JULY RT 7/10 check in


So jealous of all you who get to run/walk on the beach. How refreshing that must be!!

Legs & Glutes for me w/Coremax w/med ball. L&G gets it done!! Wow, so glad Cathe was kind enough to put those sie lying outer leg sweep things at the end when my legs are so extremely fatigued!! Talk about a count down.

Pups are getting out the box thismorning, knew that was coming. I guess they wanted to see what all the excitement was on the floor by the tv. Will have to modify box today for sure.

Check back in later to see what everyone is doing. Have a super WO everyone!! Suck in some of that ocean air for me!!

Good morning fellow trippers!
I have KPC planned for later this morning, but wanted to ask if any of you have ever done Cathe's kickboxing DVD with weights? I was given some 1.5 pound weights that fit on your wrist and I think they were intended to use only while walking. I can manipulate them to mimic the boxing glove and wondered if this was something that was safe to do. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.:)

Tami- What type of puppies do you have? Whatever they are I bet they are adorable! I agree about the ocean air, there is nothing quite like it! This is the first year we have not been to the beach and I think I am having ocean breeze withdrawl!

Hope you all have a wonderful day and I will check later to see what everyone is up to! I am off to plan my for first week of school. We start August 4th so I need to start easing my way back into the routine. It is always exciting to start fresh each year. :D

See you all soon,
Good morning!!

Regarding the use of hand weights for KB....I wouldn't recommend it, you are already giving your arms an effective workout without the added weight, you're only risking injury, IMHO. I've been KB'ing for close to 10 years, only used handweights once, and could really feel some discomfort, never used them again, and never will, I actually walked out of a KB class where the instructor gave me a hard time because I wouldn't use them.

2 weeks from today and the Thursday early birds descend upon my fair state of New Jersey!!

Boot Camp cardio this morning for me...check back later with you all, and great workouts to all!!
Good morning everyone,

Tami, thanks for always starting the thread. You keep us together! Please bring some pictures of the pups to the RT. I would love to see them. I've never tried Legs & Glutes. You guys are enablers! So now I need to get that plus Imax 3!!!!!!! Is Legs & Glutes about the same as Butts and Guts? That's my favorite leg workout. I see that you love straddle taps. I'll be cheering you on if we do them in the step class. lol

I did KPC last night and have to tell you what happened just in case you need a good laugh today. I was doing the stability ball part of it and had just finished the crunches and needed to move to floor part. Instead of getting up and moving I thought I would just move down on the ball. Well my back was so sweaty that as soon as it hit the ball, the ball flew out and went the whole way across the room and down the steps. Keep in mind that my calves are still sore from Gym Style legs and the steps are the worst. I was laughing so hard that I could hardly finish.

I did 4DS biceps and triceps this morning and will do some stretching this afternoon.

Terri-I've never tried using weights when I kickbox except for the weighted gloves. I would think that is the same thing, wouldn't you? Good luck on that and let us know how it goes. You guys really go back to school early don't you?

Have a good day and good workouts everyone!


I missed your post because I was posting at the same time. Just wanted to say good morning.

How far do you live from Cathe's gym? You lucky dog. Her gym is in Glassboro, right? Is it a big city or a suburb?? Just curious what it will be like. I'll be looking for a Panera and a Wegman's grocery store!!!!!


Cathe's gym is about one hours' drive north of me. With the exception of the gym and the immediate area, I'm not too familiar with it. It's about 20 miles outside of Philadelphia.

I've never heard of the two stores you mentioned, maybe someone else can help in that regard.
I did L&G this morning too. Great minds think alike, Tami! We'll also be leaving Satruday for our condo on the beach vacation. 9 days of sun and surf! Of course I'll be bringing my laptop and Cathes! Looking forward to some dune climbing for lower-body work. Ever see a giant pregnant lady running up and down a dune? Me either! Oughtta be pretty funny!!

Tami, Puppies sound like so much fun! I'd love to breed a litter of danes some day.

Terri, School starts Aug 4???!! Oh, it's too early to think about school! September start here! I've never used weights for KB work.

Jerry, 4DS BC or Original?

Bev, Enabling here, but I can't imagine not having my L&G or Imax3. Both are awesome! LOL on your ball! Nice WO today!
Good Morning July RTers!

Today was GS C&T and SM with the band.
Kristi--You need to show us your Hip Hop routine at the talent show! You are also from TX, right?

Brigitte--I am also looking forward to meeting you.

Tami--Thank you so much for the ride offer! That sounds great! You must live close by if you are drinving. How nice!

