.. AND it's "just" an hour.

I have some more errands to run. I think I may do that now, and then do my workout after lunch. I HATE waiting until afternoon, because I could easily talk myself out of it then. :confused:

: I know you're going to love The Viper! why don't we do that more often? It's a blast! You're welcome for the recipe. It was pretty fast , easy and tasted yummy!!!

Hi ladies!!

Chris, that recipe does look good. You seem to be so good about making new stuff. I'm forever filing away recipes and never making them! I'm going to try yours, though. Are you doing High Step Challenge or High Step Training Advanced? I didn't like HSC too much when I did it earlier this week - it starts out kind of rushed and then drags at the end. HSTA is the one with all those leg presses. I think I like that one better. Waiting for calls from the doctor can be so frustrating! Sounds like Zach must be getting back to himself since he wants to play a bit.

Kathy, I loved the Viper. I think I did it earlier this week. My memory is shot!! The Gauntlet from the same DVD is a good one, too.

Today I tried Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. It was pretty tough. Not Cathe tough, but it had it's moments. Even though I'm feeling cruddy (just worn down) I'm going to try to do at least a 30 minute run on the treadmill during lunch. We had more storms last night so I was up closing windows and resetting clocks since the power went out. Luckily the kids slept through it all.

A less crazy weekend then normal since soccer is over. There's a Greek festival and our town's 100th anniversary carnival. We also have a nephew's graduation party. And, of course, Father's Day. I need to figure out what we're going to do for that.


Hey! OSIF! Kathy, you make me want to do viper, even though I want to do gauntlet. :p

Chris, yes, the recipe looks great! I'm very curious as to whether or not you guys eat whole wheat pasta. That is one switch I just have not been able to make -- I love brown rice, and prefer it over white, but I just can't get used to the pasta. So, instead of the switch, I just try to eat it less often -- I used to live on it! I made a new pasta recipe the other night -- not low cal, but really yummy -- it had sausage and peas and a light cream sauce. If anyone wants the recipe I'll type it in later.

I'm off to the "No Excuses Workout for Parents" with the kids' "PE" thing. I think it's basically an outdoor boot camp while the kids are in the gym playing basketball, soccer, etc. Hopefully my broken butt can deal! :D

Later I'm taking both my boys to a sleepover -- whooo-hooo! I really wish Larry and I could go to dinner just the two of us -- we need it, but we have that friend in town we're getting together with. Maybe I can get a babysitter one of these days.....

ok, I need to run.....

Back from my errands...

Got more Trip Tiks made out from AAA. I never knew they did this stuff! they make these books of detailed directions for any trip. So I got the route from Hershey to Gettysburg to Maryland and then back home! Cool!

The doctor also called while I was grocery shopping. Yes, it is the Swine Flu. I had that feeling. Of all of us, I always pray it's not Zach that gets sick. It seriously was touch and go for hospitalization this week.

But then I guess , it was better than getting the Norovirus that was going around a few months ago (the uncontrollable vomitting and diarrhea that runs RAMPANT if in your household).

They said it's considered contagious for 7 days. I'm not sure if the sitters will want to come here this weekend. Greg might have to take a Family Medical Leave day....
I'm so glad we've been so diligent about handwashing/sanitizing and masking and keeping him in his room... AND washing all his dishes in the dishwasher too. He even has his own bathroom. I "think" we're out of the woods for every one else, well , until Sunday...

: Oh I'm always trying new recipes!! That's what keeps me amused! LOL!... I'm going to do HSTA.. in a few. Just want let my yogurt/fruit settle a bit.... Did you rent Jillian Michaels or do you own it? Sounds like a good one!... You are so funny. You say your weekend is so less busy, and then name a ZILLION things you're doing! You are :eek: !!

Beth: I've done 100% Whole Wheat pasta. The noodles are kind of hard to get used to for me. But whole wheat spaghetti isn't bad at all. Same texture as regular. I also like using the Ronzoni's Smart Pasta. It's "white" but has added fiber in it. The best dish I've made with Whole Wheat Spaghetti is a Chinese one that comes out like Lo Mein noodles... it's really good... I'll have to see if I can find it... Now , the question is, Gauntlet or Viper? Which one did you do???? ... that bootcamp for parents sounds fun!... I hope your broken butt makes it through ok too. WOW! An entire night with NO KIDS?? I'm entirely green with jealousy!! .. I know, the lady that watched the kids for our Anniversary keeps calling and asking us if we want to go out again (but it gets so darn busy when school is going on, and then Zach is sick). I'm looking forward to a night out big time...

HSTA is calling my name! (I think!?!)
Hiya Gals

Been awhile since I've logged on here ...life has been eventful here lately. What w/ the lack of sleep ( thanks to my wonderful dh - I have been finding the couch to sleep on :mad:), my migraines giving me hell for the past few days (its still lingering) and thinking my youngest broke her elbow thankfully it was just very bruised, very swollen and painful but no break.

She's doing much better today thankfully ...never a dull moment har har :confused:

Today I did Punch , Kick & Jam for my cardio. I like using the weighted gloves for that one.

Chris glad to 'hear' that Zach is doing better enough to want to play outside...you always know when the kids feel like themselves when they want to play :D

Vilma -- so glad to hear from you and glad to hear it's not a broken elbow!! Hopefully it'll be feeling less sore very soon.

