Journalize Your Journey 2/24



My workout today was Power Max. I also did a rewarding/much needed P90X stretch. It took a couple of hours. Do not usually have that much time, but made room for it anyway.

I'm in a good mood, nothing is bothering me today. I'm on track with my calorie intake and will take a much needed hot soak in the bath.

I feel grateful for what I have accomplished, and I can see the difference of how far I've come just a few years ago. My clothes are fitting a little loser, and I see more definition since January, 07.

Tomorrow I've scheduled a yoga for more balance and stretching. But come Sunday is another start of a 3 split workout. It will be intense.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
RE: Journalize Your Journey

I am getting ready to go for a 6 mile run. Just waiting for a phone call. I have set myself for a hundred day challenge. I started the first day of Lent and will wrap it up the last day of school before the kids get out for summer break. My challenge includes clean eating while I train for a half marathon in May. I'm always good at working out its the eating I struggle with. But I can do anything for a hundred days !
Thanks for starting this journal. I'm going to try to stay active in it-sometimes life, and working out, get in the way.
RE: Journalize Your Journey


WOW! A half marathon! I'm excited for you. Are you doing this by yourself, or is there a partner with you? Where will the half marathon be located?

My Problem is the eating part as well. Have to focus really hard sometimes. I'm cheering you on with these challenges, and your right, a hundred days will fly by, while your body gets ready. That's only a little over 3 months.

Life has a way of doing just that. And that's OK. Have a great run today.


PS I just realized today is Saturday. That means I start my split workouts tomorrow. YEAH! Sorry if there was any confusion, and so early in the posts. (darn)

The idea is to die young as late as possible.
RE: Journalize Your Journey

Congrads on your weight loss over the past years.I have 20 pounds I would love to lose. I'm determined to succeed this time.
What do your split workouts consist of ? I'm glad you got a chance to do some stretching today.
My run was wonderful. The weather was warm and there were no loose dogs. I finished the day off with Legs and Glutes-one of my favorites.
My seventeen year old son enters races with me. I train alone usually because I have to put in lots more miles than he does and an race day he leaves me in the dust!

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