January 10 Check in Friday 15th*****


Good morning ladies...

Getting us started today...I planned Imax 2 for my workout today. I am amazed that I have minimal DOMS for yesterday's GS Legs. Most of my soreness is in the hamstrings and outer thighs...Maybe more soreness will develope as the day goes on...

Ok, be back later...
Morning Kathy and everyone!

I'm about to head downstairs to do GS: Chest & Triceps. And will add on a stretch of some sort.

Kathy: My legs never got super DOMS from GS Legs either. Which I found strange, since they were sore/tired right AFTER the workout. I really was challenged during 90% of it. Enjoy IM2 today!!!

I have a little bit more slack today, since Jake's classroom centers are off until February, but of course, my procrastination will set me back if I don't start moving already!

I'm STILL feeling tired/wiped out. I do get better by late afternoon/evening though, so it's just the mornings.

I'm off!

Good morning and happy OSIF!

I did cardio core circuit this morning -- ug! Why is that not on the hiit disc? I guess because there were not enough breaks to qualify as hiit. Sheesh! That was killer, didn't you think? And the crap thing was that I didn't burn many more calories than I did doing that Long Back Up the other day. How can that be?! This felt so hard to me. Truth be told, I only did the first and last sets twice -- I skipped the other second times. I was so tired this morning, so stayed in bed later and then when I got up the tv/dvd combo was messed up and both were on but the player wasn't working. So after a lot of cursing, I was about to give up -- I can't even remember -- I was so irked -- anyway, suddenly there's Cathe. So, I was tired, discombobulated, and pressed for time, so maybe that was part of it. My SF friend who does some Cathe but is not a huge fan bought this one as her only shock cardio and I can't wait to hear what she thinks of it. I have a feeling I'll like the hiit ones better.

Ok, how's that for a lot of rambling about a workout?!

We had a HUGE meltdown about the explorer report last night. It's due Tuesday, theoretically, and he hasn't done anything, and it finally hit him. He was a wreck, sobbing and mad at us for telling him sleep was better (at 10:00 at night when he wanted to finally work on it!). And he finally sobbed "but I want to get my masters degree in college and Stanford only takes kids with really good grades." Sob, sob. I think we have some expectation setting to do!!! Holey moley. I finally got him calmed down and we all finally went to sleep.

I have to help with fifth grade math today -- hate it!!! Two hours!!! Ug! Oh well. That's why I slept later.... I haven't had my shower yet -- I'm going to do drive thru drop off, come home to shower, and then go back to help with math. :eek:

Hottie, that was quite a mish-mosh yesterday! Did you like it? I like doing barre mish moshes, but mostly with other things a mish mosh leaves me feeling grumpy somehow.

Have a great day!
Finished GS: Chest & Triceps.

What the heck has happened to me? It was SOOOO hard! Actually, my upper arms and shoulders were sore from boxing yesterday. Maybe that was it. It was SUPER hard for me, all those chest presses , I'd start to feel it down my neck towards the end and I had to drop weight/take a break.

Triceps..Holy :eek:! They are STILL trembling!

How did you do with it the other day, Kathy?

I did the regular stretch on that DVD and then did the stretch from Athletic Step. THAT felt pretty nice!

Beth: I really didn't like Cardio Core Circuit when I did it. I think , because I was so freakin tired after the intervals, I couldn't DO the freakin core moves! But then again, maybe I need to do it a second time. Because to tell you the truth, i wasn't as in love with MMA Boxing yesterday as I was the first time (still LIKED it, but not in LOVE). So maybe I'd love CCC???? I do understand how you felt though. ..... Oh my sorry about the explorer report breakdown. It sounds quite tramatic (to YOU and him!). ... Yesterday was crappy for me all around. The stress of buying the dishwasher, and then doing Zach's Glucose Sensor site. WHICH, btw, he did AWESOME with. NO breakdowns, no fits, NO crying! He just took it, without a word! I was so proud of him. ... BUT, it was at such a busy time (I was cooking supper) and I didn't get to do it. I was way too wired, and I had stuff boiling on the stove. I watched, again. I was wired all evening, actually. It was just a shitty feeling day for me. .... (Sorry this turned into a rant about my day! :eek:)

I better get going ,

I'll BBL
Beth, ugh, I hate when there are technical issues with the DVD player!! Glad you eventually got a workout in. I did Cardio Core Circuit and it was tough - can't remember if I liked it or not, though! That is frustrating when an easier, probably more enjoyable workout burns the same calories. But, maybe you have more of an afterburn from a tougher workout - burn more calories for a few hours later? Just trying to make you feel better! ;) Oh, I hate those projects!! Colin will get panicky about them too, and wind up in tears. Then nothing gets done. He had a ton at the beginning of the year, but not too many since. At least you know he has high expectations for later in life! I'm impressed that you can help with 5th grade math! I have a hard time helping Colin when he's stuck. I used to love math and algebra, but my mind seems to have turned to mush.

Chris, I don't think I really get DOMS from GS Legs, either. I'm starting to feel my leg workout from yesterday. Glad you finally got the dishwasher! I had to laugh at you cringing when Greg was looking at the ipod touch cases. I've been there - DH will just throw things into the cart at Costco - and nothing there is under $10 it seems. I'm thinking, whoa, slow down buddy! I handle all the money so I know what we have/don't have to spend.

Hottie, good mish mosh yesterday.

No workout yet for me today. My knee was really hurting last night. It's only when I walk on it a certain way. It's a bit better this morning. I may try to use the treadmill at lunch, but there's only three and I doubt that the New Year's rush has died down yet. It's so frustrating to go down there and there's no equipment.

