Journalize Your Journey 2/25


Good Mornin Journalizers,

With your training alone, you'll lose those pounds in a blink of an eye. Glad to see there were no dogs charging you, and good weather. How fun it must be to enter a race with your son. Think of the memories you will aquire together!

I can't run with the spacious forest around here because there are no leash laws and big dogs come out charging. But that's OK, I use our equipment from home.

My eating yesterday was healthy 1104 calories. But Not Good. I plan on eating more today. I here it's good to zig zag anyway.

Just ate, so waiting to digest my food, and I'll be doing Slow & Heavy biceps & triceps with abs. I'll post again later and give much more detail of the workout.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Good afternoon Journalizers,

My food intake yesterday(I record it today because it's so late at night to be posting):

Shredded Wheat 1 c.
Soy milk 1/2 c.
Protein Shake with 1/2 mango with 1T goji berries
egg whites 4
Beans 1/2 c.
avocado 1/4 of one
Boca burger
Salad with dressing
Tomato 1/2
Peanut butter 1T

Not enough calories (1104) but will zig zag, so today will have more food.

For today here is a more in depth workout of Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps: Each body part exercised, was 3 sets with 8 reps, unless otherwise noted.

Warm Up
dumbbell overhead extensions 15# in ea. hand first set, then 12# in ea. hand for the last two sets
two arm lying dumbbell extensions 12#
lying extensions 1st set 10# in ea hand, 2nd set 8# in ea. hand, 3rd set 5# in ea. hand
flat back two arm kickbacks 3#
slow dips 8 times
dumbbell curls 12#
hammer 12#
barbell curls22#
A 10 degree anterior tilt is included to increase the intensity and effectiveness of these exercises
Forearm exercises
barbell wrist curls 8#
reverse curls 8#

I feel good today. No stress, nothing is bothering me. Concentrated on my workout and felt it was a good one. Can't believe how I had to lower my weight with these slow workouts. It was tough. My challenge is to go heavier.

Enjoy your workouts everyone, it is so good for you.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Good evening !
Sounds like you had a good workout Janie. Keep up the good work!

I did KPC today. Had hoped to get in a yoga stretch but ran out of time. Promised to watch a movie with the family. I'll try to squeeze in an extra stretch later in the week.

Did good on my calories. Stayed under budget. Feeling very good and feel my core tightening up. Life is good.

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