January rotation 1/15/2005


Hi good morning everybody. After the hardcore extreme details we only have to wait the shipment date. Yuuupi. Today is MIS in my rotation. I will add a premix of SB too. Have a great day and enjoy your workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
Good morning.
1st day of the rotation's 3rd week. So I am off to do: Rhythmic step, and 30 min. of gliding, 10 min. abs, and 15 min. Yoga flow series: Fire.

Mariángeles, I can hardly wait for the Hard Core series, as the time is so near!;)

Ladies, have a great day and weekend.:)
My Goodness...what time is it in your world? I just thought I would check the site b/c I am waiting to go to work but i didn't think anyone would be on the go yet.Its not 7 0'clock here yet.
I have to work all day and I think I may be doing a thing with the girls tonight.I would rather stay home though.So I may get a workout in later today but I doubt it.
Have a good one,
Hi again, Bfj great job. Soon you will finish the rotation. Lori now is 12:25 in my country. It is midday. I have finished MIS right now. Later I will do a SB cardio premix. I need to work hard today. I am going to eat pizza in the lunch time :9 :9 :9 Delicious. Have a great weekend everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie :) :)
Good morning, ladies....Maria good afternoon to you! LOL.

This morning was Step Fit. I forgot the flying angels were in this one. Good workout. I added on 10 minutes of CTX All Abs.

I've got a busy day. I weigh in (Weight Watchers), swim lessons for my boys, then outlet shopping for the rest of the day! FUN!

I cannot wait till Hardcore arrives! Have an awesome day!

Good morning everyone,

I don't have Step Fit, so I did Christi T. Solid Gold step. I also did core work from ME. Tomorrow is my rest day. Have a great weekend everyone.

Hi everyone,
It was supposed to be STep fit for me too, but I was feeling extremely energetic and slept well so I ended up substituting Imax Xtreme for it.
I really gave it my all, and now my whole body is feeling really tired.S o I'm wondering if that was a smart move... I also did PUB core work, my favourite which felt tough after the Imax.

Mariangeles, I'm also waiting impatiently for the Hardcore, it was very exciting to read details about hardcore extreme wasn't it? You're workouts are amazing, keep up the great work!

Aila, how is Christi T.:s Solid Gold Step? I just her Step heaven yesterday which I really like. Is it similar to that one? Intensity and choreography-wise?

have a great weekend everybody,

Hi again.I have finished my Cathe's cardio for today. I have used the timesaver dvd. I have done the warm up and the step of SJP, the combo 1 of SB and the stretch of SJP.Later I will do 1 hour in my stationary bike. Gayle I can not wait for the hardcore too. It has been my first cathe presale, it won't be the last, and this waiting is being tought. Can you imagine the day when you will receive your package. I know what I am going to do. Jump of happyness, go inside my room and see all the workouts during all day. I hope I will receive the dvd on Friday. I will have all the weekend to see them . Aila enjoy your rest day tomorrow. I think SGS is a great substitution. Hi Maria thank you . You have worked very hard today. Stay working out so well. I was waiting to receive the fantastic four dvd of Cristhi on thursday but I still waiting. :( :( :(

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
hi everyone! hope that i'm not interfering! i'm new to this still. i've never done any type of chat rooms or forums at all in the 4 years or so that i've had my computer. but i really like the encouragement and motivation that i get from reading these posts and feeling like i can participate. can someone explain these "rotations" that i keep reading about and who is christi T? for my workout today , my husband and i took a very brisk paced hike in the mountains behind where we live for 50 min. then i did 2 ab segments on the abs hits tape of cathe's. i only have 6 of hers. 5 vhs and 1 dvd(high step advanced). i do some of her workouts thru the week with her on fittv. thats where i first heard of her about march of last year. how did some of you find out about her? i've been working out (not at this level)for most of my adult years off and on but i've never heard of her until last year. i've done buns of steel and denise austin and kathy smith and gilad etc. love to hear from some of you. have a great remainder of the weekend!:7
Ciao tutti!

Today was my rest day...one of those days where life gets in the way of Cathe.

Mariangeles - you slay me with your workouts...that is some awesome energy you have there.

Til tomorrow,

good afternoon anyone and everyone,

Today I did SH biceps and triceps and a 6 mile run. I decided to do BC yesterday. I could have kept right on running, but I've got to do something else with my day. I just wanted to check in and say hello.
He everyone! No workout cause I am just too tired. Only slept for four hours after being up for 29 hours straight. Tonight I get to go out to dinner and a movie with my DH. Yay a date night!
RE: Maria S.

Hi Maria,

I LOVE Solid Gold step. It's my favorite Christi workout. I think it's definitely intense enough IMO. There are a few leaps & hops etc. I love Step Heaven too, but I think SGS is a less complex IMO. The music is GREAT too!! It's like a party in my living room...Fun Fun Fun!!



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