Chris, you've obviously done a great job at keeping the flu contained there -- that's very impressive! And a huge relief that he didn't have to go to the hospital -- hopefully this will make his immune system stronger in the long run (a silver lining?).

The AAA trip planning stuff is cool -- I've never actually used it, but my sister worked there when in college and that's what she did, so I have been aware of it forever. I do go in and get maps on occasion, but have never had them plan a trip. Is the trip in jeopardy at all at this point? And so Greg would stay home from work, not you?

Well, ladies, I had sooooooo much fun at the exercise class this morning! I'm so surprised, since I mostly really don't like the idea of group classes. We started out with lots and lots of boot camp style drills -- mostly cardio, but there was a tiny bit of upper body work with bands. Then, they had a surprise zumba instructor make an appearance, and we did zumba, hip-hop, flamenco, merenge (SP?!), and some other sort of latin dance that I can't remember now. I was worried at first -- I'm not a dancer and just can't do anyone's step but Cathe's even! -- but it was easy to follow and really really fun. The principal was right there with us doing it -- we laughed and laughed. It was a 90 minute workout -- nothing all that intense, but we were moving all the time (that was dance and bc combined).

Ok, lots to do......

Well, that was just what I needed! I dragged myself down to the gym (we are so lucky to have a gym here at work) and ran with itread 13 (sprints) and then walked on a 10-15% incline for about 10 minutes. I feel like a new person! I'll probably crash later, but feel good now. ;)

Vilma, make your hubby sleep on the couch! Hope everything's OK. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. Glad your DD's elbow is not broken though. My DH broke his a couple years ago and it's not fun. I think you needed some good kicking and punching today. ;) Hang in there!

Beth, wow, that does sound fun!! Very cool. Will they be offering that again or was it a one-time thing? Are the boys gone all weekend?? Wow - have fun!! We haven't had a house with no kids, for, oh, 12 1/2 years! Don't know what we'd do with ourselves!

Chris, yes, you certainly have done a great job keeping the flu confined! So, just a couple more days and you should all be in the clear, right? Were any of Zach's friends sick? Are you leaving next week for your trip? I own the Jillian Michael's DVD. I'm thinking about doing a rotation of her - I also have the 30 day Shred. I'm thinking of doing a zillion different rotations, though. ;) Sometime I'll actually start one! I'm thinking about pulling out Slim Series, too. I'm been meaning to try the whole wheat pasta. I've heard some the spaghetti's are pretty good, too. You're right, we still have a ton to do this weekend. But, it's mostly voluntary stuff, if that makes sense. I love watching the kids play sports, but sometimes it's far away and really time consuming. And, whoever is not playing is bored and antsy to leave. The only thing we really have to do this weekend is the graduation party. The fests should be fun. Although, I do have a ton of cleaning to do. But, don't I always??

Colin's birthday is the end of July and I told him he could have a camp out in the backyard. We have a really big tent which could probably sleep about 8 boys. We'll do a cookout, s'mores, etc. We have some outdoor games they can do, too. He is so excited - he tells me everyday how many days are left until his birthday. I'm just going to have to pray for good weather!! I hope the boys' parents are OK with it - if not I'll give them option of just coming for the party and going home. Am I crazy?? Should be fun, though.

If I'm not back, have a great weekend all!

Hey Girls...

I had one of THE worst workouts today. Fack! ... I started HSTA, and even though I was having a harder time getting into it, once the plyo stuff started, I was hooked. WELL... the phone rang 3 times during my workout, 2 of the times being our Saturday night sitter. (She was willing to come, but her daycare boss told her not to because she works with babies at the daycare). Anyhow... I gave up after 2 cycles. My time was running out and after you "cool down" enough, you just don't feel it anymore. 3 days this week with no/minimal workouts. I hate it!!!

Think I'll lose my muscle tone??????? :eek: I'll be all flabby by next Monday, I'm sure of it!!!! :confused:

Vilma: Hey you!!! Sorry your life has been crazy and YOU'VE been sick! Ugh!!! PUnch Kick and Jam is one of my faves! Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.... with the gloves!

Beth: Greg works full time, thus has the "Family Medical Leave" provision. Meaning he has a child with an illness that he can take up to 90 days a year leave for sickness and not be penalized. Since I work Part Time, I don't get that. Which sucks!... I truly hope Zach is feeling ok enough to do hershey park next week. .... He's draggin now! Went outside for 15 minutes and "tried to run" and felt horrible. He just HAD to try it, he said! LOL... That bootcamp sounds so fun! Was it outside, Beth? Not sure I could pull off a "zumba" though!

Joanne: I'm glad you got in an invigorating run!! I wish my workout had invigorated me, it did not. I feel so wiped out. ALL afternoon. Ugh. So far I haven't heard that any of Zach's friends are sick. weird. ... And yes, we're supposed to leave for Hershey Park on Tuesday, after lunch-time. We have a ton of packing to do Mon & Tues. ... I've wondered about Slim Series! Let me know how you like it!... Colin's bday party sounds like a boys dream!! You are "SUCH A WICKED NICE MOM"!! (and a bit crazed too! LOL!). I hope it all works out! How old is he going to be again?

Okay.. better get moving.. (is it that time really??)... *sigh*
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