Hey again..
Beth: Lalofit is a GREAT calorie burner! I agree. OMG, I thought he was saying "EXCEL" the whole time. LOL!!! Too funny! That meal sounds delish, though! I can see why you'd eat extra. But it sounds very healthy, and yes, Angel Food Cake IS just flavored air! I always overdo on chips and salsa. I love those Lime flavored tortilla chips, they got me LAST Friday. Sounds like a fun weekend you have in store for you!... Do you get to swim in the ocean or is it just hiking/looking/viewing?
Vilma: Definitely if the realtor suggested the woodwork. I thought you weren't with a realtor anymore? It's good you can still get in your workkouts when your mom is there. My mom always encourages me too! (it de-stresses me!)
Kathy: Thought it was PS! ... Yes, just go with what Cathe uses on PH, don't go more! (though I think I could have with the triceps. or at least longer.)
It's turned quite cloudy , and supposed to downpour tonight. I'm glad we got in the pool today! Hope tomorrow is less muggy. I'm wrestling with the decision to put on the AC tonight. Not sure I do another night like last... But I'm so resistant to it. I love open windows and AIR!...