>Regardless of nationality, an individual who has the ability
>to maintain a critical, objective perspective towards his/her
>home country, who may dare to dissent from the conservative
>staus quo, earns my respect immediately.
>Johnny Depp is an actor of astounding range who always
>entertains. I think he's just fine and I like his
>idiosyncrasy. There are enough predictable Pitts and Cruises
>already, thank you very much.
>We should be careful when applying the overused
>"antipatriotic" charge.
>Critical is not unpatriotic: it can even be extremely
>patriotic in fact.
I love Madonna! She moved to Britain to be with DH & even shot at birds in the spirit of "sporstmanship". I still don't encourage unpatriotic gestures. But I agree with you on the predictable Pitt's & Cruises. Actually, Pitt can act when he want's to, but I realize money talks louder than words.