Hola Peepers!
Today was a good workout day. I did 4DS High Intentsity Step. I've got the first & second sections down, so/so on the high intensity blasts, but am completely LOST on the last section. I know I'll get it, as I'm a slooooooooooooow learner when it comes to tricky stuff, I just need to keep at it, which, being the stubborn gal I am, I will!
Robin--Sorry about the interrupted sleep, as I soooooooooooooo know how that feels this week! I'm sure Mr. Yappycat didn't help with his arrival this morning, either...LOL.
Ellie--I'm glad you are feeling well enough for BM2! And you just reminded me that I will need to be Houdini's tooth fairy someday. I completely forgot about that!!
Vilma--Enjoy CCV5!
Laura--Wow, it sounds like you had a nice, rugged-outdoors type workout today. Ft. Worth? I'm not far at all from your homebase--I live in the Dallas area.
Heather--I love Baby Low Max, too! Someone has borrowed it out of my DVD library and I kind of wish I had it back. Total Body Stretching is also on my wish list (along with High Step videos, BM2, and Muscle Max.) And we are dark, overcast and in the 60's here today, similar weather, except I love gray weather!! (Color me weird, but fall/winter/overcast weather makes me happy. Probably because I'm not an outdoors gal and cooking and TV watching and reading make me happy, LOL!)
JJ--Wow, that private instruction sounds cool. Report when you get back, please!
Judy--HA, I cancelled Houdini's flu shot the other day. I'm not brave AT ALL. Houdini is rescheduled for today at 3:15. Wish me luck--she screams as soon as you leave the waiting room and enter the doctor's office part. Houdini KNOWS I'm up to no good once we get back there, LOL! I will PM you the food blogs tonight--they are saved on my home computer, and if you have any, PM them to me, please!!
And you get a big gold achievement star for taking on three lasagnas today!!!
LaDonna--Good for you for taking a break and listening to your body.