
Well you guys are doing fantastic and are so impressive. Way to go!

Today is rest day for me, so I did total yoga: earth series 55 min. and 15 min. water series.

Hope you have a great day.:)
I did CTX Upper body. Haven't done this one in a while and those bi's and tri's got me.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Today is CTX UB for me as well.I love this one.I am going to be so sore tomorrow.....:) I am also planning a run if I have enough time.
Hi guys! Great job this morning already!

I was also supposed to do CTX upper body this morning, but I didn't get enough sleep so I stayed in bed. (was up very late painting my bedroom) I am either going to do it tonight or add it onto tomorrow's workout.

I don't know about you guys, but my legs are so happy to finally have a break this week!

Hi, I don't have CTX so I subbed PP upper body double set, and the ab sections from SS. It was nice not having to do cardio today for a change, my ankles were feeling it this morning from MIC!

Have a great day!
Hi good morning everybody. Today is bootcamp again in my rotation.Bfj enjoy your rest day. I am really tired today after RS. My legs are sore. Maybe Monday will be my rest day. I need it.Rhonda, Gayle and Lori enjoy CTX. It is a hard workout. Have a great weekend everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning,

5:30 am - PUB minus ball work (no ball), plus a Firm 5 day abs segment. I agree, my legs were so happy to have a break (especially the knees!)

Since I don't have the workout for tomorrow, I'm going to do Tae Bo.

Have a good one ladies, talk to you next week.


About how long is the CTX upper body workout? Part of the reason I let myself sleep a bit later this morning was because I've never done CTX and haven't had a chance to preview it. I was afraid of running out of time before work. I am really going to try to do it tonight, but need to get an estimate on how long it is.


Good morning! I have kind of gotten off track, but I am still planning on getting all the workouts in this week done (hopefully). I haven't checked in since Monday, so this is what I have done this week:
Monday: C&W, PLB (standing portion), Floorwork from Firm Vol I
Tuesday: Run 5 miles
Wed: Off
Thursday: CTX Power Circuit (cardio), CTX All Step (cardio), and CTX Upper Body Split
Friday: Imax I

I will try to make sure I check in everyday so that I won't have to post so many workouts at once.
But this has been a bad week at work, so have not had much time to post!

Hi Gayle here you have the chaptering of the dvd.

DVD chaptering - Cathe Friedrich : Cross Train Xpress (CTX)




Power Circuit
2.2 - warm up (4:30)
2.3 - lo-impact (3:15)
2.4 - hi-impact (4:00)
2.5 - step circuits (10:15)
2.6 - kickbox circuits (11:00)
2.7 - back (13:00)
2.8 - planks (5:30)
2.9 - abs (5:15)
2.10 - stretch (3:15)

3.2 - warm up (6:00)
3.3 - kickbox (5:15)
3.4 - hi-lo (8:15)
3.5 - step (10:15)
3.6 - triceps (11:45)
3.7 - stretch (3:15)

All Step
4.2 - warm up (5:45)
4.3 - step aerobics (22:00)
4.4 - shoulders (10:00)
4.5 - abs (9:30)
4.6 - stretch (5:30)

Step & Intervals
5.2 - warm up (8:30)
5.3 - step aerobics (10:15)
5.4 - intervals (10:45)
5.5 - chest (10:00)
5.6 - stretch (5:30)


Leaner Legs
2.2 - warm up (2:45)
2.3 - leg work (32:45)
2.4 - abs (8:45)
2.5 - stretch (4:30)

3.2 - warm up (9:00)
3.3 - kickbox (15:15)
3.4 - arm drills (7:15)
3.5 - biceps (10:45)
3.6 - abs/planks (12:00)
3.7 - stretch (5:45)

All Abs (35:30 total)
A compilation of all 4 abs segments.
4.1 - from All Step (9:30)
4.2 - from Leaner Legs (8:45)
4.3 - from Kickbox (12:00)
4.4 - from Power Circuit (5:15)

Upper Body Split (55:45 total)
5.1 - back (13:00)
5.2 - chest (10:00)
5.3 - shoulders (10:00)
5.4 - triceps (11:45)
5.5 - biceps (10:45)


Menus on both discs show 4 titles each on the main menu. Below each are the options: "play entire program" or "chapters." Pressing "menu" while any workout is running will send you to the chapter selections for that title.

In my Cathe's catalog : warm up 5/12, back 12 1/2 min, chest 10 min, shoulders 10 min, biceps 10 min and triceps 12 min, and 3 1/2 min stretch. I am talking about the vhs. There is no stretch and warm up in my dvd.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good Morning!!

