joint pain from running?


Hi there,
I just began a running program and it has been going well, except for one problem. I've found that when I run on the road, the next day I wake up with joint pain in my right ankle or sometimes my right knee. My ankle tends to be stiff and achy when I wake up and usually mostly gets better during the day. I'm wondering what I can do to ease this discomfort. I'm running a 5K tomorrow and would like to train for a half marathon, but don't want to end up with continuous pain.

Thanks for any advice!

It could take awhile for you to adjust to road running, which is pretty hard on the body. Concrete sidewalks are the worst. You might consider doing at least some of your running on softer surfaces - like a track or treadmill.

~Cathy :)
A track or treadmill is an excellent idea!

Also, make sure you do not increase your mileage too much! Running is very hard on the body (MD's don't recommend it:7 ). It takes some time for your skelatal system to adjust and get stronger. I know when I started outside running, it took several months for my bones alone to adjust.

You said you just started running. I say take it easy on your miles. never increase your miles by more than 10% per week. Every few weeks do a "down week" where you do a lot less miles (so your body can recover, rebuild and get stronger).

Finally, and this is critical...have a shoe specialist make sure you are wearing the right shoes for your body, gate, stride and goals. Find a local running store (not D!ck's Sporting...a REAL running store like Fleet Feet or whatever you have) and they should spend some time making sure you have the right shoe and proper fit. The wrong shoe will cause injury! I've seen it, I've done it!

Best of Luck on your 5K!
If you haven't already, invest in a very good pair of high-quality running shoes. Lots of people go for a gait analysis at specialty sports shops, and then are able to buy shoes that more closely match the needs of their feet.

Don't go cheap on your feet. Trust me, it's not worth it. And another thing, depending on how often you run, you need to buy new shoes at least every six months. I know runners who do it every three months. Those shoes take a lot of pounding ... as your joints already know!
Sarah, I cannot believe Doctors don't recommend running...:+ :7 :)

Alicia...You have gotten some great advice. Sometimes after trail runs my ankles are sore and my nephew is a Chiropractor and he adjusts them and they feel lots better! But also I have take a Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplement for years. I have also run for about 30 years without much joint pain...:)

You've gotten fantastic advice here, as usual. ;)

My only question is: are you running the same route in the same direction every time? You said you were running on the road... and I'm not clear. A lot of roads are canted / so that water runs off into the gutter, meaning you are running with one foot landing lower than the other foot. This can lead to tons of problems, so if you can't avoid a canted surface (can't run in the middle of the road!), switch directions every time- running once clockwise, the next time counterclockwise, etc.

Don't you love that you ask a simple question and get 523 different responses??! :p
hello everyone!

Thank you so much for this post! I just started running again after 10 years of not doing it. I ran 4 years in HS on a cross country team and loved it. It was all distance running for me.
During the past 10 years, I have gone to the gym from time to time, and did my best to be fit. I then discovered Cathe (about 6 months ago!) and my fitness has never been better :)

Anyway, I could go on forever about Cathe (ha ha)!

I did go to Dick's Sporting Goods and I found Ryka high arch running sneakers. I did the "Wet Foot Test" at home and found that my arch is high. If you want to know about this test - wet the bottom of your foot and then step on dark paper. See if you have a high arch or a flat foot.

The Ryka shoes are great! I also have Ryka step aerobics shoes and they offer so much support for my joints.

Thank you all for your information on this post. I am new to running again, so I need all the help and advice I can get so that I do not injure myself. I run on grass at the park sometimes, and this is so easy on my joints.

I want to do road races now - fundraisers. I am training for the fall!

Thanks all again! Good luck all! :)

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)

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