Jari Love - love her body

I just have one thing to add, even though it's off-topic: I really like Jari's personality and instruction. She's relaxed and easy-going, she can laugh at herself, and she's very encouraging and motivating. I don't have 2000, but I have the other 3, and will no doubt buy 2000 as well. :D
So, does anyone know if one can get that lean and cut without lifting heavy on a regular basis? Is endurance lifting (like Ripped) going to rip us like Jari? Will kickboxing do it, as well??
from my experience,endurance and kb shape my core and lower body so you will eventually be like Laurie but iwldnot give up on it. alternate total body and circuit/endurance. i did p90x for 2 rotations now i want to work more on my lower body but not lose any muscle.

Charlotte, I'm no expert, but my personal experience has been that when I lift heavy, my appetite increases and I eat more calories than I need. So I can't get lean lifting heavy, although others may not have that problem. Endurance work doesn't seem to increase my appetite, so I stick more to endurance work than to heavier lifting.
I don't think she looks too thin. She makes a living on being fit, and I think her body shows just how much hard work and dedication one must have to look like that.
She looks like a skeleton with exercise clothes. I don't think she looks very fit at all!! I know you can see her muscles but I think that's because she has no body fat to cover them. She'd probably have more muscle definition if she gained some weight IMO. I do see the merit in her workouts though.

ITA with those that think she is waaaay too thin. In her very first video she looked OK, but with each video release she has gotten more and more skeletal - Ripped 1000 is really frightening, her legs are like toothpicks and her ribs stick out. To me she is not a good role model. I feel sad for her because I think maybe the stress of producing videos, and trying to look a certain way, has tipped her over the edge into dangerous territory. I have to say, though, that I love her videos and I think she is a really good instructor.
Hello Nancy,

I like her physique because while she is thin she is not anorexic and lacking energy: Jari uses 8lb dumbbells and 10lbs for the workouts and she does all the exercises in S&L as opposed to other members of her crew who uses less (I haven't tried her workouts using the same weights as her yet so I am not sure how strenuous they are). And she has great muscle definition as well. She reminds me of Bruce Lee and Paula Radcliffe, two people who are very very fit and slim. I like her body because I don't believe that you are unhealthy if you are underweight: in fact when people are doing a very physical job they tend to be very thin because you burn so much calories. I have been in that situation when I used to cycle a lot.

I would agree with everyone who say that Jari looks too thin and that was my first impression when I saw her DVD cover. However, in Get Ripped I thought she looked lovely, quite feminine and slimmer than her crew, but she doesn't look like she would collapse. In S&L she is more muscular but not necessary slimmer (at least I don't think so).

I did read somewhere that it is healthier to be a little under your ideal weight.

While Jari is thin she is definitely not in the same category as all those celebrities who are size 00, like Nicole Richie, Victoria Beckham and Kate Bosworth. There is definitely something wrong with those women.

I don't mind being thin as long as I am fit and healthy (that is the most important).

I agree - she looks great. I love a long, think body like Jai's. Karen Voight in Great Weighted Workout was thin and she looked great, and still does. I also agree that it is more healthy to be a bit underweight, but Jai might weigh more than she looks as she has lots of muscle. maryann

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