Good heavens girls! I swear it was just yesterday when I checked in last! Sheesh!
My mind is going. Sorry! I have not abandoned you!
Alisha - That toe gets in trouble on my feet too a lot, especially when I run. I don't trip or stumble, but it tends to turn black, get a little sore and the nail falls off eventually and a new one grows back just in time to get black again! lol
I wouldn't give up your lemon drink either, especially if it helps! I'll keep you posted on how the raw challenge goes! The smoothie challenge has been awesome! Lots of new recipes to work with in my daily repertoire!
So glad all your repairs are finally speeding along!
Lisa - Sorry you've been lonely.
Here are some virtual {{{HUGS}}}. A little late, but hopefully that helps a bit!
I've seen those virtual races, but have never signed up for one. Maybe later this year, if I can ever get back all the way! Sigh. We've had storms and crap weather every week for 5 weeks now! I'm so done.
I have been working out, so it's not that I've been slack that I've missed checking in. I've just mentally lapsed, I guess. Not much else around here - workouts, snow storms, workouts, snow storms. That's about it.
Got to wear jeans to work today! Any time the forecast is for 1-2" of snow, we get to dress down. Yay! I may do it tomorrow too anyway. The big boss is on vacation, so no one will care. It'll still be snowing most of the day anyway.
My iPhone is crapping out. It keeps crashing and I can't get it back up for hours. It'll come back and as soon as I touch anything, it'll crash again. It's not consistent, but when it happens, I have no use of my phone for a couple of hours until I can get it back up again. Stephen is supposed to be ordering me a new one. He tried to order one a few weeks ago, but when he went to check on the order, it said no order was placed. The website said it was out of stock, so he thought maybe that's why so we waited. Still nothing. He's going to place another order. Keep your fingers crossed! I don't know how much longer my phone is going to last!
Can't wait for the time to change this weekend! I'm thinking of starting STS with straight running for cardio next week along with my raw challenge. I think starting fresh all the way might be good. I want to weigh at the beginning and take measurements and see what happens after the challenge is over.
What do you two think? Good idea or finish off XTrain, then start something new?
I will try not to have old people brain fart tomorrow and be sure to check in!