Jari Love Workouts


I just received my Jari Love DVD's (I ordered the 3-pack from DeepDiscount.com and it was $17 with free shipping!).

Anyway, I got "Get Ripped," "Slim and Lean," and "Ripped to the Core." I have never done any of her workouts and am wondering if anyone can give me a quick rundown about these workouts. Are they significantly different? Do they each emphasize a different type of training? What's your favorite?

Thanks in advance!!!
I don't have Get Ripped which is supposedly the more intermediate workout of the three. I usually don't care for endurance workouts (which all of these are) but my favorite is Ripped to the Core which is all compound movements. Her ab work does not compare to Cathe at all although some of the movements call for you to engage your core. Slim & Lean has a lot of pulsing movements. When I did Slim & Lean, I didn't use any weights higher than 10#.

Ripped to the Core consists of:
Reverse lunge and side squat (I used 8# here and went up to 10#)
Spider pushups
Chest press with hips raised (used 10# but had to switch to 8#)
Bent leg deadlift and bicep curl (started with 8# and went up to 10#)
Wide squat with upright row (started with 8 and went up to 10#)
Stiff Leg Deadlift with Lat Row (started with 8# and worked up to 10#)
Squat with lat raise, narrow squat with anterior raise (used 5#)
Step Ups with overhead press (tough) (used 5#, worked up to 8#)
Tricep kickbacks with core and tricep pushups
Abs: Planks, crunches (pulsing)

Slim & Lean consists of:

Lunges - used 8#
Chest press - used 10#
Bent leg deadlift with deadrow (used 10#)
Rotator cuff - used 5#
Tricep Dips
Overhead Extensions - used 8#
Biceps - Traditional and hammer curls (used 8#)
1 legged wide squats (used 10#)
Overhead press & lateral raise (used 8#)

Hope you enjoy your workouts.

I used heavier weights than even the guy on Slim and Lean, because it is too light and the pace allows it. The others have too many compound movements to make the weights heavier. I like Slim and Lean the best because it can be made to use heavier.
I love Slim and Lean!!! Very similar to PH, imo, but more laid back.
Totally endurance oriented, and a good workout.
I just finished "Ripped to the Core." I liked it. Very different from Cathe's workouts. I feel like I got a good overall workout (my heart rate definitely rose during the exercises) but not sure how much of a full-body weight workout I got. I am definitely satisfied and wasn't bored. I wasn't able to do heavy weights...the compound exercises made it difficult to use heavy weight. I liked Jari. She gave a lot of good pointers and is very straightforward and to-the-point.

I am glad I added her to my collection.
its funny that you should ask about these workouts, i just got the ripped series from ross for 5.99 a piece. i have previewed the dvds and they look like good workouts.
i own these dvd's. For the most part, Jari's methods are similar to 'body pump'. She takes one body part at a time (hams, quads, glutes, etc) and does a super long set for 4-5 minutes at a time. This is an endurance building workout, not a weight lifting, so keep the weights relatively light in the beginning, or else you won't last the set

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