January Rotation 1/3/05


I didn't see a check-in yet for the Jan. rotation, so I guess I will start it off today. Today will be SJP and maybe an extra 20 min of Pilates. Depends on how I feel. Gotta get those abs ready for summer!! Have a great day!!

RE: January Rotation Day 1

Hi there,
Just posted on the other thread,wondering when we are going to start the rotation.Guess I got my answer:)
Today is day 1 for me as well.Just finishing my coffee and I am going to get my workout started.I also just wrote the rotation down in my daily planner.I like the fact that none of the workouts are really long,like a day of cardio and weights.Days when I am short on time I will still be able to workout.
Is anyone else thinking of adding more cardio? I was thinking about adding runs on the weight days but I didn't write it in my planner b/c I didn't want to feel like it was mandatory.
I am also thinking about writing all of my workouts in a book over the next year.I did that a few years ago and it was nice to look through it and see how hard I worked all year.
Off to workout...
RE: January Rotation Day 1

Hi Everyone,

I did SJP for the first time today. I actually enjoyed it. I have had the workout for months and never did it. One of the step segments I had a hard time with but stuck with it. I feel worked out today.

Lori - I have been thinking about adding in some cardio in the evenings, such as walking or sliding, just to get some extra in. This of course all depends on how I am feeling. I also want to keep at least 3 days of yoga a week in. So that may be my workout this evening. I usually only do about 20-30 minutes of yoga, I cannot take it much longer than that.

Another suggestion, wondering if we should put the date in the subject line so we know what date we are on. I know some people started the rotation over the weekend and we may be on different days?

Hope everyone has a great day. Happy New year!!

Good morning ladies,

Rhonda-Good suggestion on the date. I just updated that.

Lori-I am going to try and run on my treadmill a couple of extra days a week. I have to motivate myself to do this somehow. I just haven't felt like running this past month.


RE: January Rotation Day 1

I got up this am and did SJP. I love this workout. I plan to do 20 min of pilates and 20 min of bowflex this evening.

I hope everyone enjoys their workout today.

RE: January Rotation Day 1

Good morning everyone! I started the rotation this morning, too. I did SJ&P and then did Trainer's Edge Killer Butt.

I do plan on doing cardio on the weight days, also. Another thing that I will try to do is add floorwork to the cardio days, or something like today's Killer butt workout.

I keep a book every year on all of my workouts. I have been doing that since around 1995. It is so fun to look back at the past year's workouts and how I have changed the ways that I workout.

RE: January Rotation Day 1

ooo thats a good idea, linda :) good motivation tool! I might have to start my own book for 2005 :) well, i woke up late today :) so i'll be doing SJP when I get back from my part time job around 3-4ish. have a great day everyone! -tina
RE: January Rotation Day 1

Sounds like everyone is thinking the samething.I run alot so I can't imagine not adding it in there.I have also started watching the episodes of sex and the city so I watch a couple of shows while I run.Funny, I never watched it when it was on t.v and now I am out buying the dvds.
I just did S,J&P.I didn't sweat until I hit the leg work.That workout is not overly tough.I am finding lately that I don't sweat as much.I don't know if I need to up the intensity (how much more can I do? Imax 1 and 2?) or I am wearing shorts in the winter time and it takes longer for me to warm up? I sometimes wear pants in the winter time (in the house of course:) )
I am glad my schedule is getting back to normal.Work is as planned and I am not running with my running partner in the winter time so I can workout on my own time and do what I am in the mood to do.I plan on running tonight but we will see how much energy I have.
RE: January Rotation Day 1

Hi! I started the Jan. rotation on the 1st, so I am on day 3. So far I've done:
Sat....Step, Jump and Pump + power yoga
Sun....Kick, Punch Crunch + power yoga
Mon...Legs and Glutes + Mindy's Gliding Cardio + power yoga

Have a great day!:)
RE: January Rotation Day 1

I started this on Jan 1 also but am changing the schedule to be 4 days on, 1 day off. I am on day 3 - Legs & Glutes. What a killer workout this is. I only used 5-lbs & 8-lbs plus 1/2-lb ankle weights, my legs were jello when I was done.

