Jennifer Love Hewitt issue

L Sass

No - I am totally NOT saying she's fat or even looks fat in those photos (hey, if it's on CNN it must be news right?) But does anyone really think she looked like a size 2 in those pics? I know smaller sizes are being cut larger all the time and that there are now negative sizes to suit vanity, but I'm sorry - I just didn't think those looked like a 2.

First off, I think she is one of the most adorable women in the industry. But size 2, no. I think its kinda sick that people are making a big deal of what her backside looks like though! Have a wonderful day!
No she does NOT look like a size two. I feel bad for her because no one should have the things said about their body that people are saying about hers, but, hey--SHE'S the one who chose to have a life in the public eye. She is famous for her body--particularly her chest. I mean, come on. The girl's hardly an Oscar-worthy actress. She has always gotten attention because of her looks.

So when pictures of her are taken where she doesn't look like she once did, people are going to jump at the chance to criticize.

Again, I feel terrible for her and I'm glad she's fighting back. Women's bodies are constantly critiqued and criticized. But it's not like she helped the issue when she was parading around hollywood years ago in bustiers and leather pants.

Hewitt cares? (Sorry, I just couldn't resist. }( )

I'm just glad when any of these chicks look like they've had a few days-worth of food.
I haven't looked at the photos, but on "Ghost Whisperer," she looks like a very pear-shaped woman. And she seems to wear clothes (a LOT of empire-waist stuff and baby-doll tops) that make it more evident. She could possibly still be a size 2, if she's very short.
I don't know...I have a hard time believing that pic is really her at all!!!! If it IS, well then no, she's NOT a size 2 but it's just hard to fathom!:eek:

That being she gained a few pounds. So what!?

She's a celebrity though and it's going to get the attention of the media and therefore the general public. I guess the nasty remarks should be expected....x(

No wonder girls/women in our society have such issues with body image!!!!x( ;( x(

That picture is of me. Whether or not it was doctored up to make her look worse is another question.

I am just so frustrated with our society. Women go parading around in barely no clothes all the time and show off their bodies and then get mad when once they're not as "fit looking" the media attacks them for it. I just want to tell these celebrities YOUR DOING IT TO YOURSELVES!!!!!! Women have poor body issues because celebrities flaunt their sexy, thin bodies (which very few people can look like) and then the same celebrities are slammed a few years later when they gain a few pounds. Ugh. I'm just so frustrated.

Ok, stepping off my soapbox now. Sorry for my ranting.

Apparently it is her, because she reportedly has written a rebuttal on her fan site (no, I'm not a fan, nor have I visited the site, just read it on CNN's site). It just makes me so sick that people were so nasty to her on TMZ. I mean, I'm a former journalist, and I cannot imagine ever stooping to the point in my career where I would write about people's butts and cellulite. Talk about a truly worthless career. As for the size she wears, I have no idea. When I wore a size 4 and some size 2's before my children, I had a butt and cellulite and normal women's curves... just smaller ones. So she quite possibly is. I hate that girls today are striving to be a size 0. That means they want to be nothing. I remember being in high-school and wishing I were a size 7 (I was a lot bigger in high school). Is it just me, or were models and actresses in the 80s more curvy and normal-sized? I wish that trend would come around again.

Stepping off my soapbox now ...
This society has gotten so insane about womens bodies. My goodness there is not a woman out there who is sheer perfection. Jennifer is a very pretty girl and her body looks just fine. Should'nt we all feel like we are able to enjoy ourselves at a beach whether or not the person standing or sitting next to us thinks we look good in our swimsuit? Men don't get nearly this much crap! Sorry for using such a strong word, but come on. Women contribute so much to this society and it has absolutely nothing to do with our waist size, breasts, or hips. It has to do with who we are inside. Okay, I'm done now.
I don't think she's fat at all. She's no Cathe, but she looks like one of the gals & personally I think if she's OK w/how she looks nobody else has any business calling her fat or otherwise.

She's cute & she seems like a good person. Why isn't that good enough for our society? Her implants are a little too big if you ask me.........but then, nobody asked me. :p
I can't believe I am reading about JLH's butt and actually posting about it, but here goes --- I believe Jennifer is rather short and even in this picture you can see that her waist is TINY. Yeah, she has hips, who cares! I still think she is probably a 2. I'm a 4 and I'd kill to have a waist that small. There are a million things that could contribute to making her lower half look that out of proportion - lighting, camera angle, etc... I have a pic of me from last Christmas where I look like I'm twice the size I am. It was all in the angle. There was absolutely nothing flattering about the light or angle that picture was taken at. I'm not saying that she doesn't have some "junk in the trunk", but I still think she could be a 2. ;) I think the media is SO hypocritcal. They go after everyone who is thin and then as soon as they gain some weight, they tell them they are fat. No wonder they're all so messed up!
>I can't believe I am reading about JLH's butt and actually
>posting about it, but here goes --- I believe Jennifer is
>rather short and even in this picture you can see that her
>waist is TINY. Yeah, she has hips, who cares! I still think
>she is probably a 2. I'm a 4 and I'd kill to have a waist
>that small. There are a million things that could contribute
>to making her lower half look that out of proportion -
>lighting, camera angle, etc... I have a pic of me from last
>Christmas where I look like I'm twice the size I am. It was
>all in the angle. There was absolutely nothing flattering
>about the light or angle that picture was taken at. I'm not
>saying that she doesn't have some "junk in the trunk", but I
>still think she could be a 2. ;) I think the media is SO
>hypocritcal. They go after everyone who is thin and then as
>soon as they gain some weight, they tell them they are fat.
>No wonder they're all so messed up!

ITA. And I'm thrilled to see a celebrity with womanly curves instead of these stick thin starlets who look like 10 year old boys. I think an hour glass figure is really attractive.

I still can't get over the NYT article where they rave over Jari Love's body who, IMHO, looks sickly and anorexic.
Holy cow, celebrities are real people, with real bodies and real "conditions" that everyone else suffers from. Alert the media!
Oh, wait - they've already done that! sheesh
Some of the most fit people out there have cellulite - it's a fact of life. So she's got a round bottom. Big deal. She'll look better in clothes than any chick with a flat ass will, and she'll look better as she ages, because she won't have a butt sliding down the back of her thighs.
The saddest part of all this is that this is what the "media" seems to think is news-worthy. Apparently there's not much else going on in the world worth paying this much attention to.
This is why I try to avoid celebrity mags and shows at all costs. It's just such nonsense.
>Holy cow, celebrities are real people, with real bodies and
>real "conditions" that everyone else suffers from. Alert the
>Oh, wait - they've already done that! sheesh
>Some of the most fit people out there have cellulite - it's a
>fact of life. So she's got a round bottom. Big deal. She'll
>look better in clothes than any chick with a flat ass will,
>and she'll look better as she ages, because she won't have a
>butt sliding down the back of her thighs.
>The saddest part of all this is that this is what the "media"
>seems to think is news-worthy. Apparently there's not much
>else going on in the world worth paying this much attention
>This is why I try to avoid celebrity mags and shows at all
>costs. It's just such nonsense.

I could have written the last half of this post! The media should focus on more relevant things than JLH's cellulite. GIve me a break.

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