Hi Kathy S.

Hope you feel better..I fractured my tailbone before and it is not pretty. Thank goodness you didn't damage yours. I still have issues with it to this day & I broke mine 7 years ago. Take it easy!!

I hurt my tailbone once....several years ago...I fell backwards on hard tile floor in a bathroom where I was throwing up from too much Tequila! Talk about idiotic! LOL Well the next morning I could barely get out of bed! This must have been close to 10 years ago and my tailbone STILL bothers me when I sit for too long. OUCHEE!

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Kathy S. I hope ypu feel better!

On schedule todya like many of you was CTX upper body. I decided to do ME upper body premix W/ abs due to time constraints. It is about 10" shorter and stil exhausts my muscles...especially biceps! The shoulder part of this workout is my favorite. I think I would benefit from 6 pound dumbbells. That jump from 5 to 8 is a big one.

Ok tomorrow is going to be non step cardio for me. I've had enough step this week.
previously "Likes2bfit"

Ciao tutti!

CTX upper body split today - those triceps and biceps - OUCH! This was a grueling week in the rotation: IMax, IMax2, MIC and Bootcamp! WOW!

Til tomorrow,

Well, it didn't work!

Hi folks -- so sad to report that my ankle and foot are HUGELY swollen, and I just didn't even attempt CTX UB Split. My DH called home to check on me and read me the riot act for thinking of trying. I am icing and Advil-ing, and if the swelling doesn't begin to subside by tomorrow morning I'll go get this danged appendage X-rayed. Lord knows, it would be me who broke an ankle (although I really don't think it is). I'll keep you guys posted -- now, back to the couch! ;-(

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days:11/14/365[/b][/font color]
RE: Well, it didn't work!


I'm sorry to hear your ankle is not getting better. I'm hoping for the best. Keep resting...


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