Bev--LOL about the runaway stabilty ball! If I remember correctly, Glassboro is a farily small town. I don't remember seeing a Panera there, but there could be. I guess you could google it.

Jerry--Enjoy BC!

Terri--Have you tried CC yet? I am curious about it. Like Jerry said, not sure I would try the kickbox with weights. Do you really start school on Aug 4th?

Colleen--Hope you are feeling better.

Kate-Enjoy your beach vacation!

Have a great day!
I have to take notes to keep up with all your comments. Do you guys do that or just have SUPER memories?

I live in upstate New York. Will be about 4 1/2 hrs for me, assuming I don't hit traffic or get lost. I will have my husbands GPS (LOLA - we named the *itch) she doesn't like me & I swear she gets me lost!! I plan to leave here by 10am putting me in about 2:30 - 3:00. Of course I'm thinking I'll be so excited that I'll be up before the roosters!! Hee Hee

Do you have great danes now? Always thought they were beautiful dogs. If you've never done it before I'll let you know how it goes when all is said & done. We are at 3 1/2 weeks now.
You must live down south for school to be starting so soon. End of Aug for us, Tues after Labor Day. My family is in Fl so they start around your time too.

I feel bad always starting it, like I'm denying someone else the opportunity. I'm an early riser. If I don't do it 1st thing forget it. Plus it gets me going. Love waking up that way!

Last but not least Terri~
We have choc labs. This is our 1st time so we'll see. We got all chocolates - 9. So far so good & I will be sure to bring pictures when I come!! Had to take Mommy to vet this am, she has a plugged milk duct. Antibiotics for her & milking her for my husband, I'll bring pictures of that too!!! LOL I have no idea how to milk something. Quite funny.

Jerry ~
Don't want to leave you out. Are you a chef at your restaurant? I love to cook, you'll have to bring us your speciality.

Sorry if I missed anyone, talk with you al tomorrow.
Getting my hair cut tonight for the trip - yeah. So giddy over 2 weeks to go. Anyone elses families ready to shoot them for driving them crazy?

Gin, Great WO! I love being able to do an extended stretch after lifting.

Tami, No memory here - I just arrow back. We have one great dane now - a boy named Mufasa. We had two but Annie died in December. We were going to get another one this summer but I got pregnant! So, next summer. 2 dogs are easier than 1! (kinda like kids!) Our school starts the 1st week of September. I bet your labs are so cute - can't wait to see pics.
I don't have 4DS, so it was original. I had severe pain in both calves during jumping jacks, I am trying to figure out why, I was able to do jump kicks, running in place, and lateral hops all without discomfort. Any of you guys have any ideas?? I can usually tolerate a little burning, this time I had to completely stop doing them.

Tami...I work at the hotel, not the restaurant, so I have no specialty to bring, sorry.
Thanks for the information Jerry. I opted not to use them even and when I finished KPC I thought that I must have been crazy to even consider using any additional resistance! I do love that workout!
Howdy folks,

Today was 4DS double Legs, except for the calf work I never want to do that twice:eek:
I hope to do abs tonight as KPC was cut short of them yesterday to
go microwave shopping with DH. He cooks more so he gets more say;-)

Tammi- L&G love it! Great for days when I can't face the BB but
that work out sure doesn't need one:) I love Labs too.

Terri- KPC, High 5:) I am a kick box instructor and have
in the past used Iron wear gloves. I can show you them at the RT :)

Jerry- BC cardio , good work, I'm not crazy on burpees either;-)

Bev- 4DS love the bicep work, I always fall on the tricep dips:eek:

Kate- way to go on L&G!! My baby #3 was a wonderful surprise too
and is 10 yrs old now:7 I was at a dog show a year or so ago and
was in awe of the great danes, my fav. was a black and white one.

Gin- awesome WO again don't you love the 72 push ups?;-)Stretch Max
has been calling me for a while.

Take care all RTers

Hello Brigitte! I'm in awe of your WO! I[ve never done that premix before -- sounds tough! DH thinks that b&W danes look like cows since they're so big. Ours have been pure black - kinda scary for strangers who they bark at!:D
Kate hi, sorry I didn't see your message last night:) :)

I had to re-do an exercise program for a client of mine who just
found out she was 7 weeks 4days pregnant:) :)

LOL About the the cow comment, we kind of thought they looked like
little cows from across the field too:+ :+

There was a large black male dane there as well, and he was scary
looking but so sweet, and quite handsome.

I have a little Jack Russsle, the long legged type and he thinks
he's a big dog ;-)

Take care see you over at todays check in,


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