Hi ladies!
Chris - awesome on Zach's report card and honor roll!!!

Very cool. See, bribery does work!

You should have lots of extra energy today to do that Imax! It feels so good to sleep in sometimes.
Beth, too funny about emailing the furniture and motorcycle pictures! Ha! Yes, butthead! I don't like the original Imax either. I've attempted it twice and never finished. Not cause it was too hard - I just got bored! Love the others though. I'm sure my kids will want to see Ice Age, too. Let me know how it is. It's supposed to have really good 3D effects. Or am I thinking of another movie.
Hottie, 14 days of TOM stinks! Why would that happen? I've had some wacky ones, but I attribute that to getting old and nearing menopause. Fun stuff. Not. How are you liking CLX?
Kathy, glad you had a good time with your sisters! That July rotation does look good.
Hi Vilma. Good to see you here again! How fun to have your mom come for a visit.
Oh, Jameson is just fine. He doesn't have pneumomia. DH said they were thinking about admitting him he sounded so bad. But after an albuterol treatment in the office he sounded better and the xray was clear. So he's home having treatments every four hours. They did also put him on an antibiotic. He seemed to be feeling fine last night - he was up and about. I feel bad cause he was going to march in our 4th of July parade with his school's band. But he had to miss the first two practices since he was sick. I may try to take him tonight to the last practice if he's feeling OK and see if he can still participate.
Today's workout was Butts and Guts. I thought I might struggle a bit, since I haven't done any all leg workouts since STS. But it felt about the same as when I used to do it. Still tough, though! I'm going to do an itread during my lunch.
Any fun 4th of July plans? We don't really have any - maybe go to SILs house. I need to get the house in order. I coming home to a messy house from vacation.
OK, babbling again...must go do work...