Oh, Ian's team WON last night!! What a game - everyone was screaming by the end. Ian's team led most of the way, the other team caught up at the end and it was tied. Our team scored in the last minute or so, but the other team was down at their basket after that and had about five shots one after the other that didn't go in. It was kind of funny - you could tell it was the first game. Two players both started going towards the wrong basket and one of them was Ian. Thank god he didn't get down there and shoot it in!


Chris, rant all you want -- that's what we're here for, partially! Sorry you are feeling so run down. Do you think it's maybe post-STS tiredness hitting you somehow?

Great news about the whole needle thing! To be honest, I don't read all those details too closely because I just cannot imagine having to do that!! At least you are a nurse and I know you say that doesn't really help, but imagine someone who's squeamish about all that stuff to begin with trying to deal with it. No, don't imagine it -- you need to keep your reserves. :) I hope today is a better day!!

Joanne, I'm liking the theory about the bigger caloric afterburn. I will keep that thought. :D Oh, and on the 5th grade math.... part of the reason that I hate it is that I sometimes feel so stupid! They really do teach them in a way I never learned!

Isn't it funny how many households have the woman in charge of the money these days, and the men are sort of clueless about the big picture? It's not really like that at my house (Larry and I both have a decent idea of where the finances are), but I know a lot of couples in that boat. The man just spends without even thinking while the woman sweats. A different picture than the 1950s, definitely!!

Ok, on to other things....
Ugh. I was on such a good streak, and I just HAD to eat this afternoon. I tried to convince myself to eat "clean" first. I was going in search of leftover Christmas candy (M&Ms? maybe?) and then talked myself into something at least healthier, so I ate cocoa flavored almonds. I ate a LOT of them, but not at least not the M&Ms.

Joanne: Sorry your knee is sore. Running probably isn't the best thing either. Sometimes I get a little crick in one knee, mostly when I run. Probably will be in your favor if the TMs are filled! .... I could NOT believe the prices on the cases in the iPod store. Holy moly! The cheapest was $35!!! that's robbery. I told Greg I'd carry mine in a grocery plastic bag instead :p. .... What a fun game that must have been for Ian!!! exciting!!!! Doesn't your heart just drop out of your toes when you see YOUR kid running in the wrong direction? Glad he caught himself!!!

Beth: Ah! Thanks for lettting me rant (aka bitch)..LOL! I know the insulin pump and needle thing is VERY daunting. I wish I didn't have to know about it either. I know when I met a mom at an old diabetes support group we used to go to, she said her DH was "too squeamish" of the needles, etc, so SHE had to do EVERYTHING for her diabetic son. I couldn't even imagine. I'm so very VERY grateful that Greg is SOOO good with ALL of this. He's pretty amazing. (He just hates when I talk hospital blood and wounds at the dinner table).

Greg does a lot of the bills, but I do my personal ones. He kind of took over, because I used to screw up the checking acct too much! LOL! My check book is a MESS! he does our joint checking all online.

Yep, cooking calls me....
Oh yeah, Joanne, forgot to comment on the game.... sounds like it was very exciting and fun! Must have been a great boost for their confidence.

Funny about the grocery bag ipod case, Chris -- maybe you could come up with a product there. :D

I am freezing today.... just can't warm up. Don't know what the deal is.

I did my math segment. I told them I could do only once a month because I have to take the day off work since it's right in the middle of the day. Well, for the rest of the year I'm on every other week and I overheard the coordinating mom talking today and even more people are dropping out and I feel so bad for her -- she does so much -- so, I will keep to the schedule I told her. It was all multiplying and dividing decimals today. I had to remember the rules! The kids were slightly better behaved today. Funny, there is one girl Travis has never like and always complained about and today was the first day she ever really interacted with me and I had to bite my tongue more than once when I almost said "you're just a girl version of Travis." Makes me wonder if that's why she bugs him so much.

Hottie, your whole post got eaten?

I am in sort of a funk!
Hi ladies. I can relate to the "funks". I've been in one lately, though, have been feeling a bit better. I love that we can all come here and pretty much say whatever we want.

Beth, too funny about the girl. Similar personalities can definitely clash! Yes, my heart did drop when I saw Ian going the wrong way! Luckily he stopped before it was too noticeable.

Chris, think of the positive - at least you talked yourself into something healthier! I decided against the running - I realized I've felt this same sort of pain after running occasionally and to be honest, used that as an excuse not to go!! But, really, it's probably better to rest it today. I'll do something tomorrow. I've found everything at the Apple stores is more expensive. Target has ipod cases for much less. Watcha making for dinner??

We're invited to a 50th birthday party tonight for a friend of a friend. I'm not sure I want to go - well, I know I don't! But, I feel like a fuddy duddy telling DH to go without me. I'd rather stay home and have a movie night or something. I know most of the people there, but it's kind of a cliquey crowd and we haven't been doing much with them over the past few years, so I always feel kind of out of place at any gatherings. They are all really nice, fun people, but I'm just not up for it tonight. Then I know DH will want to stay late and I'll feel crappy tomorrow and I have a lot to do. Ugh - I don't know! We're going to a neighbor's Saturday night for a Battle of the Sexes game with some other neighbors. That I'm looking forward to since I know them all really well and we always have a good time. And, it's right across the street.

Have a great weekend everyone! Yeah, no work Monday! No school either - have to think of something for us to do so we're not driving each other crazy!


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