

New Member
Hi all!

Am I the only one whose body won't let him/her perform plyo moves or jumps? Moves like the jumps/tucks in Interval 10 of IMax, and even the 4 hops that precede the jumps, are impossible. I also have a hard time jumping to the step from the floor with both feet at once. Power scissors are particularly frustrating because I can sort-of do them but I can tell that my form is horrible and it's just a big injury waiting to happen.

I am wondering if this is more of a coordination issue or a fitness issue. Will my ability to do these moves improve the more I try? I really enjoy IMax but feel guilty when I have to modify those moves. I feel like I should be able to do them and am very frustrated that I can't.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

You're Not Alone!

Sheila~I find the exact same moves that you mentioned are the same ones I have trouble with and I consider myself to be an advanced exerciser. I consider it a real accomplishment when I finish IMAX even if I have to modify. I am sure with practice, the moves will improve. Don't feel guilty. Hang in there!
No help but I have the same issue!

I cannot do the jumps either. Even jumping up with both feet onto a 6 inch step is extremely difficult. (Forget jumping over it!!)

Does this have to do with a particular type of muscle fiber (slow twitch or fast twitch)?

I know EXACTLY how you feel!

Trust me, I totally understand. As a matter of fact, I just did Interval Max this morning and still can't do those jumps at the last interval. I feel pretty spastic at doing those power scissors, and I too don't feel "comfortable" jumping both feet up at the same time onto the step.

I just thought it was me being my usual uncoordinated self...It feels good to know that I'm not the only one though.

I thought I was the only one!

I can do the jumps(interval 5, with the side "digs"), but I absolutely cannot do the power scissor interval, for the weakness in my knees, and the last interval with the tuck jumps, I just jump like I'm jumping rope!
I tell myself, it doesn't hurt to modify, as long as I keep my heartrate up!

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