Jillian Michaels dvd's?

i did the beginner ones since the library had them and while they weren't too bad i think there are way better. the beginner ones offer a cardio/toning program. her rep range allowed you do go a bit heavier, IIRC she only does 8-10 but she doesn't do to many sets of each. the cardio you could modify up but i didn't get that much out it. there is also no warm up or stretch so you have to do those on your own. i find other aerobic/toning programs way surpass this in quality of filming and routines.

i haven't tried the others but looking at the breakdown at college it shows shape up does a upper/lower movements together which i find you can't go as heavy as opposed to doing just lower or just upper. they are available for instant viewing on netflix so i just may have to try them out now for a more educated answer for you on these sets.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Thanks for the feedback. I was hoping for her usually challenging/demanding workout. I think I'll pass on these for now.
okay i just checked out shape up back. don't waste your time. her warm up started unsafe into high impact. even our intensity queen cathe wouldn't do that, she would ease up to it but jillian just went for thos high knees and jacks. also you can't go heavy b/c she will do something like jumping jacks with bicep curls or jogs with bicep curls. she moves WAY to fast to get an effective weight workout. i tried a few minutes and i felt way to much strain. light weights would not get my muscles working for effective weight workout while heavy weights i couldn't not keep up b/c i would injure myself.

i am not going to even check out the others. if anyone were to get her videos stick with the beginners b/c you can go heavier and get a decent workout these others ones just seem unsafe and uneffective. maybe i am biased b/c i like cathe,amy,and the firm but thumbs down to jillians.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

She is CRAZY! I don't know who she has choreographed the workout for - certainly not for someone who is interested in a safe workout!

There is high intensity and then there is Jillian Michael's insane intensity.

I certainly don't recommend her workouts especially when you can see her not following through herself! She punishes her team mates and when it becomes hard she starts launghing and pretends to order (bootcamp master way) others around.

Skip it!

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