Man am I glad it's Friday. I'm ready for the weekend. Tonight is suppossed to be Step Blast but Friday's I clean my house after I get home from work so I don't have to do it on my days off so tonight will be my off night from Cathe. But I'll start back with Step Blast on Saturday and then Imax 2 on Sunday. My computer at home is currently out of order so I won't be back online until Monday. I did PUB last night for the first time and man am I starting to feel it in my biceps. I need to get a wider selection of dumbbells. I've got 3,5,8,10 (although my 3's are at my mom's house).

I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

Happy Friday everyone..this morning I only did the aerobic portion of MIC. When it came to the high impact part had to keep most of it at low impact. I skipped the step portion, not really fond of those sashay's but I might do a step workout tonight, depending on how I feel after getting home from work.
Today is a rest day as I have to work the night shift tonight and will be up for over 24 hours! Yesterday afternoon I did step fit so I did get in all the workouts for the week.
I don't like the sashays in MIC step either, so I just do figure eights instead. Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Friday! I'm doing PUB and pilates today -- I don't own CTX (yet). I did Powermax yesterday, since I don't own MIC (yet). I own the Intensity Series, Body Blast Series, Cardio Hits, and Power Hour, so I've happily got most of what I need for this month.

I'd really like to know what DVDs are needed for next month's rotation. I am so well behaved following this rotation! I just know I'd have skipped days if I were going day-by-day, by my own free-style schedule.

Regarding a wider selection of weights, I finally have all weights in 1-pound increments to 10, and 12 & 15. I think I'm going to get 20-pound weights pretty soon, too -- but I wish I could get, like, a 17- or 18-pound weight! :)

Bravo to all of you! Thanks for the inspiration!:D

Marla G.
Thanks, Maria for the info on CTX upper. I guess I could have found that myself had I taken the time! I aprreciate it!

I am just so glad I decided to follow a rotation for the first time. I feel like I am doing it right this time. I am hoping that when Hardcore comes, there is at least one rotation out there for us (from Cathe) so we don't just got it blind.

Great job, everybody! Keep up the good work!

Good morning,
Last night I mixed it up on my own because I don't have MIC. I did ME (for the first time!) just the lower body and back work. Saved upper body for today. I then did Step Blast, and finished with All Step abs. I felt nice and worked out afterwards.

Tonight because I don't have CTX upper body, I am going to do S&H biceps and triceps. Tomorrow I'll replace Step Fit with All Step. I really, really need to expand my collection!!! Now that I have a treadmill and cathe I want to cancel my gym membership, but I can't bring myself to do it for some reason...I think I'll do it today, and then keep setting that money aside for Cathe's Hardcore set! I'm going to be so envious when everyone starts receiving theirs;(

Happy workouts everyone
Hi everyone!
I don't have CTX so I subbed PP upper body double set premix, with the ab sections from SS. I am very happy not to do cardio today, my ankles are bothering me a bit from MIC yesterday, but tomorrow is more cardio fun! YEEHAA!
Good afternoon everyone!

I am about to go up to my workout room and give it a whirl, but wanted to update you first on my ridiculous fall yesterday. As I posted, I went flying off the step during CTX Power Circuit, landed on my tailbone (hard) and twisted my ankle. Can you say MORON? :)

Today my tailbone is sore and my ankle (actually, the outside top of my right foot spreading across my outer ankle bone) is very swollen and bruised and sore. So I'm hobbling around feeling really frustrated and idiotic. How in the &$%! does an experienced person FALL OFF -- make that SAIL OFF -- a step?? ;-( It caught me so by surprise that I wasn't even able to throw my hands out to break my fall. Good thing I've got lots of tailbone padding, or I might have broken it!

I think it's going to be Monday before I can try any cardio, and at that point if the swelling's gone I will attempt some elliptical trainer (no impact). We'll see. Since the schedule today calls for CTX UB Split, I am optimistic for today. I've waited til afternoon to do it so that I could take some ibuprofen and do a couple of ice-pack cycles. I'm going to see what I can do (or modify) for upper body without putting a lot of weight onto that leg. I believe most of the UB stuff will work out okay with a few tweaks. I think I could do one-armed rows leaning onto the high step, for example, instead of barbell rows for which I'd need to evenly distribute my weight. And push-ups on my knees (yeah, like not being able to do them on my toes is REALLY a sacrifice for me!). And shoulder stuff sitting down. Then I could add on some abs stuff if my tailbone is up to it. I did an abs marathon yesterday, though, so I may skip that today. It's just tempting to do what I can -- I'm on a great roll now workout-wise and I don't want to just sacrifice the day if I can avoid it. But I promise I'll be easy on myself!

I'll check back in later. Have a great one, kids!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 11/365[/font color]
Yikes Kathy, really don't push yourself too hard, you could wind up worse off than now. I know what you mean about feeling like you're on a roll, but BE CAREFUL!!

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