Beth, ugh, I hate when there are technical issues with the DVD player!! Glad you eventually got a workout in. I did Cardio Core Circuit and it was tough - can't remember if I liked it or not, though! That is frustrating when an easier, probably more enjoyable workout burns the same calories. But, maybe you have more of an afterburn from a tougher workout - burn more calories for a few hours later? Just trying to make you feel better!
Oh, I hate those projects!! Colin will get panicky about them too, and wind up in tears. Then nothing gets done. He had a ton at the beginning of the year, but not too many since. At least you know he has high expectations for later in life! I'm impressed that you can help with 5th grade math! I have a hard time helping Colin when he's stuck. I used to love math and algebra, but my mind seems to have turned to mush.
Chris, I don't think I really get DOMS from GS Legs, either. I'm starting to feel my leg workout from yesterday. Glad you finally got the dishwasher! I had to laugh at you cringing when Greg was looking at the ipod touch cases. I've been there - DH will just throw things into the cart at Costco - and nothing there is under $10 it seems. I'm thinking, whoa, slow down buddy! I handle all the money so I know what we have/don't have to spend.
Hottie, good mish mosh yesterday.
No workout yet for me today. My knee was really hurting last night. It's only when I walk on it a certain way. It's a bit better this morning. I may try to use the treadmill at lunch, but there's only three and I doubt that the New Year's rush has died down yet. It's so frustrating to go down there and there's no equipment.
Oh, Ian's team WON last night!! What a game - everyone was screaming by the end. Ian's team led most of the way, the other team caught up at the end and it was tied. Our team scored in the last minute or so, but the other team was down at their basket after that and had about five shots one after the other that didn't go in. It was kind of funny - you could tell it was the first game. Two players both started going towards the wrong basket and one of them was Ian. Thank god he didn't get down there and shoot it in!