My heart rate goes really high when doing the leg press though, I started out the first set using an 8, but had to drop down to a 5 and couldn't really complete the second set because I was out of breath.
Thanks for starting this, Aila!

Well, I actually started the rotation yesterday, so today is supposed to be KP&C (and as soon as I finish this post I am off to do it.) I did KP&C on Friday, coincidentally, so I am going to do Cardio Kicks plus the arm drills only from CTX Kickbox if my shoulders aren't feeling fried.

Wish me luck! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 3/365[/font color] :)
RE: January Rotation Day 1

Hi. I started the Jan rotation today. I did the SJP premix #4, which goes (step combo; hi/lo combo; weights)x4, then added the abs on at the end. I find this to be a more challenging way to do the workout, because the leg weights prefatigue the muscles and make the following step portion feel harder. It also puts the hardest cardio combos back to back, right after all the squats: step combo 2 and hi/lo combo 2. Then I did Push Pull. Feel great. Love SJP!

Yes, I will be adding 30 mins of cardio to some of the weight training days.

I always write my workouts in my datebook, then go back and put a check mark on them once they're done. If I change the planned workout, then I write in what I actually did. I really like seeing my progress over the years.

'Til tomorrow!

Wow, Sandra! I was right with you on making SJ&P more challenging (except that I detest hi/lo and substitute two or three sections of SB), but then I got to the little kicker:
Then I did Push Pull." Holy smokes -- you have raised the bar on this old girl! That is definitely NOT on the rotation! :)

BTW, how ya liking those Rykas? Mine are actually fitting fine -- I had to adjust the lacing. My new favorite shoes, though, I have to tell ya, are those black Avias. I like them so much I may try to find them in white and put them on the shelf for after these Rykas bite the dust. They fit my feet wonderfully (and when I'm all decked out in black pants with those shoes for kickboxing, like today, I feel so official! ;-))

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 3/365[/font color] :)
RE: Sandra!

Hi Kathy! Nice to see you back from your holiday! SJP and Push Pull really complement each other. I find each of them individually makes me feel half worked out, weight-wise, but put them together and every muscle gets nicely toasted. And there is hardly any repetition in the moves, so it offers terrific variety and just feels fun. Some day when you are feeling extra energetic, give it a try!

I'm loving the Rykas. I had to play around with the laces a bit, too, but now they're fitting as well as I remember. I'm glad you were able to make them work for you, too. The Avias sound like a good treasure. Maybe I'll try them next time! It might actually be possible to buy them around here; I'll have to check. I'll bet you look awesome in the black Avias and pants, and throwing those high kicks.

I love your tag line. How'd you do that?

I'm still waiting to reimburse you the postage via paypal. Send me a request any time you're ready!
Got up late today so I'll be doing SJP in the late afternoon early evening. :(
Hope every one is enjoying this fine day today.
I substituted Circuit Max for SJP today (I just came off the Dec 03 rotation and want a break from SJP).
I may not check in everyday , but i"ll check in today! I'm very new here and this is my first rotation!! Today I did SJP, it's a tough one for me because it's so long.

Have a great day everyone!
Day one: I completed SJP. I used my recumbent bike intervals during the hi/lo for an impact break without lowering my heart rate. Great workout.
FYI I have also done SJP with running intervals (hard run) during the hi/lo. I highly recommend it.

edit for typos
AKA "Likes2bfit"

hello all!
I woke up a little late as well, still off from work. I'm a teacher. I'll go back to work on Wednesday. Hopefully, I will get my workouts in the morning before work. I usually get up at 5:00a.m. to do them.

I did SJP today for the first time as well. It was tough. I had to slow down the reps in the chest and triceps part. I just did a couple of abs cuz I was wiped out by that time.

I am also adding some cardio too. I really don't know what days yet. I like to run and I hate to give that up. I'm glad to read that there are other runners here as well!!

ok, I don't have step,punch and crunch, so I will do cardio kicks instead. Is that a good sub??

thanks all:)
take care:)
I did SJP today as well. I don't find this one too hard except the static lunges and the planks. Lots of plike minded people today. I've also started a little book to keep track of my workouts, it'll be great to have something to look back at. I'm also a runner and don't want to completely give that up so will try to squeeze some short runs in on the weight days I think. Kim

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